Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 715 There is nothing left

What's more, he's a god

It's really not willing to die under such an attack.

Seeing Akainu's reluctance, Noah didn't even think about escaping with him.

Now that Yimu has taken action, he doesn't need to continue to kill this stubborn guy.

Fortunately, Yi Mu took action, and the subsequent merge meeting went very smoothly.

This is the plan envisioned by Noah17.

The three people in the distance also saw something unusual in the sky.

Feel the will that is as high and indifferent as the sky. They all stopped outside and did not dare to approach.

Anyway, Noah can run out on his own and won’t worry.

Warring States had doubts in his heart, but he didn't understand what kind of attack would interrupt the last move of the two top masters, so he could only wait and see what happened.

In other words, after many years of marshal career, there has been a little speculation. World Government.

But Akainu is still inside.

There was an indescribable emotion welling up in his heart.

What is the navy?

O'Hara is overhead.

Endless energy had gathered in the clouds and was about to strike down. Noah wanted to dodge immediately after seeing it.

Just kidding, the island of Lucia Kingdom was completely wiped out by this mysterious attack, to the extent that not a single trace was left.

What can be called a kingdom must be an island of medium size or above.

Noah could do it by destroying it, but erasing it would be too scary.

It is impossible for him to withstand this blow with his current condition.

And who knows what the upper limit of this attack is?

He raised his hand to open the door and wanted to shuttle.

This kind of attack should be of no use to someone like him who has full mobility. He escaped from the Island of Resurrection last time.

He raised his hand confidently, but the familiar door did not appear.


Noah felt a panic, what is going on?

So I tried harder to sense the power of my fruit.

You can feel the power of the door gathering, but it's countless times slower than before.

The door that usually opens in one second may take 10 seconds this time.

But in a situation where life or death could be decided in one second, he was sentenced to death.

It seems you can't leave here either.

Akainu watched Noah keep raising his hand.

The world government may have some means of restraining those with devil fruit abilities. It is also very troublesome to mobilize rock fruit powers.

After getting over the initial surprise, Sakaski became unusually calm, or indifferent.

Looking at the endless energy gathering in the sky, the blue light has reached the point of tingling.

I never imagined that the navy was guarding such a thing. He's not even a human being, so why should we treat him as a dog?

After thinking clearly about the problem, Sakaski made a decision.

Even God must abide by the justice of this world.

Ignoring Akainu who was making a decision internally. Noah is trying his best to escape.

Finally, the dark clouds in the sky gathered all their energy, and the endless blue light beams were about to fall down.

The trio in the distance also noticed something was wrong. Noah walked away without moving back and forth. What was he doing with his hand raised?

No, there might be something wrong with Menmen Fruit!

Long made his own judgment immediately.

He tried to summon strong winds to sweep Noah away but it was too late.

The huge particle flow fell down like a lightning-like creation, like the judgment of the gods on the human world.

At the critical moment, Noah also took out one of his trump cards.

Now that travel has been stopped, the dimensional space can still be used reluctantly.

After a person is locked, he will definitely not be able to get in. Even if there is something that cannot be taken out, you can still open a hole and use it.

boom! Click! boom! Zhi~~~~! ! ! !

A violent bombardment came from above the head, and the powerful sound waves were about to burst the eardrums.

The blue light representing destruction did not land successfully. Although Noah's figure was already shaky, he did not fall.

Such an incredible attack was temporarily blocked!

Im in the sky was a little surprised, and when he saw how it was blocked, he also showed a surprised look.

Red historical text?

Yes, this is the ultimate kill designed by Noah for Akainu.

He had the advantage in the air and was preparing to risk his body exploding when the volcano shrank to a certain extent. He used his aura to immobilize Akainu for a moment, and then used the text of history to push him into the sea.

This makes it easy to win, but it ends up being used here in advance.

What's even more annoying is that in order to save his life, he also rescued Akainu.

The terrifying particle flow hit a corner of the historical text.

Extremely huge pressure continued to pass over, slowly pushing the historical essays back to the dimensional space.

At this moment, Noah was thinking of countless ways to save himself.

Damn it, this will be completely wiped out.

When the space shuttle was restricted, Noah also realized that it turned out that the fruit of the ability user seemed to have its own will, and it was actually fearful just now.

Tricked to death by Oda!

The flow of blue-white particles continued to swim in mid-air, and just a little aftermath set off an endless tsunami.

And Akainu under this protection is also doing something.

Noah felt a destructive wave coming from behind him and suddenly felt tired.

Both of them are so cruel!

He turned to look at Akainu.

What did you do again?

To execute justice!


If it weren't for Akainu and his hair, he could scare Noah into confusion.

Looking at the eyes behind the endless stream of blue particles in the sky, Akainu felt strangely enthusiastic at this moment.

I want you revolutionary army to see what complete justice is.

He punched himself in the heart, and the power of magma rioted.

But what's the use? Just like the Menmen Fruit, it just reacts in an instant.

Before Noah could feel puzzled, he felt that there was a big terror coming under the sea.

What did you just do?

Several power rocks were detonated, blasting open the crust of the sea floor.


Completely crazy!

Akainu regarded himself as a primer, and the magma on the seabed did make him qualified to execute justice.

This guy won't keep it to deal with me, he's really despicable!

The red magma still broke through the sea surface under the pull of Akainu's no longer active fruit power.

Sakaski rose from the ground and merged with the natural magma to kill the particle flow in the sky.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Red and blue intertwined, beautiful colors representing the ultimate horror.

An explosion was heard throughout the West Sea.

Damn it, Sakaski!

Under the impact of the power from both sides, Noah's figure was slowly melted.

How could a human being withstand such a horrific attack?

The domineering energy that had exhausted its last strength and concentrated on Hedao Yizi was also shattered by the impact.

Click, click, click.

There are cracks spreading all over the sword, and even the supreme sharp sword is so fragile without the support of domineering force.


The final explosion was an extremely dazzling white light, as well as a mushroom cloud and endless heat that rose to the sky.

Calm returned to the center after the storm swept through.

The evaporated seawater is replenished by the sea, and everything is as usual except that there are no islands and no people.


There are many readers who are positive. In order to put everyone in a good mood, I will continue to post updates throughout the day.

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