Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 805 A Thousand Miles of Searching for Father

New World!!! That place where strong men are everywhere?

Usopp was trembling with fear just by hearing those descriptions. A rookie like him would die in a matter of seconds if sent to the new world.

I didn’t offend the revolutionary army, so why are they treated so differently?

Instead of sending it to the Ten New Worlds and leaving it alone, I sent it to the Red-haired Pirates to find your father, Jesus Bu.

Jesus Bu's sniping ability is second to none in the entire sea. Only by learning from the top masters can you close the distance with Luffy.

And face even more brutal battles in the future.

Now your method is just like joking. Whenever a strong person has murderous intentions, he will attack you.

Who said you are the weakest?

Usopp fell silent for a moment, as Robin's words just touched his heart.

He was obviously proud of his performance in the battle on Judiciary Island, but the truth was revealed by the other party.

He is truly the son of the devil.

Usopp has always been proud of his father, but there is still some barrier in his heart about meeting him like this.

He wanted to wait until he followed Luffy into the new world openly before he could see his father and proudly say that I am Usopp, the sniper king Usopp, the crew member of One Piece.

But it seems that the situation is indeed more urgent now, and I have to put down my dignity a little.

After hesitating for a few minutes, he actually made a decision, for Luffy and to realize his dream!

Actually, you can put on a mask and call yourself the Sniper King, even if you don't show your face.

Yeah, this way no one will recognize me!

The long-nosed man suddenly realized that it was the Sniper King who went to learn from Jesus Bu, not me, Usopp.

Silly boy, how can your father teach you if he doesn’t know who you are?

Do you really think that the Yonko's red-haired ship is Zendo? That's the Pirate King.

Robin also smiled. The parent-child bureau arranged by Noah was really bad.

The scene where the irresponsible father faces his son who traveled thousands of miles to find him must be very exciting.

The crooked energy on Shanks' ship could keep them talking for years.

It is estimated that Jesus will live in the shadow of A Thousand Miles to Find the Father after his release.

According to her understanding, Noah would definitely arrange for a certain newspaper president to take photos.

Even Robin wanted to eat this gossip.

Luffy, on the other hand, gave Roger's right hand Pluto Rayleigh for special training. Anyway, there were already Kidd and Sabo there and there should be no problem with adding another kid.

Rayleigh might not know much about how to develop the rubber fruit, and Noah only said four words to let nature take its course.

But Lao Lei is very good as an advanced instructor when it comes to the use of physical skills and overlord colors.

In the original work, Luffy's ability to grow so quickly after two years has a lot to do with the solid foundation laid by the Windless Belt.

As for Kaido's stick, that one is not called training, that one is called enlightenment.

If you understand, you will soar to the sky. If you don't understand, you will be beaten into meat paste, and then sent to Longchang for enlightenment through Baogoro.

The subsequent promotion is already considered a blessing, and competing with the Four Emperors is just a matter of thought.

It is not something that mere mortals can hope for.

Besides, Kaido had been hacked to death a long time ago, so the scale of this stick was really difficult to grasp. Yamato doesn't have enough skills, so he can only give up this shortcut method.

It would be more reliable to leave it to Rayleigh.

Almost everyone in the top ranks of the Revolutionary Army knows how to play Sakura, and they can also teach Straw Hats.

As for how to convince Reilly, it is also very simple.

After sending the money and wine without telling Xia Qi and telling the story of the Straw Hat, I believe Rayleigh would still be willing to give some noodles to the heir to the captain's will.

Besides, this is the new generation of pirates.

How many years have passed, the revolutionary army has been booming and the pirates have been languishing. Now, finally, a good young man with good character and strength has come out. How could he be willing to refuse?

In the end, only Weiwei and Cornis were left without arrangements.

Cornish is fine.

A little girl from the Sky Island who looks gentle but is actually very reckless has a very ruthless fighting style.

The tactical confusion that is completely different from his gentle and cute face and soft-spoken conversation is very successful.

Rob Luqi was also an old murderer, so he still got away with it.

She definitely has the potential to become a strong person, and she did things like using herself as bait and then killing her without any hesitation. Robin really admired her.

The only limitations may be physical fitness and attack methods.

What kind of volley attack shells are there? That thing has an upper limit and is not flexible. It is far less powerful than the boxing skills of our revolutionary army Shingenryu.

As for the physique, if the Revolutionary Army can use so many secret medicines to stack up, there will be no problem.

Moreover, Cornis's physique is not much different from that of monsters, but is still better than that of ordinary women.

What's more important is that the talent for seeing, hearing, and color is very outstanding, and the inner network of self-awakening is not that simple. It just so happens that Princess Otohime can teach her at the same time.

In this way, a single player can replicate the tactics they used against Kizaru in the Battle of Pioneer Island in 2016.

You can almost see a rising supernova of female powerhouses.

The most difficult one is Weiwei.

Both physical constitution, will and ability belong to the category of deviation. And her identity is very sensitive. She is the princess of Alabasta.

