Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 723 A spark will eventually start a prairie fire

Sure enough, the fleeting aura on Mary Joa was not a lie. There was endless sword intent in his eyes.

Only such a strong person is worthy of him continuing to improve his swordsmanship and challenge him.

I don't know if I can break through the attack that can cut down two top powerhouses.

While thinking quietly, he suddenly looked towards the outskirts of the island.

Guina, the successor of Shuangyue Swordsmanship and the direct disciple of Noah, came here to ask for advice.

A blood moon rose on Krai Kana Island, and countless human imitators headed straight for the target with swords in hand.

Such unscrupulous provocation is really rare. They haven't seen blood for a long time, and the violent factors in their bodies have finally found an outlet.

It's a pity that they found the wrong person!


A sword energy slashed out, and he flew towards the first imitator with a weak look.

As it approached, it suddenly surged and seriously injured the opponent. The sword energy seemed to absorb something and continued to surge towards the group of imitators behind.

A little spark eventually turns into a prairie fire.

Lighting a prairie fire!

Sheathing the sword, this move does not belong to Shuangyue Kendo, but was learned by Kuina herself.

It is divided into two parts, the first half is a spark, and the second half is a prairie fire. Reflections taken from the Battle of Pioneer Island.

Zoro in the back was a little surprised. Has his childhood friend grown to this point?

I still haven’t worked hard enough, so I must do more in order to become stronger!

Mihawk wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Watching Koina holding the Kikuichi Monji Zesong and killing all the imitators, Shigeyue Kendo was as smooth as flowing water.

Rounds of moonlight raged across the island, breaking the peace.

After seeing this, Eagle Eye couldn't help but feel a sense of fighting spirit.

Interestingly, such female swordsmen are indeed rare.

The power of the sword is as fast as the wind, as slow as a forest, as aggressive as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as unpredictable as darkness, and as moving as thunder.

What's even more rare is that these have all been integrated into his own foundation, and now it's just a little messy.

If it is polished well, it is expected to advance to the realm of great swordsman.

It turns out that Smoothie from Big Mom Pirates is also good, but unfortunately not pure enough.


Hawkeye looked behind Kuina, and there was a green-haired swordsman holding two swords following closely behind.

His swordsmanship is average, his courage is good, his willpower is excellent, and his courage is astonishing.

He can carry the second and third generations of ghosts on his back without dying. He is a talent that can be created.

It seems that there is still greater potential that has not been tapped.

What day is it today? Why am I so lucky?

There are actually two such unique kendo seeds coming here.

Sensing the master's excitement, Black Blade Night also buzzed slightly.

Okay, okay. I know you will be bored without Chi Dao as your opponent.

Now a new swordsman has arrived.

Wear your own trench coat and carry a huge cross sword on your back.

He jumped up and landed in the center of the battlefield without concealment.

The human imitators sensed the appearance of the big devil and were immediately scared to death.

This big devil is so excited today.

He pulled out his black knife and pointed it diagonally at the ground.

Joracol Mihawk

Frost Moon. Guina


The war broke out.

Nanhai Bika.

Baby-5 is constantly researching and being researched on Bika, filling its arsenal.

Use a strong will to learn, understand, transform, and embrace the future.

She is also part of the family.

His home was shattered, and the hut on Resurrection Island could never return to its former warmth.

So find the enemy and deal with him.

Xiao Feng went to Kamabaka Kingdom to inherit the position of Demon King.

Then learn how to advance the shemale boxing technique and try to understand the evolutionary path of a perfect person.

The depth of development of Mimic Fruit can help him do this.

Buffalo, Bonnie, and Kira formed a fighting team in the South China Sea, constantly traveling through the sea to fight.

Not everyone has the talent to continue improving, but everyone is working hard.

Various changes are taking place around the world. The revolutionary army did not remain silent after losing Noah.

Instead, turn sadness into motivation. The strong young people are looking for a ladder of progress and they want to become the new pillars.

Support this unfinished business.

This is their responsibility. After being sheltered from the wind and rain for these years, it is their turn to stand up.

When the news of the Battle of the West Sea shocked the world.

The fall of the Admiral and the Revolutionary Light seemed to make no waves in the New World.

A few months have passed since the Battle of the Two Emperors, and no one has recovered.

The big forces are trying to tear up the territory. All nations cannot move, but Whitebeard's territory is still untouchable?

It's safe and harmless, so why get into real trouble.

Even if Akainu died, the pirates would not dare to attack the naval base. Who knows if they would be pulled out to vent their anger. A wounded T-Rex is also a T-Rex.

Now that Noah is dead, they dare to attack the revolutionary army? Those are even more of a bunch of lunatics. A group of lunatics who have faith and are not afraid of death.

After losing the two emperors, the pirates' arrogance has sobered up a lot, and they can only become spectators.

One of the only two emperors left.

The red-haired man never expected that the revolutionary light that was still stirring up trouble in the new world would die under a sudden attack.

I can't laugh at the story that sounds like a joke.

The mobility of the Menmen Fruit is terrifying. It is because of this characteristic that the bastard is able to wear various vests and do things on the sea.

One day he was a beacon of revolution in the South China Sea, the next day he was Kenshin Himura of the Cross Guild, and the third day he was a noble or a hero on the sea.

It stands to reason that such a trait will only perish if you seek death.

Otherwise, how could anyone in this world trap a top-notch expert who is resourceful, cautious, careful and has full mobility?

If it could really be done, wouldn't it mean that no strong man on the sea could escape such an attack.

It seems that Captain Roger never said that such a thing would exist.

Or did you mean you didn't tell me?

The World Government has never had such information.

The red-haired man scratched his head, not sure if his trump card could dodge that kind of attack.

It's probably difficult.

Shanks was a little worried about his companions and himself.

But after thinking about it, I relaxed again.

I think even though I am one of the Four Emperors, I am probably not in the eyes of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Today's pirates are hard to describe.

The territory of the Whitebeard Pirates was slowly dwindling, and all nations were directly owned by the Cross Guild.

The new pirate stars have not grown up to the strength to participate in the top battlefields, and the veteran pirates have no momentum and are horribly decayed.

I really don’t have the strength to express my voice anymore.

It is necessary to obtain the position of Pirate King as soon as possible to boost morale, otherwise the era of great pirates on this sea will end in the hands of people other than the second generation Pirate King.

Shanks, someone is looking for you.

Beckman walked over with a serious look on his face. It was not easy for him to be so serious.


Bucky the Clown.

Huh? Why are you looking like this when Bucky is here?

Shanks didn't expect that it would be his own hair that could make his captain's officer serious.

Did you change into a clown costume today? But the red nose is still very funny.

This emperor is a little different.

Beckman reminded the captain seriously.

I got excited about writing and accidentally posted an update.

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