Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 803 Robin’s strong intervention

On a secluded desert island, Ace and Sabo were moving things out of the safe house, including some daily necessities and medicines.

This is a desert island marked by Ace.

The revolutionary army learned a lot from Noah, including some retreat routes and safe houses.

After everyone's wounds were tied up, the traditional banquet began.

The man on the sea likes this, not to mention a hearty battle and encountering relatives reunited after a long absence.

Everyone sat on a comfortable chair and grilled a campfire, with large pieces of meat on skewers, and rum and fruit at hand.

Noah had tried to change his eating habits before, doing things like frying and frying.

It’s not like there’s no such thing in the One Piece world, there are restaurants like Barati in many places.

It's a pity that the atmosphere of eating big meat and drinking wine is better on the sea.

Ace and Sabo watched Luffy talking and laughing very happily, as if the previous battle was nothing at all, even if he was beaten into a dog by the lonely red.

It's just a failure. I don't know how many times they have failed since they went to sea.

Some come from peers, some come from teachers, and some come from enemies.

Ace was doing fine when he was traveling as a pirate, and he was somewhat famous for his fire fist. However, he has been attacked in turn since he joined the revolutionary army.

He failed in cultural classes, average in physical arts classes, and his fruitful ability development was ridiculed as flashy.

He didn't even see as much of the world as the people at the Revolutionary Army Headquarters, so his travels were really in vain.

But after serious study and hard work, I have now achieved all-round breakthroughs, and at the same time I have developed an indomitable heart.

Not to mention Sabo, who was taken to the South China Sea by Noah when he was a child.

The few people who lived in Noah's cabin in the same batch were ruthless people from all over the world.

He thought that if he didn't have this meat ball fruit, he might not be able to see the backs of those perverts.

In addition, the first battle of his official debut was against the naval hero Garp.

He was punched down as soon as he ate the fruit, so he had a lot of experience with Sabo's failure.

So the two of them didn't have much feeling about the previous battle.

Personal victory and defeat no longer linger in their minds; what they value more is the success of the revolutionary cause.

Talent is important, but mind is the guarantee for reaching the end.

But other than the two of them, young people rarely encounter this kind of thing.

It was obvious to the naked eye that the members of the Straw Hats didn't have very good appetites. The meat was burnt and no one took a bite.

Breaking into Judicial Island, defeating CP9 and snatching away Weiwei, it can be said that this operation was a great success.

But this process was too tragic, and everyone was immersed in their own thoughts.

On that day, if one person makes a mistake, the whole army may be wiped out, and each person's dream can reach the end of life without having to realize it.

Luffy also realized his limits for the first time.

If the second half of the battle continues at this level, do you really have to risk the lives of the crew for your own dream?

Thinking about the tragic battle and the moment when his friends fell one after another, Luffy was rarely shaken.

Well, the Red Earl's purpose was achieved.

In the original work, every battle Luffy had before was difficult and difficult, but he defeated the enemy with his own strength.

This time too, if they simply killed Rob Luqi and then retreated, they could continue to maintain this momentum.

But Gugao Zhihong's intrusion interrupted the rhythm.

It was like a big mountain suddenly appeared in front of them, ruthlessly breaking the Straw Hats' illusions.

It turns out that the strong do not wait until the weak grows up before taking action, but take action at any time.

Just thinking that Luffy should change his crew, or that Luffy should become stronger, is unreasonable and forcefully plans the path of a young boy.

Fortunately, it is just to force the idea and not to kill you. This behavior of a general-level strongman is considered mild.

However, such wanton operations made the juniors unable to guard against it, and they saw in advance that the reality of the sea was willful and irritable.

Of course, it’s unknown how much manipulation Noah did here, but the effect was very good.

Cornis and Usopp, the two most seriously injured people, did not feel that depressing feeling.

He has a very accurate positioning of himself and considers himself a weak person.

Just do your best to keep up with your teammates without lagging behind, so you don’t have such a strong sense of responsibility.

And his performance in the previous battle was also very impressive, both in terms of mentality and real damage.

The perfect performance allowed the two of them to look at the future with a little calmness.

But some people are suffering very much, extremely suffering.

Kebi, a young man from a small town in the East China Sea.

At this moment, I have fallen into a very strange self-blame.

He felt that he was getting further and further away from the team, and it was obvious in combat and in other aspects.

He doesn't have top-notch sniper talent, doesn't understand technological creation, and has almost no knowledge of the ocean.

Only the physical skills he practiced blindly could not keep up with the increasingly intense level of combat.

During the battle on Judiciary Island, he was the first person to be killed instantly by Lu Qi, and he had no power to resist at all.

But I can’t find a way to improve myself and I don’t want to leave my companions, let alone be the one holding me back.

I felt very melancholy inside, and I had no appetite at all when looking at the tempting food.

