Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 726 Recasting the Word of Harmony

Captain Bucky brings a burst of joy every time he comes.

Others shouted from across the room, Shanks, come on. Someone even shouted Captain Bucky to come on.

They are friends anyway, and playing a dozen is a way to enhance friendship.

In the end, Yonko Shanks ruthlessly suppressed Yonko Baki.

In terms of combat experience, the red-haired Shanks, the real Yonko who has been honed in the new world for many years, is better.

Push your friend to the ground and rub him hard.

But Bucky was still unconvinced, and was kicked away by Shanks while cursing.

Shanks really didn't want to agree to Bucky's previous request.

Because that's too dangerous.

Moreover, without the assistance and guidance of the man behind him, it would be too difficult for his friend to complete this matter alone.

What he has to face is an entire new world of pirates.

And even if this step is completed, the ultimate goal is more dangerous than that fantasy plan. It can be said to be courting death.

He didn't even understand how this red-nosed clown-like guy came up with this naive plan.

Unify the new world! ! !

Is this something that a fake Yonko should have come up with?

What gave you the courage, Bucky!

Naturally, the red-haired man would not support the fantasy idea, but his friend's excessive insistence left him helpless.

In the end, when Shanks beat Bucky violently, he realized that although his friend was greedy for life and loved treasures, he was also a hero who didn't know how to give up.

At that time, he boldly went to Rogge Town and then parted ways firmly, and finally embarked on the road to the emperor again.

All of this is your own choice.

Now that the matter has come to this, what else can be done~~ There is really nothing we can do against this guy.

It seems that he must fulfill Captain Roger's last wish and find Ralph Drew again to bring a perfect end to the pirates.

Otherwise, the pirate world will be destroyed by this guy sooner or later.

As for Luffy, I'm sorry that time waits for no one.

If you can't find Raff Drew before Bucky, the madman, completes his plan, you'll have no chance.

Maybe even the title of Pirate King will be taken away by Bucky.

The horn of freedom must be sounded at the end of the era.

This is the redhead's path and is unshakable.

The fight was back to fighting, but the opponent's determination was determined and the red hair couldn't stop him.

Nothing can stop a man on the sea from realizing his dream.

He nodded helplessly and expressed his willingness to help him.

Captain Roger, Bucky is about to do something that you didn't do or didn't dare to think about back then. What is this thing called?

The real Pirate King unified the new world and called himself king. The false pirate king seeks out Raph Drew, the man who claims to be the freest.

What a time, how could such an outlier appear?

Bucky got the answer he wanted and returned home satisfied.

He asked for a promise from Shanks. A promise not to be spoken out at critical moments.

Thinking that the most difficult part of my plan has been overcome, I was trembling with excitement.

Teacher Noah, just stay in heaven and watch. As long as I complete such a plan.

That mysterious guy might come to cause trouble for me.

I will definitely catch him and send him to the execution stand.

Sure enough, the critical moment still depends on the strength of my Captain Bucky.

The clown, who thinks like a wild horse, decided to bring a gift to the sea.

Let this gift be a tribute to your teacher.

When he returned to Wano, he was informed that Robin, the education minister of the headquarters, was coming.

Hurry to inform Mitsuki Hiyori to come to the dock.

When they met again, Robin was seen looking sad and standing lonely on the shore with a weapon in his arms.

Hiyori felt her sister Robin's discomfort and was heartbroken.

She was also extremely sad at the death of her great benefactor who saved Wano Country.

According to the tradition of Wano, this is something that requires all the efforts of the whole country to avenge, but now we don’t even know who the enemy is.

This matter has been put on hold for now, and I don’t know if Sister Robin has a clue.

But she can guarantee that as long as she knows who her opponent is, thousands of guards from Wano will definitely follow the Avengers and charge.

This is the determination of everyone from top to bottom of the country.

Sister Robin, are you here to relax?

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and things have changed when we meet again.

The group returned to the Flower Capital and after a brief conversation, Robin revealed the reason for their visit, and that he was here to seek help.

At present, the Revolutionary Army headquarters does not know her movements and intentions, and can only ask people to provide help wherever Robin appears.

Wano Country is no exception. If something happens to Noah, his family must not be in trouble again.

Even if this person can easily blow up a mountain and overwhelm thousands of masters in the sea.

I heard that the craftsmanship of Wano Country is very good. I hope this famous sword can be forged again here.

Wado Yimonji?


They didn't know much about the inside story and didn't understand why Teacher Noah's relics had to be reforged, but they also took her to find Kozuki Sukiyaki.

The swordsmith is not simply hiding his identity. Sukiyaki is indeed a descendant of the legendary swordsmith Koche.

He has extremely high attainments in the appreciation and repair of weapons.

The moment I saw Hedao Yiwen, I felt that this weapon had suffered an extremely horrific damage, even though it had not yet been unsheathed.

When I reached out to take it, endless fantasies appeared in my mind.

The red figure roared, and endless sword light raged in the space.

A scorching magma hell flowed beneath our feet, and a great blue terror descended from the sky.


Sukiyaki almost knelt down in a cold sweat, gasping for air while sweating.

What's this? Is this the last moment of this sharp knife?

Mr. Feiche, how are you?

Everyone looked at him in surprise, how could he pick up a weapon and still scare people.

It doesn't matter, the magic weapon has spirit, but the aura it exudes unintentionally makes me almost unbearable.

Sure enough, there is a world of difference between the Supreme Sharp Sword and the Great Sharp Sword.

After carefully pulling out the knife, everyone present was shocked.

Looking at the appearance of this weapon, I originally thought that the damage to the handle and the crocodile was already very severe, but I didn't expect that the damage on the blade was the real source.

Various cracks were all over it, and the blade became pitted and several pieces fell apart.

The red sword body, which was usually as red as fire, was now dim and lifeless.


Just looking at the scars on the blade, one can feel the difficulty of Noah's battle.

There has never been such a situation where even the main body of the Great Knife was damaged, and it was still so completely damaged.

Take Qiu Shui as an example. After Ryoma slayed the dragon, he then fought against the World Government's army alone with his sword without causing any damage to the weapon.

Even the white-bearded Congyunqie has some damage on the blade, unlike this one where the whole body is almost broken, and now there is only a trace of sword intent binding the fragments.

“Miss Robin, this sword is almost dead.

It is almost impossible to repair it with current methods.

Sure enough, Robin's expression became even darker after hearing these words. Does it seem to be saying that even Noah’s relics cannot be repaired?

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