Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 713 The Heartache of the Warring States Period

Then this time it will almost end that person.

Akainu may think that we don't know and are just impulsive brats who are greedy for success.

It's just right to sacrifice him this time, the navy is really

The five confident old men have already seen the future of the sea, and they have seen countless people in the 800 years of ruling the world.

How could they become passive again if they were prepared?

One of the sources of turmoil in the sea will finally be eliminated, and free will is the enemy.

His gaze returned to O'Hara.

The vigorous battle continues.

Another half day passed, and the volcanic island had been reduced to the point where only a base with a radius of 100 meters remained above the sea.

Akainu's rock berries are constantly awakening.

But before the new magma layer took shape, it was scattered by the violent sword energy and turned into pieces falling into the depths of the sea.

Noah, who went all out, turned on the bombing mode. A little bit of coercion is shrinking the battlefield.

The price paid is that most of the physical strength is consumed. There was already cold sweat on his forehead.

It had been a long time since I had fought to this level. I concentrated all my energy that could last for 10 days and 10 nights into one day and squandered it.

It was so exciting.

While maintaining violent output, you must also carefully calculate the distribution of physical energy. This kind of fighting mode will collapse if the heart is not firm at all.

The requirements are too high and a bit masochistic.

He followed a different path than most of the strong men in the sea.

As his physical strength decreases, his defense power also begins to decrease.

Some less important injuries are no longer resisted by the weapon color and are left to the body to resist.

Just because his system is not as good as the monsters, it doesn't mean he is weak.

By the end of the fight, Noah had been burned in many places. There were also a lot of internal injuries. Akainu’s fists were really hard.

There was even a red fist mark on his chest.

This was hit by Sakaski's counterattack while slashing down the crater.

This punch almost knocked him into the sea. Fortunately, the door was successfully opened the moment it came into contact with the sea, and it retreated to the sky. Otherwise the battle will end early.

The opponent's resilience is really strong and can be said to be indomitable.

Keep fighting now, the dawn of victory is about to appear. Noah's backup plan has been prepared for this guy.

Akainu on the other side was not having a good time either.

After the fruit awakens, it is a terrible drain on physical strength.

He also has to maintain his own magma field and continue to fight at a fast speed.

Still waiting for an opportunity to counterattack. This puts more pressure on him than Noah.

There are already several sword marks on his body that are deep enough to show the bones. They were all forced to stop bleeding and bonded together by the heat of the magma.

Severe pain mixed with the stench of burning flesh. Akainu, who was extremely embarrassed, still had no idea of ​​giving up the fight.

He even became more courageous as he fought. His physical strength is about to bottom out but the opponent won't have much either.

From the moment the opponent showed that terrifying attack power, being able to fight to this point was already his victory.

As for the final victory, he didn't know who it belonged to.

But there is no way Noah will leave here alive today.

Hold on and wait for an opportunity.

Deep underground at the bottom of the volcanic island, there are several purple rocks exuding a dangerous aura in special test tubes.

The end of the battle was approaching, and the three people watching from a distance also stood up.

The atmosphere suddenly became very solemn.

Seeing that his best naval officer is about to perish in the sea. It would be impossible for the Warring States Period to say that he had no ideas.

He is still wavering between the two ideas of merging the navy and the revolutionary army and saving Akainu.

After all, merging is an uncertain future, and the resistance is unprecedentedly huge.

Even the death of an admiral due to personal revenge will still arouse the hatred of the navy.

The faction behind Akainu cannot accept the departure of a top powerhouse, which represents the complete loss of the discourse group.

One-on-one is not allowed either. The rules of the sea cannot control the navy that specifies the rules.

So save Akainu? Akainu is the current pillar of the navy.

Also a future Admiral candidate.

Based on his rationality, he shouldn't have been like this, so he was prepared to watch on the sidelines before coming.

Taking action at this moment will completely break with the revolutionary army, and future battles will spread to every corner of the sea.

The plan to change the world is in that letter. I understand it all.

But when he really faces life and death, he will instinctively lean towards his own naval warriors.


There was a strange fluctuation emanating from Warring States' body, and traces of golden light seeped out from under his skin.

The look in his eyes didn't match his clothes, it was too sharp.

Like a marshal!

Leaning forward, a desire to move forward is brewing.

Long stood in front of Warring States decisively.

There was a breeze surging beside him, carrying his dark green cloak and flowing long hair.

An invisible wall of wind rose around the Voyager. It may not seem like a strong wind, but it can turn into the most violent dragon fangs in an instant, tearing apart all enemies.

Don't be impulsive, Marshal Warring States, this is a fair duel.

Long believed that Noah, a man who always had a backup plan, would surprise people at the end of this battle.

Therefore, he definitely disagrees with the intervention of the third party Warring States.

Noah paid so much, risking his life in a way that almost everyone disagreed with in exchange for a chance to win.

If someone sabotages this plan, then his work as the leader of the revolutionary army will be in vain.

This is the Warring States Period, with wisdom second only to his friends, and he is also a top powerhouse.

What if Akainu is really saved.

Then both the navy and the revolutionary army will pay more to replace the result of this battle.

Robin raised his hand and opened all the locking devices of the Voyager, and the gun barrels of various calibers were pointed in the direction of the Warring States Period.

At the same time, he crossed his hands, ready to knock the navy marshal violently into the sea at any time.

The old man with glasses started talking like he was farting.

After watching the battle and wanting to participate, it turns out that the Navy is still not trustworthy.

There was a dangerous aura in his eyes, and there seemed to be devil's fangs growing out of the corners of his mouth.

That kind of terrifying aura made everyone in the Warring States Period look at him. This was another strong man who had reached that level.

He hesitated to participate in such a battle after 1 vs. 2.

In desperation, he restrained the golden light that was about to bloom back into his body.

The momentum gradually dropped, and the body slowly relaxed.

Sorry, I was a little impulsive.

After that, he looked at the battlefield in the distance with a serious expression and stopped taking action.

Long and Robin pretended to take back their defensive postures, but in fact, most of their minds were still on Sengoku.

The intervention of a strong person only takes a moment.

Over the South China Sea, inside the Bika Research Institute.

A graduate student came to Dr. Tsukimi in panic.

Doctor, that strange band appeared again last time!


Dr. Tsukimi was shocked. This was suspected to be the fluctuation of the Creator, and it was of great research value.

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