Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 721 Kizaru and recognition

Originally, they wanted to bring the navy back on track, but the Warring States Period had already caused the originally excellent soldiers to leave the leadership of the World Government.

You are the sinner of the navy, Sengoku.

The other lieutenant generals who walked out of the marshal's office were unable to stay in their headquarters for long, as they had many tasks on the sea.

This time I also held my breath before running back.

Although the more detailed reasons are not given to them now, it is worthwhile to know some inside information.

General Akainu was undefeated in his final battle.

In the end, six people returned to the Warring States Study Room.

In addition to the three old comrades, there are also Aokiji, Kizaru and Rosinandi.

Im, from the World Government.

The Warring States Period did not hide anything about this matter.

From when he learned about Noah's engagement to secretly going to the West Sea to witness it in person.

Then mysterious power fell from the sky, and finally Akainu detonated the magma under the sea and launched a charge.

In the end, both protagonists died, and they learned who the mysterious opponent was from the revolutionary army.

He no longer wanted such losses to the backbone of the Navy.

It's not that the navy cannot die. They can die in battle, sacrifice themselves, and even be besieged to death by the enemy, but they cannot accept the evil hand from behind.

After listening, the two generals and Rocinante had great mood swings.

The Warring States Marshal actually had frequent correspondence with Noah.

He even thought about such a terrifying plan as cooperating with the revolutionary army to overthrow the world government.

Im, this mysterious creature from 800 years ago exists on the red earth continent.

The power to erase everything this time came from Him, and the Admiral died at the hands of the World Government.

Qing Zhi was extremely angry at this moment.

He and Akainu only had political differences, but how could they sit back and watch him being killed by such a person as they were both comrades in the navy.

What makes me even more confused is what position do I have to stop the revolutionary army?

Even the Marshal of the Warring States Period was shaken. He himself had wavered once 20 years ago.

Alas~~This world is rotten to the core, starting from the very top.

The power of ice overflows from the body, Admiral, Justice, Revolutionary Army.

Kuzan needs to think again about what kind of people the world needs.

Kizaru's expression turned serious under his sunglasses.

But nothing was said or shown.

Akainu's departure made him sad, and Noah's departure made him even sadder.

It’s hard to find a friend with whom we can talk so well. The labor regulations are still being revised, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to implement them in the future.


And I will never see the works of my beloved author again.

Those novels and comics have brought enlightenment and joy to countless people.

But from an arts and literature and entertainment perspective, the world is half broken.

The world will become more and more boring if this continues, but he is just a general who can be wiped out by the world government at any time, haha.

As a young man, Rosinandy obviously did not do a good job in controlling his emotions.

The anger and murderous intent in his eyes were very difficult to control.

He finally knew who the real murderer was, and his last remaining sanity was to maintain his dominance.

Aokiji had no doubts. It was gratifying to have such a straightforward junior who was also in the navy.

Kizaru looked at Rosinandi thoughtfully and said nothing, but the taste was a bit similar to Nanhai.

“Don’t say anything more about Im.

If people talk too much, they will cause great terror.

Even a cunning person like Noah couldn't dodge such a shocking blow, let alone you.

Warring States witnessed with his own eyes that Noah was beaten down by the opponent's attack when he took out the red historical text.

And until the end, I didn't see the door open and the fruit escape from the attack range.

This incident cast a shadow on his heart, so...

Sengoku stopped them when they were leaving.

You, Teacher Zefa, once taught you very well. A man's physique is the most trustworthy on the sea. Go ahead.

Several people left here with various thoughts.

Staff Officer He said to Warring States.

It is true that Kizaru is more suitable.

Even Garp, who was more optimistic about Aokiji, nodded.

At this time, Kuzan's old habit recurred, always focusing on the path and ignoring the results.

Every hesitation in this moment comes at a huge cost.

But Kizaru is different. He can't see that his idea is the best idea, and this lazy guy is very willful.

After Sengoku and his comrades made their decision, they began to make plans.

The Navy released the news on the second day.

When the world knew that a third party force had appeared in this duel, they were shocked again.

How could anyone kill an admiral and a revolutionary light at the same time?

This is not common sense.

Everyone started to speculate about what kind of power can do this?

Some older people who knew some hidden information suspected that Rocks had returned from resurrection. The navy did not kill this demon at all back then.

Kuleha scoffed at this speculation.

Even if that monster comes back, it can't kill Noah and Akainu together.

Especially for Noah, the power of the Menmen Fruit is so magical.

Even a strong man like Whitebeard who could break space could not catch up with Noah in terms of sheer speed.

This sea looks forward.

The closer you are to the end of the rampage, the more powerful people will emerge who rise to the occasion. Rocks' time is still too early.

As for those who speculate that the Golden Lion or Roger is resurrected, they are just adding to the joke.

They simply don’t understand the survivability of the strongest and most elite combat force on the sea.

The end of this era, I don’t know if I can see it, as long as there is no trouble coming.

Kuleha took a big sip of green plum wine and glanced helplessly at the door of the castle.

Chopper, go pick up the guests.

Outside the snow mountain castle.

Doctor Kuleha. I'm here to learn the final fruits of surgery.

A man wearing a furry winter hat with leopard spots, a mustache with dark bags under his eyes, and a long windbreaker stood outside the door, carrying a black nodachi.

It’s been almost 10 years since I came back. At that time, I was with Mr. Cora and Teacher Noah


Are you here to see Dolly, the doctor?

A fluffy blue-nosed reindeer came out and asked timidly.

Are you my future colleague Chopper? Take me to the doctor.

By the way, my name is Trafalgar Law, you can call me Luo, or senior brother.

Chopper looked confused and looked at the man in confusion.

In the future, wouldn't it be sold to a big businessman from the South China Sea by a medical lady to become a doctor?

Where did the brother come from?

Well, the simple reindeer never got out of the witch's way.

With the doctor's mother's advice before coming, Duo Yiyou led the people into the castle shivering even though he was scared.

When he was delivered to the door, he ran away in fear. The doctor's wife has been in a bad mood recently.

Here we go again, Luo.

It seems that the death of that man has made your mind up.

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