Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 717 Changes in the Navy

Suddenly, Long stretched out his right hand and used the wind to suck out something from the sea water, which came to his hand like a stream of light.


this is!

The white hilt of the sword was in disrepair.

The red sword blade that terrified the world was covered with spider-like cracks that could break at any time.

This magical weapon on the verge of breaking is Wadou Ichimonji.

Noah's sidearm. For a great swordsman this means

Now there is only a broken supreme sword left in the sea water. So where is its owner?

Robin believed that Noah was swept away by the sea, and the three returned to the Voyager after being reminded by the dragon.

For the situation under the sea, Bika Technology's methods are more comprehensive than those of the strong.

Various detectors were released, some flying into high altitudes and some deep into the sea.

Warring States stayed on the boat and looked at the fierce-looking revolutionary army, and couldn't help but ask.

What on earth is this?

Im. The creator behind the world government. He can obliterate the existence of any life on the sea at will.

When Robin said this tremblingly, the murderous intent in Robin's eyes had already accumulated to a certain limit.

If he hadn't still held on to a glimmer of hope, he would have reached the Red Earth Continent long ago.

Blood debts must be repaid with blood, and the bloodbath of the Tianlong people was her first step.

The scientific research products on Bika must also be obtained, and dragging Mariejoia into hell can ease her mood a little.

As for the idea of ​​​​cooperating with the navy, Robin at this time is not the son of the devil, but a vengeful devil.

Her answer made Seng Guo completely disappointed.

Why does the power of the world government want to kill a naval admiral!

Could it be that they who have helped rule the sea all these years are also burdened with original sin?

He left Xihai frustrated. At this time, the revolutionary army probably didn't want to see anyone from the World Government.

Quietly, Sengoku had returned to the naval headquarters.

Seeing Sengoku who looked lonely and seemed to have suffered a huge blow. Neither Counselor He nor Garp spoke.

It seems that Akainu still fell in this battle.

So what are we going to do next with Noah?

Officer He said it very forcefully.

From her point of view, no matter what the other party's plan was, there was always a price to pay for killing an admiral.

This is not a problem that can be solved by future cooperation or lack of cooperation.

Garp also has the same mentality. The toughness and stubbornness of the old navy are beyond everyone's imagination.


No need for now, there are some things you need to think about first.

Warring States is still hesitating whether to tell about Yi Mu.

There is definitely a reason why such a terrifying existence is not known to the world.

Besides, how did Yimu know about Xihai?

But he wanted to try.

Do you know Im?

Lieutenant General He said he didn't understand, while Garp was thoughtful.

I seem to have heard it somewhere. Roger, who has been here for too long?

This time, Xihai came first. In the end, everything was wiped out by that force.

After listening to Sengoku's straightforward and emotionless description, Garp's fists were clenched.

The anger in his eyes was palpable. It was really bad for the World Government to kill an admiral who had never betrayed him.

This is betrayal, the navy has been betrayed by the world government! How brave they are!

A bunch of scum of the sea!

Officer He, like Sengoku, has no emotional changes on the outside, and the inner turmoil cannot be seen by outsiders.

Only old friends know that this woman is not very generous and holds a grudge.

How does that thing know about Xihai?

Not sure.

No matter what the future holds, it shouldn't be a big deal to kill an unknown creator.

Crane made a decision very coldly.

It was extremely difficult for her to accept that something like this happened during the battle. A few of them have been wandering the sea for so many years.

It can be said that I have devoted my whole life to the Navy and the World Government.

But it is absolutely unacceptable for justice to be overridden by something that does not know what it is called.

She didn't hesitate when she killed the CP chief, and now she wouldn't hesitate if she were a Celestial Dragon god.

Sengoku sat quietly on his desk and thought.

The decision they make now is the future direction of the navy. It bears the lives of millions of naval forces, so they must be cautious.

The other two veterans also sat silently on the sofa, letting the shadows outside the window cover their expressions.

Justice, what is justice?

How about Kizaru.

The movement on the other side of the West Sea is really loud.

Jinbe is here. Otohime is here too. Bika is also here.

The two strongest men in the revolutionary army who are best at finding clues and information, as well as the highest scientific research force, have all arrived here.

If Long Huan had not retained some sense to prevent many people from coming, I am afraid that most of the revolutionary army would have come.

After learning about Noah's suspected death, the above specially summoned people were very surprised and rushed to the West Sea to find the last trace of the revolutionary lights.

Like most people, they never thought that Noah would die under the enemy's attack.

But even if most of the manpower and material resources were used, nothing was achieved in the West Sea.

The entire sea was about to be turned upside down by Jinbei, and Otohime, who was sitting on the Voyager, passed out after seeing and hearing things for several days in a row.

Bika's base station zero penetrated the entire West China Sea and still couldn't find the man.

A week later, except for Robin and some people who were still in Xihai, everyone else was forced to return to their posts.

Everyone implicitly agreed that the revolutionary light had been sacrificed in this battle.

Otherwise, it would definitely not make everyone so sad.

The news also began to spread internally, and the extinguishing of the lights in the darkness could not be concealed.

Although sad, others must continue to shoulder the mission of being a pioneer and move forward step by step.

Passing the torch!

Noah's sacrifice must not be allowed to become meaningless.

It’s time for us to spread the fire!

Thanks to these years of education, everyone knows what to do to get revenge.

Only by completely overthrowing the world government and dragging out the so-called Creator for execution can Noah's spirit in heaven be comforted.

Im's existence was also officially revealed. The top leaders of the Revolutionary Army know that the world is under the eyes of the Creator.

There is no fear, only anger.

Over the years, mountains have been conquered one after another.

So what if I see the final shadow now, I just set the final goal.

When the trumpet of charge is blown, countless people will launch a never-retreating charge against Him.

Even gods fear human courage!

The dragon returned to the South China Sea and became even more silent.

It's because I'm not strong enough that I let my comrades face so much alone.

It was clear that he was the original leader of the revolutionary army, but the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

The sky above the Island of Resurrection is shrouded in an eternal storm, and people in the Sobel Kingdom can hear the sad dragon roar from time to time.

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