Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 804 Split the Straw Hats

If this continues, sooner or later something will happen or something you don't want to see will happen.

Not to be alarmist, but I have seen too many pirate groups like this.

We, the Revolutionary Army, have no hostility towards adventurous groups like yours who have no evil deeds. In addition, you guys have very close ties with us. You even have many relatives in the Revolutionary Army. Naturally, we don’t want anything to happen to you. .

When speaking of this, Weiwei suddenly spoke and interrupted Robin's words.

She had a deep fear of this uninvited black-haired woman.

As the princess of Alabasta, she also has access to a lot of information. In her opinion, it is not so much the Straw Hats that are the source of the trouble, but Robin and the legendary man who are the real source of the trouble.

Before the raid on Justice Island, Luffy and his group were just an ordinary pirate group.

Moreover, the other party also expressed confusion about the fact that many relatives were in the revolutionary army.

Robin didn't mind the other party's doubts. Princess Vivi was still a bit knowledgeable.

So I randomly clicked on the name to confirm.

Sanji's sister is from our revolutionary army.

Reiju has always been very concerned about Sanji's schedule.

Including all the big things you did later made her very worried, and she almost rushed to the Melly to look for her brother several times.

And thanks to me for stopping her.

What Robin didn't say was that the guy who was a bit of a fanboy was not easy to fool. This time the matter on Judiciary Island was so big that he would definitely not be able to stop it.


Sanji lit a cigarette to relieve his sorrow.

He really didn't know what to say to his eldest sister.

This family relationship is very precious, and Sanji also cherishes it. But Reiju always tried her best to control him, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

How can I go to All Blue when my sister controls me so strictly?

No one else thought that Sanji had this relationship.

Kebi still remembered it because he had met his sister, a very violent and powerful woman, at the Sea Restaurant.

We even traveled together for a while before heading out to the East China Sea.

The other party didn't say where he was going when he left. Only Sanji seemed to know. It turned out that he was going to the Revolutionary Army. What an incredible choice.

Just this surprised the Straw Hats, and Robin's next words ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

Luffy's father is our current boss, the revolutionary Dragon.

Luffy's dad!!!

This thing is more scary. They only found out that his grandfather was a naval hero when they were in Alabasta.

As a result, it is now known that his father is the leader of the revolutionary army.

Are the people of the Monkey family too ferocious? It seems that Luffy always said that being the pirate king makes sense.

Otherwise, there would be no way to talk to the revolutionary army leaders and naval heroes on an equal footing.

Even Sabo and Ace were a little surprised.

Although they and Luffy are more like brothers, they have never heard a single bit of news about Luffy's father in Windmill Village for so many years.

Garp and the others knew that the old man who always bullied them never said anything about Luffy's father.

They all thought it was a sacrificed navy or something.

The result is that he is now his immediate boss~~~

Luffy, this idiot, doesn't say anything himself, which is really annoying.

Until now, I still look like I don’t care, I don’t know why you are so shocked.

Everyone was shocked by Robin's confession game. It turned out that this stupid guy had such a powerful background.

It's no wonder they didn't know that the World Government didn't include Monkey when it issued the wanted order for Dragon, just for fear of some bad influence.

And Long has never directly publicized his past to the outside world, and not many people know that he is the original candidate for Navy Admiral.

It was all said by Noah, who was very understanding of people and the world.

This confession was also explained by Revolutionary Lights, saying that the intuitions of these young people are sometimes very scary.

There are also all kinds of persistence, and it can be easily arranged by just throwing in some cruel stuff and blowing them up stupid.

At the same time, it also gives reasons to pay attention to the Straw Hats.

The big boss's son is the captain. It's impossible not to take care of him knowingly.

Even Weiwei was surprised by Luffy's identity, considering that even though she was a princess, she didn't have such a background.

The world is so crazy.

However, my grandfather is a naval legend, my brothers are cadres of the revolutionary army, and my father is a leader of the revolutionary army.

Why didn't Luffy choose any path?

Cornis did not suppress her curiosity and directly asked Luffy why he became a pirate.

As the last member to join, I heard from the very beginning that he wanted to become the Pirate King.

Now that I think about it, it’s unreasonable.

Luffy talked about the promise he made with Shanks when he was a child, that he must become the freest man on the sea.

Wait. Shanks.

Kirby discovered a blind spot.

Who is Shanks you are talking about? Is he a big pirate?

Weiwei, who was well-informed, once again pointed at Luffy, her hands trembling a little.

The Shanks you're talking about can't be the legendary Four Emperors, no, it's the red-haired Shanks, one of the Two Emperors.

Weiwei gave everyone some popular science about the Four Emperors and the top forces that can determine the fate of the sea.

Yes, that's him.

We have been good friends in Windmill Village for several years.

