Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 716 The mysterious explosion in the West Sea

In the year 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar, a mysterious explosion occurred over the Western Sea.

First, a bright light burst out over the West Sea.

A growing and glowing fireball appeared on the sea.

Countless people from the West Sea looked up in that direction, only to feel that their eyes were burning, leaving deep marks in their pupils.

It is said that many people suffer temporary blindness when looking directly at a light source.

What followed was a loud noise.

It was as if a pillar supporting the sky was cut off and fell from the sky. Or perhaps the fallen thunder god let out his last unwilling roar.

The sound that tore apart the heart exploded the clouds, and was directly bombarded into pieces by the terrifying sound waves. Spreading radially around.

Pillars of dust and smoke rising from the ground combine to form tall mushroom clouds.

Many villagers who heard the roar of heaven for the first time were frightened and hid under their beds.

This kind of movement is far beyond the imagination of the world. While shivering, I was still looking forward to the arrival of the navy as soon as possible.

In fact, Seng Guo and others at the scene were faced with a huge man-made disaster.

The temperature at the core of the explosion rose to an unimaginable level.

A mushroom cloud steamed up, covering the center point.

The invisible shock wave carries the destructive power and spreads in all directions with O'Hara as the center.

The wind speed instantly exceeds known detection methods.

The dynamic rock explosion at the bottom of the sea combined with the collision impact on the sea surface set off a huge tsunami hundreds or thousands of meters high.

The end of the world is just that.

The indifferent will in the sky reflected the resistance of humans below without any ripples.

Such a scene would have been numb to the eyes 800 years ago. At that time, most of the races around free will would have been destroyed.

Now it just has some of the meaning of the past.

magma? The struggle of the little insect.

It might be useful for Akainu to use the power of heaven and earth to break through the restrictions on rock berry fruits.

The forces of nature are still forces beyond human control.

But the revolutionary light caught in it cannot survive such power.

The small candle-like beacon was no longer visible in his sight.

The will to resist was extinguished again. This was just a small episode before the fight with Joey Boy.

If Wulaoxing's bunch of losers hadn't solved the problem, why would he take action?


Then the conscious body returned to its throne.

The three people watching on the outside had completely lost their strong posture at this moment.

The confrontation between the rabbit and the falcon at the last moment is as fast as lightning and cannot be understood at all.

Just seeing the two people who were arguing suddenly stopped and looked at the sky.

The terrifying cloud suppressed the three people on the periphery, but they couldn't intervene even if they wanted to.

Although he has never seen it, Robin understands it very well, that is Im's attack.

The attack by the mysterious creature that Noah was most afraid of.

He did! How dare He!

Robin almost watched helplessly as the stream of blue particles bombarded the red text of history, and then watched the endless pillars of magma and fire pouring out from under the sea.

The big explosion that followed completely blocked their sight, but the sense of energy level was almost despairing.

No~~~~~~! ! ! ! !

Noah didn't come out!

hateful! hateful! hateful!

An invisible shock wave swept across the world, like a giant wall pushing across the sky.

The extremely angry dragon directly activated his awakened form, and punched out a storm that filled the sky to shred the shock wave. Waves of unwilling dragon roars came out from the shadow of the fist.

The storm that followed was also subdued by him and gathered behind him, and then pulled the power in the atmosphere to counteract the wave force of the second impact.


The dragon's bones were creaking under the huge pressure.

Such heavy power could not make him feel depressed, because the pain in his heart was already too painful to attach to.

The Warring States incarnation of the Great Buddha fired countless huge golden lights and directly defeated the tsunami that spread to all directions.

The death of Akainu is certainly angry and sad. But amid the lightning flashes, he still did not forget his naval responsibilities.

If the tsunami is allowed to continue to develop, it will be a huge disaster for the entire West China Sea. Only by suppressing the disaster at the beginning can countless lives be saved.

When the two people were fighting against the aftermath of the explosion, one person's mind was completely attracted to the core.

Terrifying storms and shock waves as well as high-temperature radiation cannot stop her actions.

Dragon originally wanted to break up the impact before rushing in, but he sensed that someone was already flying out like an arrow from a string.


Huge flesh-colored wings spread out from behind, and they immediately reached an extremely fast speed when they flapped.

boom! boom! boom!

The shock wave was dispersed by her fists one after another.

The flow of blue and red particles and the aftertaste of magma were also blown away by her.

After blasting out of the tunnel, he plunged into the depths of the explosion.

Even the remaining high temperatures in the core are unbearable.

Robin's fists were severely burned, but she didn't care at all.

The annihilated seawater is being filled back by the sea. Underfoot are the rumbling waves of ocean currents, and high in the sky are the aftermath of high temperatures with a blue-purple halo.

Standing in mid-air, he opened his demonic image. Under the Thousands of Hands and Thousands of Eyes, Wisdom and Color is fully activated.

She didn't believe that Noah would not die even under such an attack.

He is a man with countless back-ups and will not fall here.

But no, nothing.

At this time, the dragon that had offset the shock wave rode the strong wind and chased after him. He kept looking for it in mid-air.

There is only the smell of ozone in the air. There is no extra breath present.

The Warring States Period was the last to come.

After he came here, he just glanced at it and realized that this place was already empty.

Even if there is sea water to fill it, the lost material cannot be returned.

The horrific attack reminded him of the lost islands in naval history.

It also disappeared overnight without leaving any trace.

Is this the truth about how few rebels have been recorded in the past 800 years?

In addition to the annihilation in historical records like Rocks, there is also the disappearance in the physical sense.

It just broke out at the end of the war when the two of them were exhausted.

In his rational understanding, both Noah and Akainu should have been completely wiped out by the mysterious power in the sky.

In addition to sadness and anger, there is more confusion.

The only doubt is what on earth is it?

Even if the revolutionary lights fall, there will be no schadenfreude. This kind of thing that is extremely devastating to the top powerhouse will be his biggest enemy.

It seems that the two members of the Revolutionary Army know what it is. Let's wait a little longer.

The loss of their comrades has made them almost lose their minds.

The dragon thought of something at this time and gathered strong winds on the sea to form several waterspouts.

Keep pumping the sea water high into the sky and slowly distinguish something in it.

Yes, what if Noah was blasted into the sea?

As long as they are rescued in time, they may survive.

In such a nervous mood, they were observing everything in the sea.

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