Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 811 The actions of the Navy and the Revolutionary Army

No matter how old a woman is, it's still scary when she loses her temper.

Regardless of whether this Ackerman has any problems or not, I am afraid he will not be able to escape disaster, even if he is exonerated.

Maybe it can wash out a heart that really cares about the navy.

As for the current situation in the Four Seas and the Warring States Period, they were also very helpless. It would have been nice if they could have maintained the high-pressure patrol state before the South China Sea was exposed.

Zefa should say that he did some good things before joining the revolutionary army.

As a result, the situation suddenly changed.

After all, he was forced to retire in 2016, and the position of marshal was handed over to the commander-in-chief.

When that commander-in-chief was in office, he was focused on helping the World Government intervene in all aspects of the navy.

The combat department is tightly controlled by people from the Navy Headquarters, but other places have no reason to refuse orders from above.

Especially the work done by manpower is almost penetrated into a sieve.

The focus is not on suppressing pirates, so I really have to be responsible for the random thoughts in the world.

That is to say, in the middle of 22 years, when Kizaru came to power, the navy resumed its suppression of the sea.

And the first half of the pacifist suppression indirectly helped the Navy quickly stabilize the situation.

But there has been almost a blank period of 6 years from 2016 to now.

In many cases, the revolutionary army relied on encircling and suppressing pirates to maintain order at sea, and the naval base did not take any major action against pirates.

However, the military strength in the South China Sea is limited and the only way to avoid collision with the navy is to fight around some big targets, so the situation and order have still deteriorated to a certain extent.

Moreover, those navies who left the Grand Line would always make some mistakes for various reasons.

In particular, the rank of base commander is already very high, and his position is close to that of a major general in the headquarters.

Human heart.

It can be seen that if the revolutionary army is really launching, the other three seas will not be able to withstand it. What Ackerman did this time is not entirely bad.

So seeing his old friend so tired, he wanted to persuade him to relax, but he couldn't let go of his worries about the navy.

It's better to pretend to be deaf and dumb to avoid getting burned.

Of course, Counselor He was just losing his temper.

She quite agrees with the matter of cleaning up moths within the Navy.

There are many departments within the Navy, and many systems are dozens or hundreds of years old.

Even with their qualifications and status, they can't change it, because too many people's interests are involved.

Unless an independent review method like the Revolutionary Army is used, the situation within the Navy will be much better.

Moreover, the Navy is currently in a backward position in terms of belief and sense of mission.

The concept of justice was once again diluted after being controlled by the world government headed by Cyborg Kong for 6 years.

According to those in the World Government, it means de-Warring States.

It's really ridiculous. I'm doing this for myself? I am doing this for the entire navy and for the stability of the sea.

It is no longer useful to say this. Now a few old men and women gather together mainly to discuss how to deal with Ackerman.

The North Sea is so big. If they just patrol the base, they will return to Marineland in a few months.

At that time, we had to have a showdown with the chief of staff no matter what.

On the surface, if he continues to stay like this, the navy will be prosperous, but the hidden dangers and hidden waves will definitely be very huge.

Sometimes it is not the enemy who kills people.

And the Warring States Period also discovered a very terrifying thing.

At first, he thought that the new marshal Huang Huangzuo trusted the chief of staff, so he was letting the other party's actions go without being alert to the dangers involved.

But after this period of observation, Sengoku always felt that Kizaru knew something but didn't tell them.

So these connivances are not hidden, but intentional connivances.

As a result, the room fell into a very strange atmosphere, and the Warring States Period was unsure about what to do with the crane staff.

This guy who turned out to be the most salty among the three generals seemed to have his thoughts hidden behind his cynical expression.

Kizaru is definitely not just lazy. No one would let the other party do whatever they want just because they are too lazy to think.

The three people discussed it over and over again and finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

Garp laughed.

You two scheming guys can only discuss this for a long time. I can come.

Warring States snorted coldly, he was not the marshal of the navy now.

He didn't have any official power to take action against a new marshal's personal chief of staff.

Whatever you do is very sensitive, and you can't do anything because your hands and feet are tied.

