Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 727 The real king of pirates

Low pressure enveloped the cabin.

After Tenguyama Hitoru said this, Baki and Hiyori were furious.

Old man, what are you talking about?

If you have any difficulties, tell me!

Bucky was the first to attack. Don't look at the secrets shared, but it's too inhumane to say this at this time. Let's try to put it in a gentler way.

Hiyori comforted Robin.

Sister Robin, don't be sad, or else I'll give Yama to you. There's no use keeping it anyway.

The national treasure of Wano is just a decoration now, and Hiyori's swordsmanship is not as powerful as the boxing skills he learned from Robin.

However, Wadou Ichimonji is a relic of Noah, and Enma is a relic of Kozuki Oden. Can this be replaced?

Apparently, Hiyori's brain was short-circuited due to anxiety.

Sukiyaki also understood that he had said the wrong thing, and thinking of the importance of the revolutionary army to Wano, he felt that he still had to make amends.

Ahem, I mean, in addition to the material, each supreme large sword also needs to have the owner's mark to form the supreme name.

The owner of this handle and the word Tao.

He said the wrong thing again, and he wanted to slap himself in the mouth.

“I mean, the material used to make this handle and Dao Yizi was pretty good back then, but it had not yet reached the top level before such a situation would occur.

If it were to be recast, the materials needed would be the highest quality ores, which could only be found but not sought.

This is one of the reasons why there are so few fast knives.

And even with such materials, if you want to repair it and bring it to a higher level, you still need a knifesmith with excellent skills.

The swordsmith who once forged this sword passed away during the Kaido Rebellion.

Therefore, without the Shuangyue family's sword-making method, even a skilled swordsman would have difficulty repairing this handle and the Taoist script.

The tough re-engraving only created another sharp sword, rather than the supreme sharp sword.

Materials, Shuangyue’s casting skills?

Robin raised his head and looked at Sukiyaki at this time.

There are as many top-quality materials as you need. The Shuangyue family also has knife-making techniques.

So can I make a sword?

Robin's aura became very fierce, which suddenly made Sukiyaki a little scared, and he nodded repeatedly.

This little girl's temperament has become so terrifying. It turns out that only death can make a person truly grow up.

Robin smiled reluctantly after receiving a positive reply.

After asking for the details of the materials, I contacted the headquarters.

The headquarters said it could be sent to Wano Country at any time, and the matter came to an end.

Robin seemed to have nothing to do when he came to Wano Country. After briefly chatting with Hiwa Kozuki about the development of Wano Country, he went to find Bucky.

They still attach great importance to the headquarters of external forces stationed by the revolutionary army in the New World.

Now Noah must not be here to cause chaos.

But from the moment she arrived in Wano Country, she noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere here.

It can be seen that everyone's morale has turned from sadness into struggle, but what is going on with this murderous intent?

Is it possible that something big needs to be done?

There are not many restrictions on the Revolutionary Army of the Cross Guild Headquarters in the New World. After all, they cannot interfere in everything when they are fighting outside for a long time.

Only major actions must be reported. No matter how you look at the current situation in Wano Country, there will be no small movement.

Bucky honestly told Robin his plan.

This is the person that Teacher Noah trusts the most, and if Sister Robin can help him, his plan will be implemented more smoothly.

At least applications from the headquarters will be easier to approve.

The subsequent war in the new world will require the support of hardcore masters and a large amount of logistical assistance.

Arms, medicines, ships, etc.

This is what gives Bucky the confidence to complete this plan. Behind him stands the second largest force in the sea.

Unify the new world and become the new Pirate King!

Robin's eyes widened in fright, and he almost shouted.

Did you take a different script from others?

In fact, you are Roger's illegitimate son, right?

Sure enough, Noah was right. Bucky is a very strange person.

He always makes the most unexpected decisions when no one expects them, and that decision is something that ordinary people would never dare to do.

Looking back in hindsight, Bucky's decision was the best choice at the time. This was an instinct, an unscientific instinct similar to luck.

Besides, does this guy really not know how to be afraid?

Now the great pirates remaining in the new world are just without the four emperors, and the remaining strong ones are still there.

There are at least dozens of big pirates with more than 2 billion Baileys. Such as Silver Axe, Wang Zhi and others.

There are countless more than 1 billion. Those below 1 billion will not be counted.

There are remnants of the Rocks era, remnants of the post-Roger era, and powerful pirates born in recent decades.

It's not that they are not famous, it's just that they were not given a role in the original work.

The New World is also a huge sea area, and each island has been divided into territories.

Even one of the four emperors would not easily fight against those big pirate forces.

The area outside the Yonko is occupied by these people.

Don't want it? Who would think that their territory is small, at least Kaido and Big Mom would not.

It can't be done, otherwise this sea area would be called the Yonko Sea Area. What would it be called the New World?

Except for pirates. In the new world, there are also guardians and strong guardians from various countries.

Elisabello II, the King of War of the Kingdom of Prodence.

Rollinger Rogan of Magiazka Kingdom.

The funky brothers of Mogara Kingdom.

There is even the legendary kingdom of giants, Elbaf. That place that no world government can occupy.

Just like the country of Wano, it is alone outside the world and has a transcendent status.

A new world that brings together the last essence of the entire Great Pirate Age. And the races handed down from various ancient times.

How can it be so unified?

At present, the Cross Guild only occupies the territory of the two emperors. If it expands any further, it will be targeted by all pirates.

No one wants to see a real Pirate King born.

If you want to accomplish this great undertaking, the price you have to pay is not small.

Even if the revolutionary army headquarters in Nanhai has the strength, they would not dare to do it easily.

In the past, the world government also continued to penetrate into these places, but it was still unable to open the door due to the joint rejection of the four emperors.

How could Bucky dare to strike so boldly? Just because the four emperors have become two emperors now?

Crocodile, the Empress, and Rayleigh, all the nominal strong men in the Cross Guild, will not come to assist him.

It’s almost impossible for them to do it on their own.

Robin was so shocked by Bucky's big plan that he almost couldn't keep his sad expression.

Bucky said he was not fighting a big war.

The Cross Guild will slowly expand in the new world, and the Red-haired Pirates will take a stand as the main force against the Cross Guild.

Shanks promised me that he would fight us to the end, so that no one would worry about my intention to unify the new world.

The world government will not notice us in the early stages either.

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