Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 720 The Confrontation between the Two Marshals

They were waiting for the Warring States Period to speak, and believed that the old marshal would have his own channels to confirm what happened.

Among them, Rosinandi stood in a corner at the back with red eyes.

Instead of his usual relaxed smile, his eyes were gloomy.

Teacher Noah is dead.

It was a huge blow to a young man who had dreams and looked forward to the future. He had been hiding in a corner and crying for a long time.

The person who led Rody on this path was Noah. I will never forget the feeling of being exposed to revolution for the first time on Drum Island.

It turns out that this is the greatest career.

Rody, you have to remember, you will die and I will die too.

But those who come after us will inherit our will and continue on.

When I bring these powers into the world, the world is destined to burn up.

When he said these words, Teacher Noah's body really radiated fire, igniting his heart.

The books written by the teacher and those words are all imprinted in my mind.

Including the overlord color and domineering spirit are also inherited from Teacher Noah.

Now the guiding light has gone out, but he won't give up.

He wants to turn himself into a light and continue to fight for a great cause.

Looking for more Roshendi, more ordinary people to accomplish.

Now that I have come here, I want to know the hidden story of this battle as everyone thought.

The navy's perspective and stance are critical.

Rosinandi knew part of the teacher's plan, so he was very concerned about it.

Taotu, who was standing with him, instinctively felt that something was wrong with the handsome blond boy next to him.

The relationship between Roddy and Akainu was not so good that his eyes would turn red.

But now that the general's death in battle was more important, he let this anomaly go.

Warring States at the door felt the heavy trust from within the navy.

There was silence for a while.

Akainu died heroically and lived up to his name as an admiral.

After thinking about it for a while, no matter what the world government's reaction was, I just cut it off first and then played it later.

The final murderer was not Noah. I will discuss the details with Marshal Cyborg Kong before we discuss it.


A thunder exploded in everyone's hearts.

This news can be said to be a naked overthrow of the world government.

There was no room for turning.

The problem here is really big. The generals present seemed to see that another major turmoil within the navy was about to occur.

Finally, he signaled for Aokiji, Kizaru and the lieutenant generals of the headquarters to go to the marshal's office with him.

In an instant, a group of core generals of the navy lined up with solemn expressions, with the coats of justice flying behind them.

The people standing here can basically represent 70% of the navy's armed forces.

This is the control and prestige of the Warring States Period.

Parting the crowd, he found Cyborg Kong with everyone's expectations.

Warring States, you have resigned, what are you doing here?

There was a lot of haze in Marshal Kong's heart, which added to a lot of irritability.

As a naval marshal, he wanted to release information on behalf of the World Government, but was refused by the Intelligence Department and Propaganda Department of the Crane Staff.

It was said that it would be released after all the naval generals had discussed it.

The delay lasted for several days, which made him furious.

Even if he is not the marshal of the navy, he is still the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but his rights are not extended at all here.

Now that I saw that Warring States brought people here, I was so angry that I almost vomited blood. Are you forcing the palace?

Sengoku looked directly at the other party without any shame.

There is another inside story about the death of General Akainu, and the Navy can write an article about it.

This is the manuscript. Please take a look at it, Marshal.

Cyborg frowned without even looking, his domineering aura faintly emerging from his body.

Warring States, you are teaching me how to do things!

I don't dare, please ask the marshal to take a look.

He said he didn't dare, but the domineering energy on his body was tit for tat.

With the general trend of the navy, Cyborg Kong really couldn't suppress the former navy marshal unless he was on the Red Earth Continent.


After receiving the manuscript, I was furious when I saw the follow-up.

What is the Light of Revolution? Noah and Admiral Akainu engage in a battle with Saikai O'Hara.

The battle lasted for a day and night, and at the end of the battle, they were attacked by mysterious forces.

The two were seriously injured and joined forces to defeat the enemy, and eventually fell!

What does this mean!

Sneak attack? You are disrespectful to Lord Yimu!

Cyborg Sora was called Mary Joa before the World Government announced the death of Akainu.

The Five Old Stars themselves explained the Creator behind the world government.

Now Sengoku's manuscript is simply a slap in Lord Im's face.

With your strength, how can you attack by surprise?

However, this reason cannot be said.

The ultimate secret of the World Government cannot be known to others, nor should he know it unless he was originally the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces or the current Marshal of the Navy.

I can only find another reason to refuse.


Explain what the mysterious power is.

I don't know, I don't know if the World Government can give an explanation.

Sengoku, you are so presumptuous! Are you questioning the World Government?

I trust the Navy's intelligence!

There were cracks in the suit on Cyborg Kong's body, and his terrifying domineering skills mixed with physical pressure hit his former subordinates in waves.

Don't forget that I was also a naval marshal 27 years ago!

But Buddha's Warring States Period couldn't be suppressed by these few words, and he still stood there calmly.

At the same time, a trace of disappointment flashed through my heart.

Marshal Kong's justice used to be so fierce, but now it is only a rotten shell.

Slowly explain.

“It’s not a question, it’s just that the world government that has ruled the sea for 800 years will always know something that we don’t know.

The navy also hopes to get real information for revenge. No one can kill a general without paying the price.

The confrontation between the two made several generals behind them think deeply.

Sure enough, there was a problem with the fall of General Akainu, a big problem.

His direct subordinate Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and others felt it was reasonable.

That's right, how can a mere revolutionary light be the general's opponent? Someone will definitely intervene.

And that despicable guy in the dark is the navy's biggest enemy, and they won't let this guy go.

The confrontation between the two marshals continued until dark.

In the end, Cyborg Kong, who was in a stalemate, reported the situation to Wulaoxing using a phone bug.

This phone call also meant that he had completely lost control of the Navy.

Wulaoxing's face looked very ugly.

Hmph! This Warring States period is becoming more and more disobedient. Sora is useless. After being the marshal again for so long, he still has no ability to control the navy.

Elect a new marshal as soon as possible. I hope the successor will not be a naive guy. In the end, do you want to replace the Warring States Period?

Not for the time being. If something happens to him, the navy's power will go berserk.

I never expected that our resources would be used to cultivate an uncontrollable monster.

Just wait for a while and clean it up again. Now let's listen to him. But let's revise the manuscript.

In the end, Wulaoxing ordered the navy to write and contact newspapers according to the manuscripts brought by the Warring States Period.

So Warring States left the marshal's office with his people.

After leaving, Cyborg punched the desk and threw it out of the window.

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