Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 718 Actions of the Revolutionary Army

From this moment on, the lights of the staff headquarters were never extinguished at night.

Jinbei returned to Fishman Island after searching in the West Sea to no avail.

Angry, he went to the deepest sea forest alone to practice.

This place is filled with countless sorrows and traces of history, and the sea will become quieter.

Facing that legendary enemy, Jinbei felt that he had to continue to break through.

Next time, at least die in front of everyone.

Fujitora's figure trembled slightly when he heard the news.

I know.

It turns out that a man like you will die, even if the other person is a so-called god.

Touching his staff and knife, he walked calmly to the seaside.

Feeling something in his heart, he drew his sword.

Gravity Knife. Meteor!

In the boot camp, Zefa still couldn't believe that Noah, the cunning, armored man who loved to tease the world, would die.

The chief instructor, who was used to seeing his comrades leave, let out a breath.

Recalling the scene of our first meeting.

On board a passenger ship in 1507.

Young man, what do you call me?

A famous author, Adam.

Really, you guys really did it.

A person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor be ashamed of being inactive; so that when he is dying, he can say: I have devoted my whole life Life and all energy are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for peace and justice in the sea.

This bookmark is still in the book.

As a result, the person who wrote this has left this world.

Putting on his sunglasses, he turned around and returned to the classroom.

Everyone, come out and circle the island 10 times!

Above Bika.

Establish a new project and study the issue of Devil Fruits getting out of control.

Next, most of the computing power and resources will be tilted towards this plan.

Doctor, what is the name of the new project?

Slaughter the dog

Koushiro held the autumn water in his hands and looked at the moonlit sky as he drew his sword. The sword light became increasingly cold, almost freezing the souls of all things in the world.

The best swordsman in the history of Shuangyue Kendo has fallen, but he did it to make Shuangyue's name known to the world.

It can be said that he has surpassed his ancestors in terms of achievements.

Then how could he tarnish his disciple's reputation?

This sword kills gods!

Tiger was desperately practicing the murloc attack method. He knew that he didn't have Jin Ping's talent and had fallen behind in terms of combat power.

But you also have to do your part to fight.

Brooke played the melancholy violin, and the sad mood seemed to connect with the power of Huang Quan. I don’t know if the Creator can be pulled into the underworld.

Let’s change it to another one. A sacred war song is offered, hoping that Noah will kill all enemies in another world and be invincible.

At the same time, the new generations who lost their protection began to grow again.

Countless people felt the chill. Without the guidance of Teacher Noah, they could only find their own direction.

Terzog carefully observed the follow-up cooperation plan with the navy and planned to continue to complete it.

Now that General Akainu has died at the hands of Imu, the hatred between him and the revolutionary army has been resolved to a certain extent.

With a common enemy, the possibility of cooperation is greater than previously expected when killing Akainu alone.

So was this expected by Teacher Noah?

He came to the study of Nanhai Federation and took out a letter.

This was given to him by Teacher Noah secretly before Xihai.

Now it's time to turn him on.

What! So

Kuina swore to her master's name seriously while carrying Kikuichimonzazune behind her back.

In this life, the Creator’s dog’s head will be cut off.

Bringing true peace and dignity to the people of the sea.

Turning around and leaving the South China Sea, the Blood Moon Swordsman needed to see more blood, whether it was the enemy's or his own.

Zoron, follow me.

Where to go.

Krajana Island. To challenge a peak swordsman.

Luo Zai kept reading, and he, who was not very emotional, had already cried alone.

In order to pursue more chances of victory, he will choose a path that the owner of the surgical fruit has never chosen before.

It may be difficult, or it may fall.

But this is your choice, don't regret it.

After putting away the books, he ran towards his destination, Drum Island.

Kidd transformed into a dragon and fought with Sabo in the sea.

Why did you stop me Sabo? I'm going to Marigioa to avenge Teacher Noah!

The pink dragon breathed flames from its mouth and was shattered by continuous pink shock waves.

Trash, you can't even defeat me now, so what qualifications do you have to go to the Red Earth Continent?

The Green Dragon Fruit is the greatest legacy that the teacher has given you. It cannot be wasted on a waste like you!

Sabo is also very angry. Isn't he angry? He doesn't want revenge?

But if you can’t do it now, you just can’t do it. You must accumulate strength to take revenge, otherwise you will die in vain!

After a day of fighting, the two lay helpless on the beach.

I really want to avenge my teacher, but I ate such a fruit in vain and it didn't meet everyone's expectations. I'm a waste.

It was the first time that the red-haired boy was so decadent.

Follow me to a place, the place Teacher Noah once said.

There must be a way to become stronger!


Champaign Islands!

When everyone took action, Robin disappeared from the eyes of the world with the broken sword of Hedao Yiji.

Even the dragon didn't know where she went.

Before leaving, Robin stated that he would not go to the Red Earth Continent.

She's going to find strength.

In this way, the entire revolutionary army underwent tremendous changes.

The strange thing is that such a big move by the revolutionary army did not alert the navy.

Both the branches of the Four Seas and the Grand Line sent countless reports to the headquarters.

But Malinfando didn't respond, as if he was waiting for something.

Countless navy soldiers are looking forward to it. I would like to give you an idea on how to deal with this.

The revolutionary army is almost moving close to each other.

Suddenly, a piece of news came from the World Government that shook the sea.

This year, following the battle of the Fall of the Two Emperors, there is another explosive point.

The Revolutionary Lights and Admiral Akainu both fell into the sea

The general idea is that General Akainu accidentally received the news about Noah and went out alone to ambush the enemy in order not to alert the intelligence personnel of the Revolutionary Army.

Finally, he died together with the enemy at the Ohara ruins in the West Sea.

Having dedicated his life to the peace of the sea, the World Government decided to posthumously award Sakaski the World Medal and include it in Marie Joa's Hall of Honor.

As soon as this news was sent out, the whole sea shook.

This is the Admiral, Admiral Akainu, who is most likely to succeed the position of Admiral of the Navy.

He is actually pursuing the revolutionary army alone, and he is still the legendary revolutionary light, Noah.

How is this possible, that mysterious Noah will also be ambushed?

The strange thing is that this news was actually sent by the World Government, and there is currently no news from the Navy.

The Revolutionary Army also made no response to the World Government's statement.

In addition to the civilians exclaiming, other forces are now in a state of disbelief.

After all, the credibility of the world government is indeed not high.

The information is only true when given by the power involved.

It must be a cold. After taking the medicine, I feel dizzy and my throat is very dry.

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