I remember saying that Usopp's father, Jesus, was also a big pirate in the Red Hair Pirates.

Usopp scratched the hair on the back of his head. He actually didn't know what Yonko the red-haired Shanks was.

I was just happy to hear that Luffy said that his father was a pirate under a man named Shanks and that he was a very powerful pirate. He didn't expect that it turned out to be such an awesome pirate group.

There was an explosion here immediately, and everyone began to realize that half of the people in this team had very different identities.

Especially Luffy, are there too many stories about his childhood?

At this time, Sabo also added that Luffy had interacted with the revolutionary lights when he was a child, which made the matter more lively.

The whistling Straw Hats made a fuss for a while before they stopped.

Looking at Robin again, he didn't understand that the other person was here just to take care of the big boss's son? It's definitely not that simple.

Yes, I am very busy every day. I can take time to see you just because I don't want you to enter the stage at the end of this era without sufficient strength.

As a rare member of the pirate group with a normal IQ, Weiwei seemed to have heard some terrible hidden meaning.

It seems that the revolutionary army wants to help them improve their strength.

“I really want to help you improve your strength.

If the current Straw Hat Pirates go further and reach the Shampoo Islands, they will be wiped out, because the navy has adjusted its structure and is no longer the navy of the past.

The world government has also strengthened its vigilance after experiencing the Mariejoia crisis.

So take a break for a year or two and improve yourself to be qualified to see the scenery we see.

Robin very calmly gave his advice or more than just advice.

Because she exposed the most bloody facts and the methods she gave touched everyone's hearts.

It's just that Kebi and others can no longer keep up with Luffy's pace, and there must be a way and place to improve.

The revolutionary army is unparalleled in terms of character, strength and ability, and it happens to be able to help them complete this step.

Not to mention the intricate relationship between the two parties, it now depends on what the captain wants.

If the captain accepts it, they will agree. If the captain does not accept it, they will accompany Luffy all the way.

Luffy fell into silence. He had no feelings for his irresponsible father.

But he also wanted to improve his strength and didn't want to see anyone fall again, so he got into a little tangle.

Finally, Sanji took the initiative to break the deadlock and asked who the revolutionary army wanted to help them improve their strength, and whether they needed to go to the South China Sea.

Of course I'm here to help you, Sanji, come with me.

Your strength is really embarrassing, you can't even defeat a mere CP9.

Another clear female voice came from the air, and then a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground hard, even creating a deep pit.

The person who came came dusted it off and walked out without any injuries.

Um. Who is this beautiful big sister? I seem to have seen this curly eyebrow somewhere.

Cornis was a little frightened when she saw the deep pit made. This body must be too hard.

And she is really good-looking. The purple hair and handsome cape all hit her mark. She aspires to be such a capable, powerful and tough image.

Sanji's face looked a little awkward.

Hey, Reijiu, why are you here?

How could you not call me sister, Sanji, you are a bad example.

The curly-haired cook who was scolded reluctantly called her sister, which made Reiju's face change from cloudy to clear.

I read the battle report and you have already begun to awaken, right?


Although he didn't want to admit it, it did help him gain a certain advantage in the battle.

“The Vinsmoke family is gone, you can now safely use all your power.

And your battle suit is still with me. Now I will take you for a special training to teach you how to control the power of your exoskeleton and the power of the battle suit.

Sanji was a little silent, he didn't want to leave alone while his friends still had an uncertain future.

Reijiu's mood suddenly dropped, this bastard!

When Robin saw it, he told them all about the arrangement.

There is no problem for Sanji to go to special training with Reiju, they are all members of the Vinsmoke family. He is very knowledgeable about science and physical fitness, so he is the most suitable teacher.

And you can also turn to the Bika Research Institute to continue strengthening, especially the material of the battle suit can be evolved for the second time through the black box.

This is the advantage of having a big power behind you.

And Noah said that Kerby's talent in physical skills is very good.

No matter how good you are, it takes time to grow. If you follow the Straw Hats and get beaten nine times in three days, you will definitely not have time to lay a good foundation.

It's definitely not possible to send him to the Navy. Old Man Garp has retired now.

But the people who are best at teaching students in the Navy are already in the Revolutionary Army. Zefa, the chief instructor of the Revolutionary Army, must be very fond of obedient and life-threatening physical arts students like Kebi.

This arrangement also shook Kebi's mind. Black-armed Zefa still had a great reputation as a non-killing general on the sea.

He didn't want to delay and retreat any longer, he wanted to gain strength even if he paid a terrible price.

Then there's Usopp. Usopp's sniping talent is unparalleled, and he can improve even if he is thrown on a desert island.

But this progress is still not fast enough, ruthless enough, or comprehensive enough.

Ever since.

Let Ace take you to the new world.

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