Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 806 New Pacifists Suppress the Sea

The famous Straw Hat Pirates suddenly disappeared and disappeared on the sea.

They didn't recruit any troops, didn't continue sailing, and even their pirate ship mysteriously disappeared.

Some people say that Luffy has been killed by the navy, some say that Luffy went to the New World, and some say that Luffy went to the South China Sea.

Even the Merry made up ghost ship legends.

The goat-headed demon ship wandering in the dark following the ocean currents on the Grand Line will take away the lives of those who see it.

At the same time, many people who know Luffy are also worried about the whereabouts of this little guy.

It was rare for the Warring States Period to ask Kizaru to ask Ackerman where his old friend's grandson had gone.

Ackerman's reply was that he seemed to have been taken away by the revolutionary army.

This group of old people were immediately relieved that no one who knew Long's identity would worry about Luffy's treatment.

They shouldn't be sent somewhere to be rehabilitated. After all, the Revolutionary Army only tried guilty pirates.

Only Garp was so desperate after receiving this news. This grandson was a pirate and a revolutionary soldier, so rebellious.

I really don’t know what my identity will be when I come out again.

Damn it, if I had known about the demon-slaying order, I should have followed him and captured Luffy and taken him back to the Marine Headquarters to correct him.

But it is too late, the progress of the times cannot be stopped.

Other concerned people also had their own thoughts. The red-haired man was worried at first, but felt relieved after Ace contacted him.

But he fell into another strange emotion.

The old captain's son suddenly contacted him and said he wanted to give him a big gift. It would definitely make most of the red-haired group happy, so stay tuned.

Shanks doesn't care much about Ace's current route. He doesn't look at bloodline, only the ideal.

Therefore, we need to think more about the issues behind this, whether it is another small calculation by the revolutionary army.

There are so many people who have been used openly and openly that I feel a shadow in my heart.

It’s even more lively on the sea. Everyone thinks this year is really exciting.

All kinds of gossips are flying all over the sky, and they continue to ridicule the incompetence of the world government.

Even if you can't defeat the revolutionary army, even a few small pirates are incompetent.

It seems that the big men on Mariejoia are all trash. What is there to fear about such trash?

If many careerists hadn't been eliminated by the revolutionary army in advance, they would probably be in chaos by now.

Of course, it was Robin who took over the task of damaging the reputation of the World Government. This kind of thing has almost become a routine for the revolutionary army.

Seize every opportunity to weaken the fear that has held the sea for 800 years.

The heated battle on Judiciary Island seemed to have come to an end.

The world government headed by the Five Old Stars was very angry. They were slapped in the face but couldn't even find anyone to take revenge.


Rob Lucci should be sent to Dantou Island for reformation.

Okay, you can bring out the pacifists. We can't let the world continue to be in such chaos.

Clean up the pirates in the paradise stage and let those scum know who has the final say in this world.

The revolutionary army among them.

When Master Yimu takes action, no one can stop this world from returning to zero.


As the instructions were conveyed, the posture of the world government was adjusted.

Countless mysterious boxes were sent to various parts of the Grand Line.

The Navy was also required to fully cooperate with this weapons test, and Kizaru also issued an order to convey it.

You can't just take office and not listen at all. The funds are still being distributed.

Combating pirates is also the navy's long-cherished wish, and Sengoku and other seniors agreed.

Noah was also puzzled after receiving the message, because the relationship between the Navy and the World Government is now very tense.

So not everything is shared.

Even half of the control of the scientific troops stationed on Egghead Island was taken away by Mary Joa's people.

What could it be

No matter, just inform Long.

At the same time, this movement was immediately captured by the revolutionary army, and then all important strongholds on the Grand Route fell silent.

Bonnie sent several powerful men to keep an eye on the whereabouts of these things.

Several loudmouths were deleted back and forth by the Revolutionary Army and the pirates. With the tyranny of the World Government, they must do something to fight back.

Therefore, most of the activities after Judiciary Island, except for the publicity group, are at a low frequency.

Now that I finally saw movement, I breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of pirates are burning, killing and looting, led by the giant ape Raditz who has a bounty of 50 million beli.

Raditz was very happy to kill a navy lieutenant casually.

You must know that he is a great pirate who has escaped from the hands of the revolutionary army. This record is recognized by the entire Grand Line.

Everyone knows that the revolutionary army's attitude towards pirates is more vicious than the navy's.

Raditz relied on his own strength to break out of the encirclement and recruited a new group of people to form a new pirate group.

