Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 714 Is God within the scope of executing justice?

Unfortunately, the revolutionary army currently does not have the ability to capture it, otherwise its destination would be to drag it back for experiments.

In the West Sea, the specific location is unclear.

Oh, the West Sea is a bit far away.

etc! West Sea!

Dr. Tsukimi broke into a cold sweat and took out his phone to contact him.

But the other party can't get through, what should I do?

The island in the West Sea has also entered the final showdown.

The entire Ohara volcanic island is only a hundred meters in size.

It is already covered with red magma. Even because the area cannot be expanded, a large amount of high-temperature and hot magma flows are concentrated in this small area, and the danger has increased many times compared to the beginning.

Akainu's body is even more dangerous. Fists were densely covered in this space like raindrops.

Noah also felt that the time had come, and it would be difficult to shrink the battlefield if the fight continued.

Then let’s decide the outcome.

This thought was felt by two people at the same time. So the last resort was used tacitly.

The extremely domineering kendo that only appeared a few times in the beginning converged again on the word Wado.

This time, the sword skill was about to exceed its limit, and even the dark clouds in the sky were attracted to the sword body.

The red sword body, the dark purple thunder, and the indestructible aura emanating from it.

Even Noah's arm, which was tightly wrapped in armor, was damaged by the sword energy.

Horrifying wounds like a baby's mouth spread all over Noah's body.

His body couldn't bear such explosive domineering energy. After this sword was struck, the outcome would depend on life or death.

Under the pull of the Qi machine, the arm continued to burst with blood, but he still cut it down firmly.

This sword cut out the boundless world. This sword carries the courage to change the world. This sword carried his determination to move forward. This sword also carries expectations for the future.

Die Akainu. You cannot see the new world.

Akainu condensed all the magma within a hundred meters to his side to form a magma ball on the sea, which landed on the earth like a small sun.

The air was burned and distorted to an astonishing degree, and the figures within the circle could no longer be seen clearly.

All the wounds on his body that had been forcibly sealed before burst open. The blood is vaporized by its own magma.

Even though his face turned pale, Akainu's eyes remained firm.

Rock Berry Fruit. Awakening. Meteor Red Lotus!

Concentrate all the power of the meteor volcano into this punch, and create a red lotus-like flower.

The ultimate beauty brings the ultimate destruction, the attack of the material world collides with the indestructible swordsmanship on the spiritual level.

Two powerful forces clashed in mid-air.

The shock wave exploded like a circle of light in mid-air, spreading layer by layer.

Strong winds, lightning, and flowing fire, the aftermath was like a wave sweeping in all directions.

Both parties are red, igniting the vast and masculine red in the heart. The burning and bloody red of destruction.

The entire sea area was dyed the same color.

The sword energy kept cutting off the petals on the red lotus, but the red lotus bloomed with new petals one after another, as if it was constantly growing, with Akainu at the back providing a steady stream of magma.

This is the move of immortality. The lotus that never fades.

The terrifying collision produced an extreme shock wave that completely destroyed the remaining islands. Only the small area where Akainu stood at his feet was left.

Such changes made him have fewer and fewer focus points, and he was obviously at a disadvantage while standing on the ground.

Meteor Honglian was pushed back by the crimson sword energy.

Feeling the pressure from the top of his head, Akainu knew that if he continued like this, he would die from this move.

He was unwilling to give in. He simply prepared a last resort to see off Noah and himself.

Just as he prepared to launch his final attack.


His pupils contracted and his heart beat at super high speed.

The blood flow in the body suddenly accelerated. The teeth were gritted tightly.

He felt the pressure from the depths of his heart as if he was being watched by a higher being, and he was as immobile as Amber.

Every cell in the body was immersed in endless fear, and naturally could no longer control the extremely powerful power in his hands.

So the moves of him and Noah were forcibly interrupted by external forces, and the magma and sword energy were out of control at the same time.

When the extreme explosion was about to happen, the two of them gritted their teeth and deflected the power together.

They all shot into the empty air, exploding into fireworks all over the sky.

It shows that Noah made the same choice after encountering the same situation as him.

That thing is real, not some kind of illusion attack by the enemy.

So what on earth is this!

These years of fighting have made Akainu feel that he from infinite heights seems to have emotions.

The suspected god seemed to be impatient to see the final outcome, so he decided to reach out and wipe out the two dust particles together.

The idea of ​​treating everything as ants was accurately conveyed to his heart.

In the silent gaze, a sense of great terror arose from within.

Fortunately for these two people, one is the possessor of Overlord's domineering power, and the other is a naval admiral who has traversed the sea for decades.

His will is indelible and he can still break such a gaze.

what is that?

Akainu, who asked this question, didn't expect to get a reply and looked at the sky in surprise.

The overlord-colored clouds had been attracted to the word Hedao before, and now there was something like a dark cloud in the sky, but he was sure that this was definitely not an overlord-colored phenomenon.

Because the power contained in it is far more powerful and terrifying than Noah's sword.

This is impossible!

How could there be a more powerful attack? Akainu couldn't accept it even with his temperament.

And this god-like attack actually included two people.

What species would be so bold as to attack him and the revolutionary lights? We are at the top of the two most powerful armed forces on the sea.

It's Yim. The man behind the World Government.

Noah still has time to give Akainu an answer at the moment.

After all, he had the ability to leave the battlefield at any time after interrupting the attack.

So I decided to make Akainu a ghost who knows the truth.

World government?

Akainu was first shocked that the World Government had such a trump card, and then became angry that the other party wanted to kill him too.

You must know that he is an admiral of the navy and has sacrificed so much to uphold justice in the world.

In the end, it turned out to be just an ordinary life incidental to the killing of Noah.

This is an absolutely unacceptable ending for the proud admiral.

As if wanting to see Akainu's even more desperate expression, Noah continued to answer him.

This is what you have maintained for 800 years.

With him around, can absolute justice be completely enforced?

This will to destroy all life indiscriminately cannot even be called a human being?

Creator, haha.

Is it really worth it?

Akainu's eyes changed several times.

Is this the truth of the world?

God doesn't care about anything.

What does justice mean?

Having fought to the end, he was exhausted and could not withstand the high-level attacks.

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