The revolutionary army owed Alabasta a favor, which was the piece of historical text in the funeral hall, so they couldn't deal with it casually.

She has had a poor foundation since she was a child and has never experienced hardships.

After much thought, the best place for her was Amazon Lily.

The use of domineering power and physical training on Nine Snake Island are very systematic, and even women can do it ruthlessly.

And the empress' aura can suppress Weiwei's princess temper, which is simply an excellent choice.

Grandma Ye can also teach Weiwei the broadmindedness and wisdom she needs as a leader.

The next king of Alabasta will also be the Queen of the Desert. This is the path she wants to take.

Finally, Noah said that most of the Celestial Dragons have cerebral palsy, but they are all pretty strong people.

It seems that Weiwei also has the possibility of awakening her Overlord color, and she hopes that she can have a chance of breaking through when she goes to Nine Snakes Island.

In short, this arrangement has been arranged for all the members of the Straw Hats and everyone is very satisfied.

Even Luffy felt that the Revolutionary Army was indeed very good to them after hearing this, and the balance in his heart had already tilted.

It's time to make a decision.

At this time, Usopp suddenly thought of something and asked Robin seriously.

We have to go to the Seven Waters Capital first. The Melly is still waiting for us there.

Yes, the Merry.

These people have such big hearts, Robin said, covering his head.

“You may not be aware of the intensity of the outside world’s pursuit of you.

Luffy is now a pirate with a bounty of 300 million, but his record is vague to the outside world.

There are countless pirate hunters, navy and pirates who want to take the heads on your neck to prove their strength.

Including everyone else, you all have a bounty on your head, so don’t show up for now.

As for the Meili, we will find a way to transport it back to the South China Sea for reinforcement.

The strength of a fast sailing ship with a central rudder simply cannot support the navigation of the Grand Route.

You must have also felt the difficulty and pain of it.

We try our best to upgrade the ship without destroying the original shape.

As for technology, you can absolutely rest assured. The best shipwrights are in the South China Sea, and the best materials are also in the South China Sea.

As for the upgrade bill, it will be sent to you in the end. Please be sure to pay it off when the time comes.

Our debt collection is also very professional.

At the last sentence, the devil's son showed a terrifying expression that startled everyone, followed by laughter that succeeded in his evil intentions.

Nanhai's money didn't come from strong winds. Even if Luffy was Dragon's son Otohime, he wouldn't approve this way of using money, so it can only be said to be borrowing money.

Or Long could pay for it himself to help his son repair the boat. There is a high probability that the popular guy would not agree.

Usopp didn't care that much, but he was just happy because he really liked the Merry number.

Weiwei's focus was different. She blinked her big eyes and asked expectantly.

Am I even included in the latest reward order?

Yes, Princess Weiwei is also on a bounty order.

There are hundreds of millions or tens of millions on this ship, so I must be no less good.

Robin smiled meaningfully.

Weiwei, the reward is 100 Baileys.


Bursts of laughter erupted from this desert island, and everyone was laughing crazily. How could there be a bounty of 100 Baileys?

It’s almost the same price as a newspaper. Then why catch her? It's not even worth a few pieces of bread.

Weiwei's face turned red with anger.

Oh my God, if this bounty reaches Alabasta, the princess's face will be completely lost.

But she didn't understand that there were many stories behind this 100 Baileys.

The World Government is also worried that if it sets a high price for Princess Vivi, some people will take risks.

Even if it says capture alive, some people will use some rough methods and even kill them accidentally.

So I can only use this low reward to tell others that there is no need to catch this girl.

King Kobra, who was in Albana, almost had a heart attack.

I thought the Straw Hats were good guys and they were just an ordinary adventure group, but T* directly attacked Judiciary Island and declared war on the World Government.

Fortunately, they finally won the victory and escaped from Judiciary Island. At least there was no news that anything happened to Weiwei, and the World Government's statement of 100 beli also made him feel relieved.

Weiwei~~ pay attention to safety

The old father shed tears.

On the desert island, everyone felt much better after knowing their respective journeys. After that, they must have a serious banquet.

Being able to attack Judiciary Island and escape unscathed to rescue your companions must be something that you can enjoy with good food and drink.

Luffy also met his two brothers, which was double the happiness. Of course, when Sanji and his sister met, it was triple the happiness.

Seeing everyone laughing happily, Sanji helplessly drank a bottle of wine.

Unexpectedly, he still couldn't break away from his sister's clutches in the end. He didn't resent this kind of family affection and even felt a sense of happiness after being bound. This is family.

Straw Hat's infectious energy is really strong. During the singing and dancing banquet, he used moves that only a mentally retarded person could come up with and made Robin laugh.

If you haven't joined the Revolutionary Army, it might be a good idea to join a pirate group like this.

Realizing that soon everyone would be separated temporarily, the carnival became even more crazy and thorough.

Noah has returned to the Western Sea.

Morgance, yes, it's me.

There will be some interesting news about red hair recently that you can pay attention to.

Yes, it was posted by the red-haired number one sniper Jesus, don’t forget to take a photo.

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