We can't stay in the first half. After a few more votes, we will go to the new world and join the New Pirate Alliance.

This guy's career plan is very straightforward and he knows where his limits are.


Another navy ship?

Are these guys really not afraid of death? It's just a small ship.

Raditz said so, but his guard was full.

For 50 million pirates, at least one medium-sized ship or a small fleet is needed to round them up.

The only possibility for a single ship is that there is a strong person on board.

So he watched the ship closely and prepared to escape.

As for the crew? What it is?

The giant ape Raditz, now that he is captured, he still has a chance to advance into the city and survive. If you dare to resist, you will be shot to death!

A navy lieutenant stood on the bow of the ship and shouted. The content was standard and useless.

He didn't know how many times he had heard this in his life. If he was afraid, how could he continue to be a pirate?

And is a mere captain of the Navy Headquarters so crazy?

A scumbag with a combat power of only 5.

He blurted out a catchphrase he didn't know where he learned it from. Although Raditz was confused, he wasn't scared.

Seeing this, the Navy didn't waste any words, it was just going through the process.

The follow-up matters can be left to the people in the scientific force.

A huge black box was transported out. The science team stepped forward and pressed the code on the password door before the airtight door opened.

Bah~~bang! ! !

After the door was fully opened, what was inside scared everyone.

It turned out to be a humanoid creature nearly 7 meters tall, with stitching marks all over its body and a cold expression.

He has a hair style like a shallot, two horns on the side of his forehead, and his ears and teeth are as sharp as a devil's.

There are cross-shaped sutures from the head to the neck, similar to stitching wounds. The fat lower body does not match the black tuxedo.

This twisted and twisted thing is extremely oppressive. If he were still alive, he would be a terrifying and powerful man.

What, what is this? Zombie?

Raditz looked at the tall creature inside and took two steps back in fear.

Something is wrong, very wrong. This thing has no life! There is everything on the sea, even zombies. There are many legends.

But this monster's aura is too powerful. He actually suppressed it and directly felt fear in his heart.

You must know that the giant ape fruit brings violent beastliness, and now it seems that the instinct of the beast has been awakened again, which is to run fast!

The navy lieutenant was first surprised and then doubtful. He seemed to have seen this somewhere before.

Target: Giant Ape Raditz, locked.

The mechanical sound came from the body of the humanoid creature, not from its mouth.

brush! So fast!

The huge size does not make the little giant bloated but gives it endless kinetic energy.

He dodged directly behind the enemy, and a huge shadow covered Raditz's figure.

Then he punched hard, and the huge wind of the punch was visible to the naked eye.

If you can't take this punch, you will die!

The extreme sense of crisis made Raditz immediately activate the fruit's beast form without even having time to turn around.

Roar! ! !

The body size increased dramatically,

Huge muscles burst through his clothes, and brown hair began to cover his body.

The two inverted fangs in his mouth flashed with cold light, and his eyes turned blood red.

A violent and primitive atmosphere exploded on the beach.

This was the physical strength that gave him the confidence to break out of the encirclement of the revolutionary army and sweep away everything.

When he was in the North Sea, he used his pectoralis major muscles to carry a naval artillery shell with only a slight chest tightness. He could even break a ten-meter-high rock with one punch.

Countless people have died under this move. For example, the pirate rising star Devil Boy Piccolo was killed because he underestimated this move.

King Frieza, one of the overlords of the North Sea, once recruited him, but unfortunately his country was conquered by the revolutionary army.

Even I was caught and tried in Nanhai, and was eventually shot.

It's your misfortune to push yourself to this extent, the Navy and this unknown little giant.

Die! ! !

Roar~! ! !

A collision occurred between the giant ape and the humanoid weapon.

boom! ! !

The result was a disastrous defeat for the giant ape.

The majestic giant ape has not been majestic for a few seconds, and the iconic chest-beating movement has not even been made.

He was severely beaten away by a ruthless fist.

Boom! ! !

Raditz, who smashed countless boulders and houses, finally ended his passive roll.

Huge pain was sweeping through the nerves, and it was no longer possible to tell where exactly the pain was in the body.

Even the right half of his body has lost consciousness, which is really bad.

Why are there such things on the Grand Line?

After struggling to open up the ruins and climb out, he saw that the enemy had appeared in front of him.


The wildness of the giant ape was wiped out with one punch, and now it was a cowardly Raditz holding the skin of the giant ape.

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