Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 725 Sneak Attack on Red Hair

Sure enough, the emperor recognized by Mr. Noah is by no means a general person, and your forbearance is also amazing.

From Sukiyaki's point of view, Bucky's temperament is unusual for being able to pretend to be a funny person for so long.

This time Noah really stood up and led everyone forward after his death, which is really admirable.

In the traditional thinking of Wano, forbearance is also a bonus.

I almost added tens of thousands of words of story content in my mind, and I convinced myself.

plz follow me.

He led the way to the secret room with a completely different attitude than at the beginning.

He opened the stone slab and walked all the way down to a transparent glass. This is the ruins of the original Wano Country.

There is also a piece of historical text placed deep in the clean room.

The Revolutionary Army has now collected enough historical texts, so this piece is still enshrined here.

Mr. Bucky, please don't tell anyone about what happened here after you get out.


“Wano originally ended up building a huge wall.

And what I want to talk about is the ancient weapon hidden in the deepest part of Wano Country-Pluto!

After that, Bucky and Sukiyaki continued to talk in detail in this unknown place.

It took half a day before it reappeared in the sun.

Then Bucky drove the Emperor Bucky and patrolled around the huge wall off the coast of Wano, thinking about some questions.

Brother Bucky, what are you going to do?

As comrades who have fought alongside him for so long, Yamato and Denjiro can still tell that this man who always smiles is going to do something very unusual.

The two friends were a little worried that Bucky would do something outrageous.

After all, they are essentially a revolutionary army, and there are some things they cannot do.

“I just feel that I don’t have enough power to help the headquarters.

Now that Teacher Noah has died, it will be up to us to fight a life-and-death war with this world in the future.

I don’t want to see more of my comrades die, so I have to stand up.

Then strength is needed, whether it is one's own or external.

Yamato, Denjiro, come and help me.

How about we do something together that will shock the world?

At this moment, Bucky openly told the two of his plans.

They were dumbfounded when they heard about this plan. It's even suspected that Bucky was carried away by Noah's sacrifice.

But after the man calmly explained his plan, he strangely felt that there was still a glimmer of possibility.

The eloquent emperor exuded a strange charm at this moment.

That is a kind of courage that will support me even if the sky falls.

And the overlord color rolling in Bucky's chest also grew on its own at this moment, no longer rubbing against other emperors but running forward on his own path.


The majestic Haki covered this sea area, and the already harsh waters outside Wano became even more rough due to the impact of the Haki.

The thunder in the sky also echoes the bold man on the sea who wants to pierce the sky.

The two followers looked at each other and saw in each other's eyes eagerness, fear, desire, determination and fire.

Captain, let us really do something.

The new world also needs a light to illuminate it.

The three fists collided heavily together, showing unswerving determination.

In a new world far away from the South China Sea.

One man, thought by the world to be cruel and cunning, decided to hold up the torch.

Light up this place that has always been regarded as the trash can of the sea and a gathering place for pirates.

Both Yamato and Denjiro were assigned their own tasks, and Baki now had to solve the biggest problem.

He got on his battleship and went to sea to find Shanks.

With his current strength, he doesn't need to worry about safety when sailing in the new world. There will always be opportunities to show his growth over the years.

Beckman saw such a clown king.

At this moment, Bucky's eyes were determined, and he carried a terrifying majestic momentum and a slightly scattered but astonishing overlord's residual power.

The red-haired ship was a little wary of such a change.

Anything can happen on the sea. It's not uncommon for someone who was once a nice guy to become a murderer after being stimulated.

It would be a disaster if Bucky's temperament changed drastically due to Noah's sacrifice and he had some thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Because the bond between Bucky and Shanks is fundamentally unbreakable.

But his own reminder was nothing to the redhead.

He believed that his little friend would never become the most disgusting scum in the sea.

Shanks was very happy about Bucky's visit.

Seeing the change in Bucky, Shanks thoughtfully took Bucky to a corner of the ship to try to calm down his little friend's mood.

Even an outsider like him would feel a little sad when he saw Noah's death, let alone Bucky.



One thing is like this,.

The two people didn't know what they discussed on the boat.

It was obvious that Shanks was very angry, with veins popping out on his forehead.

He even grabbed Bucky by the collar, but Bucky stared back not to be outdone.

You bastard, do you know what you're talking about?

I know.

Ha, this is your new ambition. It seems so childish and ridiculous to me.

It's a responsibility. You straw hat idiot!

I stopped wearing my straw hat a long time ago, you bastard. I can knock you down with just one hand!

The red-haired man's sarcasm made Bucky tremble with anger. I am the Yonko!

How could this bastard make me so angry?

So. Ada~~!

A beautiful straight punch hit the red-haired man on the nose.

This punch looked unpleasant and not very powerful.

It didn't even alarm the redhead. This is the weakness of the strong, and they will not react much to attacks like this.

Who would be wary of a small mosquito?

So when this light punch was about to hit the target, Bucky's domineering expression suddenly moved.

This half-hearted effort hit his old enemy on the nose, causing Shanks to burst into tears.

It's so despicable that this bastard relied on this method to fight. How could anyone use bullying to do such a thing!

In an instant, this high-end strategy, which is almost reserved for emperors, was immediately pushed to the bottom.

As expected of the president of the Cross Guild, this talent is too crooked.

Such a bad technique causes the person being beaten to become a little angry.

The red-haired man's trump card couldn't sense this level of threat at all, so he was considered a genius.

So I chose the most direct counterattack.

A very handsome friendship-breaking punch.


Ah! You guy.

This time the two of them fought each other seriously, with punches to the flesh. None of them had a tacit understanding and did not use domineering to protect themselves.

Hearing the fierce commotion inside, the red-haired crew members all laughed except Beckman.

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