Kerby's thinking is the way ordinary people think about being together with the protagonist, and that's a lot of pressure.

Family background, talent, bloodline, ability, and luck.

The pain of being crushed to a point of no glory was really unbearable. He was not yet the future captain of the Navy Headquarters and a member of the Secret Special Forces (SWORD).

Kebi was already in a lot of pain, and Sanji, who was the main combat force, was in even more pain.

Even the awakened exoskeleton from the Vinsmoke family could not protect his friends. He felt very desperate when watching Vivi and Cornis fall.

The white wings were blown to black and fell to the ground without any life.

At that moment, time was stretched infinitely, and the hands stretched out in vain had no power.

How could a gentleman fail to protect these two beautiful companions?

He was thinking about what to do. If this continued, it would not be good for everyone.

The few people around the bonfire were so depressed that they almost emitted black energy, and even the flames were suppressed and listless.

No matter how Ace and Sabo tried to stir up the atmosphere, it was useless, and the two of them were a little helpless.

Fortunately, the person they were waiting for was almost here.

Alala~~~, is this the Straw Hat Pirates that just became famous all over the world? Why doesn't it look very impressive?

A woman with long black hair walked out of the darkness, alerting everyone present.

This dark momentum is so strong!

The Straw Hats, who are still sensitive, feel that this sea is so strange.

Strong men appear in their world one after another.

Ace and Sabo both stood up and saluted the visitor.

Teacher Robin, you are finally here.

Yes, Robin is the professional specially arranged by Noah to solve the future of the Straw Hats.

She has many years of experience as an intimate big sister and as an intern in a compulsory study group.

The Minister of Education whose subordinates suppressed countless rookies in the revolutionary army.

Knowing that this mysterious and dangerous woman is Robin, the legendary devil's son in the Revolutionary Army, everyone's already unstable hearts were once again shocked.

This is the highest level of the revolutionary army, and they are like brothers and sisters to the revolutionary lights.

The records are all about Marie Joa, Marshal Kizaru and the like, which scares people to death.

But what is this woman doing here?

It's not like he came here just for us.

To put it bluntly, the gap between the members of the Straw Hats and the Sons of Devil is incomprehensible, but there is still some understanding of this.

Is that to give Ace and Sabo face? Oops! It's too much.

Everyone was confused and didn't know how to react. Even Sanji, the perverted cook who couldn't walk when he saw the beautiful woman, didn't get sick.

Because he felt that if he was rude, he would be beaten to death, in a physical sense.

Robin is also observing several members of the Straw Hats.

Especially looking at Luffy a few more times.

This little guy has never been out of sight of the revolutionary army since he appeared in Noah's eyes.

What an emphasis!

Someone has been arranged to observe Luffy since he was a child, and he will receive a summary of the situation in Windmill Village every month.

Even Noah would go and see such a child in person almost every time he went to Donghai.

So Robin has known about Luffy's existence for a long time, and this is the first time he sees Luffy in person.

If you look closely, you will see that apart from being a bit naive, brainless and relatively imbecile, he is a pretty normal good kid.

He has never done anything bad, and his eyes are quite clear.

But there is definitely something unusual about being paid so much attention to by that man. Apart from Im, it is Straw Hat that attracts Noah's attention the most.

He also often said some fascinating words. Robin and he had known each other for so many years, and it was natural that Robin could tell how serious Noah was.

She had seen all of Luffy's resume from before he went to sea to after he went to sea.

Basically, he is invincible. Every battle is difficult and he will risk his life, but he will win.

But just because of this, Ace has also gone through such a stage, and he is still the orthodox blood heir of One Piece, but he has not received such attention.

So where is Luffy's secret hidden?

Garp’s grandson Dragon’s son? It shouldn't be.

Just such a bloodline may amaze ordinary people, but it cannot attract their attention at this level.

That is the straw hat inherited from Roger and Red Hair. This is more of a place of faith.

What else could there be? Could it be a rubber fruit?

After eliminating all the impossible options, what remains is the truth.

Robin had a strong intuition that this rubber fruit should not be that simple.

It is said that Shanks was personally kidnapped from the CP department.

fruit free will era

So Noah arranged for him to come over and delay the Straw Hat's trip?

Most of the secrets of this world have been revealed by her, a historian, and there are only a few mysteries left, and Luffy is one of them.

Of course Robin won't show it, it's still a long time, now he needs to complete Noah's instructions.

So I found a chair very lazily and sat down.

Although he looks lazy, he has a strong aura as a gangster.

Facing the Straw Hats, he spoke calmly.

“This sea cannot be too chaotic in the past two years.

And someone said that you are the source of the unrest, so I came to take a look.

But it is a pity that the strength of everyone here has not reached this level, but the troubles caused are bigger than the last.

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