Otherwise, do you think he has any means to deal with that guy?

Officer He who was watching was angry at first and then calmed down.

Because the two old guys, Garp and Sengoku, started fighting each other again, in a very childish way.

It is inevitable for the navy to engage in some small actions.

Naturally, the revolutionary army will not lag behind, and it will make a big move.

After all, according to the plan left by Noah during his lifetime.

In 1524, there is a possibility of a decisive battle, and the end of this world is coming.

So the year 1523 is a very critical year.

The usual post-year meeting began.

This time almost all the big cadres are back, including the top combatants.

The meeting location was not on the Resurrection Island, but after many adjustments, it ended up on a flagship, and it was just moving in an orderly manner on the sea.

There were even several camouflaged ships running around in the South China Sea at the same time, and they were extremely cautious.

This is to prevent others from being ruined by Im.

Taking such a risk to get together is naturally a big deal.

Because what is being discussed this time is the route issue, a meeting that can determine changes in the world's structure, whether the revolutionary army decides the navy.

There was a little interlude before the meeting.

During the period, they also discussed things about Noah, and they had some opinions on the fact that Noah’s name has not been added to the West End Cemetery.

Even if I say I want to keep a thought for Robin, I still have to do some work after he is gone.

For example, to reminisce, or erect a monument or statue.

Otherwise, the Navy would admit that Akainu had been killed in the battle, and the Revolutionary Army would never give out exact information.

The people of Nanhai and those who have been helped by him always have a place to pay their respects and place their feelings.

This matter has been dragging on for a long time, and top players like Fujitora and Jinbei have also expressed their opinions in this regard, so Long has to pay attention to it.

But what could he say?

Long used his cold expression to cover up his desire to complain.

That guy is now the Chief of Staff to the Admiral of the Navy, and his life is very comfortable. He is sitting on a warship with a bunch of subordinates under his command.

They have almost finished cleaning up the four seas. It can be said that they have single-handedly promoted the revolutionary army's four seas strategy.

And set up a tomb for him?

If it pops up in the future, will this monument be excavated or not? Better save it for Noah to use later.


Long coughed, then changed his tone.

I think we still have to listen to Robin on this matter.

Robin also showed a sad expression at the right time.

It means that Noah said before his death that if he disappeared from this world, he would not necessarily die.

Because when you have not completed your career, even if you turn into a ghost, you will find a way to return to the human world.

And so far, no evidence has been found that Noah died. Even Wado Yimonji may have escaped after being seriously injured.

Even if no trace is found on the bottom of the Western Sea, it is possible that he is hiding in space.

What if, what if he is still alive.

It was said that she almost cried sad tears in both her voice and appearance.

And those who want to erect monuments and pay tribute seem to be the murderers who persecuted her, causing everyone to suffer from conscience condemnation.

it's okay no problem.

That makes sense. I will go to the West Sea to see it then.

I also believe that Noah will not leave us so easily.

Robin, it's not about condolences, it's about keeping hope.

Everyone's tone changed, and they felt that this matter should not be mentioned in front of relatives, it was too damning.

This matter was revealed at once, and no one dared to continue discussing it in front of Robin.

Long secretly sighed inwardly that he was indeed the son of the devil who ran away from O'Hara with Noah. His acting skills were really spot-on.

It's your acting that will kill Noah. When he comes back, he will have to face so many tearful colleagues who were deceived by you.

How should he survive?

Robin didn't care, Noah couldn't do anything to her no matter how difficult it was.

Those who are favored are confident.


Long coughed twice to bring the topic back on track.

Let's discuss working on 1523.

It is an old tradition of the revolutionary army to arrange work at the beginning of the new year, and everyone took out pen and paper.

But this time it was different. Long said the documents were all ready.

Then let the guard stand guard at the door of the conference room, and then turn on the submarine mode of the ship.

The shipbuilding technology from Tom is becoming more and more abnormal, and the transformation is completed as soon as a few modules are installed.

As the ship went deeper into the sea, Dr. Tsukimi turned on many devices to prevent any eavesdropping.

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