Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 722 If you want my life, take it.

Folding the newspaper in his hand and putting it aside, the article about Noah's death was on it.

Luo nodded seriously.

A man of the sea always has something to do.

Even if it costs you your life?

Kuleha's aura changed when she said this, and undisguised malice flooded Luo's heart like a tide.

The fruit of surgery, immortality surgery, is coveted by many people.

Luo didn't explode with momentum or put on a defensive posture.

He simply stretched his hands to both sides, exposed his chest, and said calmly:

Take it if you want it!

Hahahahahahaha~~~~! ! !

At the same time, Port 34, Shampoo Islands.

An ordinary bar.

Rarely, Raleigh didn't go out and gamble.

“Oh, it’s been really scary on the sea recently.

The intelligence business is not easy to do either. There are so many people asking me who that mysterious power is and how I know.

Xia Qi was a little irritated. Could she get the information that these people wanted to buy?

Even One Piece’s right hand is unclear.

Moreover, this guy Lao Lei is feeling sad right now, so he can’t ask further questions.

Xia Qi, who is usually very aggressive, knows when to give a man some space.

Riley sat at the bar and drank silently.

Noah's life and death were basically determined after these two proofs.

I still remember the boy who brought his sister to look for him many years ago.

The guy who brazenly said he wanted to change the world, he really almost did it.

But such is the fickleness of fate.

Just like he didn't expect that his captain would surrender for the ridiculous reason of illness and death.

Although the era of great pirates was ushered in, Roger could not see this era.

The same goes for Noah. He ignited the power of resistance in this world, but he can't see the final outcome.

Lei Li, who had never believed in fate, was in a daze at this moment.

Is there really any power in the sea that can destroy a man with such beliefs?


The door of the tavern was opened, and Xia Qi shook off the rag in her hand and roared at the door.

I don't know who killed Noah and Akainu, so don't buy any more information.

Not only is Lei Li annoyed, but she is also annoyed, okay?

Little Robin kept in touch over the years and met several times later.

She understands what Noah means to Robin. That girl must be very helpless and sad at this time, ugh~~

Well, we're not here to buy information, we're here to find a teacher for further training.


Riley looked up.

They are a sunny boy with blond hair and a rebellious red-haired boy.

He knew something about intelligence and understood that these were the rookies of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo and Kidd.

What are you two brats doing here? Aren't you afraid of being captured by the navy?

Although he was concerned, his tone was not very good, with a bit of an old-timer's pretentious tone.

Sabo didn't care about this tone, but someone did.

Kid walked up to Rayleigh coolly and said to Sabo.

Can such an old man really make us stronger?

I felt like I could kill three of them with one hand.


Rayleigh, who had been dull for several days, finally laughed.

He wasn't angry at all about Kidd's tone, he was even a little nostalgic.

Where did the revolutionary army find such a brat? His style is nothing like theirs.

When Noah came, he was impeccable, but as a result, the younger generations have become such characters.

Why don't you become a pirate with such a character?

I can’t figure it out.

Sabo covered his face and explained helplessly to Rayleigh.

Sorry, Mr. Reilly.

We heard from Teacher Noah that you are the top domineering instructor in the sea.

So I want to come and learn from him.

As for tuition fees, we can reimburse them at the headquarters, and you can pay as much as you like.

Rayleigh was a little curious. He knew the fruit abilities of these two little guys. They were definitely top-notch configurations.

Now we have to focus on learning domineering. What is the operation?

Sabo didn't hide Rayleigh's questions. This was a senior whom Teacher Noah respected during his lifetime, so he gave him Bika's research results.

When he heard that the mysterious person could block the fruit's control ability, Rayleigh's expression became extremely serious and cold.

In this case, they are the natural enemies of those with abilities.

Xia Qi's eyes were shining at the side, this was the ultimate information.

It's a pity that I can't sell it, otherwise I won't be able to escape the fate of death even if I have several lives.

But that’s the nature of women, and I’m happy to hear it.

“No wonder you have to practice physical and domineering skills.

But isn’t our revolutionary army Zefa? He is an expert in this area.

Saab also knew that there was a master of training sitting in his headquarters.

But that great master wants to plan and train the outstanding young people of the entire revolutionary army.

What he and Kidd wanted was a more radical, unique training method.

A method that can significantly improve their strength in a short period of time.

Zefa's traditional step-by-step training method is very stable, but it will be slower in terms of time.

When racing against time, you must use the method of racing against time, so they came to find Rayleigh.

Of course, what you think in your heart is different from what you say in your mouth, so I still complimented Rayleigh's teaching level well.

In the end, no matter how much Saab said, Pirelli was unwilling to teach. It was not because he was really short of money, but more because of his preference.

Let’s rely on Kidd’s words: Old man, let’s go out and have a fight. Only then did the matter be resolved satisfactorily.

After beating up the ignorant young man, Rayleigh felt that his muscles and bones had relaxed a lot.

Sure enough, once you are a person from the sea, you will be a person from the sea all your life.

In the end, Reilly accepted the two of them indirectly in the name of training two unpleasant little guys.

He was brought to the windless zone to practice inhumanely.

Sand Crocodile was even more surprised after learning the news of Noah's death.

Deep in the desert, he got the news late, but now he got two statements.

It was finally confirmed that the devil would also fall.

But he was not happy. The other party helped him forcefully change his path. Logically speaking, he should be resentful.

But just like Whitebeard's death, now Noah is also dead. At the end of the era, everyone will die. It is better to shine with your most brilliant light before death than to die in obscurity.

Just like the news of these two people's death would spread across the sea, attracting countless people to marvel.

This is what a real sea man should do.

Throwing away the newspaper and continuing to cultivate, he needs to appear on the stage at the most critical moment to show his style and leave a mark in the history of the sea.

As for Hades.

He laughed and no longer cared about it.

After letting go of his confusion, he gained a deeper understanding of his strength and wanted to seize this opportunity to continue practicing.

Kraikana Island.

Hawkeye was calmly cutting the steak.

Noah's death means that he lacks an opponent with whom he can fight happily.

It's a pity but not that sad.

Mihawk always kept that letter from Noah many years ago in his heart.

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