Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 719 Malinfando’s Showdown

The posthumous General Akainu World Medal is displayed in the Mary Joa Hall of Honor.

This is the final conclusion given by the world government.

Is this why you go so far in recognition of Sakaski's achievements?

It was still the same three people in that small study.

There was an intriguing expression on Sengoku's face.

He was not worth it for Akainu.

Most of Akainu's actions during his military career violated universal values ​​and morals.

But at the level of the world government, it is definitely the executor who has been executing every task perfectly.

They have done a lot of dirty things for the World Government and those people over the years, and everything Aokiji and Kizaru didn't want to do was done by Akainu.

This is one of the reasons why he has the highest reputation within the Navy for becoming a marshal.

Now the battle between him and Noah is described like this, and even the real murderer doesn't bother to reveal a name.

Finally, his honor was placed in Mary Joa's room of honor.

This kind of humiliation is unacceptable to any navy who knows the inside story.

Kill you and then give you an honor?

The Warring States Period would rather Akainu died in O'Hara in a dignified manner. At least his defeat at the hands of Noah would not be a shame.

Sitting under the plaque of Jun Lin Tian Xia, he had a murderous look in his eyes, and his domineering look seemed to be unabated.

Garp's face was expressionless at the moment, even calmer than when he first learned about Akainu's death.

But the look on his face showed that some kind of decision had been made.

Although the World Government's trump card is mysterious and terrifying.

He had already seen the tip of the iceberg while in the Valley of the Gods. This is also the reason why some things have been indulged in over the years.

But that doesn't mean you can take the sacrifice of your comrades so lightly.

Compared with the so-called overall situation, the people in the Monqi family like to mess around very much.

No matter what happens to him in the future, doing what he wants to do first is the style of a family from Donghai Windmill Village.

It can be said that Garp is already the person in the family who knows how to take the overall situation into consideration best.

Let's try Luffy instead. At this time, we have already asked people to go to Mary Joa to start filming.

Staff Officer He took a sip of tea, his eyes sparkling.

I don’t know how many pages of plans I made in my mind.

The ability to wash the fruit is wrapped around the fingers as if it wants to wash something.

Like those stupid dirty brains of the World Government.

She had been suppressing the Navy's internal propaganda department and not publishing information just to see what the outcome of what Sengoku said would be.

Now that the results are out, she is not satisfied.

Could it be that he really regards the navy as a domestic dog?

Both of them were waiting.

I believe that the old buddy they have fought with for decades will not let them down.


A figure stood up from behind the desk.

He once again picked up the coat of justice and put on his hat.

let's go.

Lieutenant General He and Garp also stood up and followed Sengoku, just like they did 30 years ago.

At that time, the sea was still in chaos, but it was not suppressed yet.

Now it's just that the enemy has been changed from outside to inside, there will still be no exceptions, but it's a pity that Zefa is not here.


When he opened the door, he found that there were already senior navy generals standing outside.

Some were holding swords with murderous intent, some had sad faces, some were furious, and some were at a loss.

Everyone who knows Akainu does not think that the opponent will search for Noah alone and then ambush the opponent.

Because the Navy is a mature system, basically the general only needs to receive information passed by the intelligence department before making a decision.

And in the style of General Akainu. It is more likely that mobilizing troops to surround and kill is what he often does.

To put it bluntly, this is a fight. In frontal combat, the generals also did not believe that the general would be defeated by the revolutionary light.

The names of the three navy generals as monsters are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The stronger they are, the more they understand the value of this title.

In other words, the Four Emperors can be regarded as monsters of the same class. Otherwise, how could they suppress all areas except the New World.

Moreover, Noah has never been known for his combat prowess, but rather for his resourcefulness.

If there is a conspiracy and design, it is possible for Akainu to die, but the world government said that it is impossible to die together in a one-on-one situation.

This is what they can't figure out.

In the end, why was it the World Government that first delivered this news?

How did they know about the fall of General Akainu? The revolutionary army has not yet said that the revolutionary light has fallen.

After learning the news, the World Government did not share the information about the fall.

The implication of this is that anyone who has worked in the Navy for several years will understand what is going on. This matter is not simple.

Anyone who can reach a high level has seen what the real world is like.

With all kinds of doubts about this news, they finally decided to go to the old marshal to find out the situation.

The most trusted person within the navy is Marshal Warring States.

The man sitting in the marshal's office now is from the World Government, not the Navy.

Standing at the forefront are Aokiji and Kizaru.

The two people had finished handing over the affairs of the G1 and G2 branches and rushed back to the Navy Headquarters.

The fall of a general brought more turmoil than that.

When the two of them heard the news, it was difficult to accept it for a while. No matter how close their relationship was, how could they not share the same hatred as they were both navy.

We are still competitors who have been fighting together for nearly 30 years.

Moreover, in the future, it will be a big earthquake for the revolutionary army, for the pirates, and for the changes in various things.

After returning to the headquarters and seeing the statement from the World Government.

The two of them were the most accepting of the fact that Akainu and Noah fought and died.

Noah is indeed a person with that kind of potential. It is not impossible to reach this point in 20 years.

It is possible that there is a breakthrough in combat power or some tricks are used. A life-and-death struggle must not be constrained by the so-called fairness.

Aoki was even mentioned before the West China Sea Incident occurred during the Warring States Period, but he lost his temper and developed into this situation.

There must be something hidden in this.

World Government is true in most of its statements, but hides one or two key points.

Then this hidden part determines their attitude towards the revolutionary army.

If what the World Government says is true, then the relationship between Aokiji and Noah will change from friendship to hostility.

His decision to let Noah go would make him regret it even more.

He knew that the other person was doing the right thing, and that he was blameless in avenging O'Hara.

But people have feelings, and I have only met and written to Noah a few times in the past 20 years.

Although I felt guilty at first, it couldn't offset the decades of friendship with Akainu.

Even Kizaru will mind it in his heart, and his relationship with the revolutionary army will not change for the better in the future.

As generals, there is always a sense of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox dies.

The two lieutenant generals who had been directly under Akainu were so murderous that they wished they could let the Warring States Marshal lead them to the South China Sea to vent their anger.

This is the backbone of the navy, so it can't die in vain.

Behind him stood more people, such as Huo Shaoshan and other veteran lieutenant generals.

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