Secondly, I was afraid that some official would not deal with it, so this route was left abandoned until now.

How could a place like a ghost island not make waves again?

Besides, it looks exactly like it did back then, with thunder like thunder and endless red light and black smoke. Is this history repeating itself?

Ignorant, they immediately fell into panic.

And young people are also afraid, in addition to the horror stories of the old people, there is also the propaganda of the world government.

The demon-slaying order 20 years ago turned this, the most proud pearl of the Xihai people, into a corner that no one wanted to mention.

But the emergence of Noah and Robin made the adults feel ashamed and did not dare to trouble them.

So they began to concoct some rumors to modify people's perceptions and try to humiliate the revolutionary lights.

After the World Government's exaggeration, most people in the entire Western Sea believe that it is an island cursed by the devil.

In order to protect civilians, the navy destroyed it and even designated it as a restricted area in the West Sea.

Is this the resurgence of the evil on the island? There will be a great disaster in this world.

Terrified, they planned to immediately report the information to a nearby naval base.

After the report, the operator on the navy side understood the urgency of the situation and said that he would send someone to deal with it, and the villagers were relieved.

However, no matter how this news was delivered, it did not reach the base of the Navy Headquarters.

Staff Officer He had already made preparations in Marineland. As she was in charge of intelligence work, it was easy for her to delay for some time.

In addition to information transmission, some changes were also made secretly in personnel transfer.

For example, some adjustments were made to the naval branch in Xihai, but these were all done without telling Ganggu.

Even after abdicating the throne for 6 years, he still has such tight control over the navy.

This shows how unbelievable Sengoku said when he boarded the ship that he was just here to watch the battle.

The information around O'Hara has been blocked by him.

Unless it is directly seen by the spies of the World Government, it cannot be spread.

The three people sitting on the Voyager saw that the battle had entered a fever pitch.

The two of them had been engaged in such a high-intensity battle for most of the day. Not a second of slack.

Now the battle rhythm suddenly changed to a large-scale destruction battle.

The magma continues to emerge, cooling and creating land, while the sword energy continues to destroy the island.

It seems that Noah is the demon king who destroys all living things, and Akainu is the god who built the sea and land.

The easy switching of offense and defense is dizzying to watch.

Noah really is a monster.

Warring States had to sigh.

He was extremely surprised that Akainu could come up with such a tactic. But after all, the other party was a peerless strong man whom he had witnessed fighting on the sea for decades.

He has fought against all kinds of esper, domineering and strong swordsmen. It's normal to come up with a tactic against Noah over the years.

But Noah thought of a way to fight back within half a day.

Pull yourself out of the quagmire of speed war.

If the follow-up battle plan goes well, the extremely powerful power of the domineering kendo can be maintained until the end of the battle.

Then Akainu's situation will become very dangerous.

This kind of fighting thinking will be inspired by any strong person on the sea after seeing it.

The strong people who overturn the times just like to take the unconventional path.

In the habitual restraint tactics, I went through the information in my mind.

Sengoku discovered that if he wanted to find an opponent within the navy who could defeat Noah, the only one who could win was Garp.

Generally speaking, the fighting styles of the three generals are similar, but their attributes are different.

Aokiji's Ice Age can also create such a battlefield, and there will be no difference in play style.

Kizaru's Shining Fruit can directly start a racing battle with the Gate Fruit, but it will be restrained by the Overlord Color for a moment, and life and death will be determined in an instant.

Among these people, Qing Pheasant will still be wiped out by such a battle. As for Kizaru, he couldn't hit Noah even if he didn't go beyond the conventional attack methods.

Therefore, he is not optimistic about the three generals in a 1-on-1 battle. This result made the former marshal of the Navy very sad.

The ace that I had been proud of for a long time was surpassed by the younger generation, which really made me feel a little uncomfortable.

In order to create successors who can inherit the Navy's will, the Navy has invested unimaginable resources in the three generals.

But the truth is so cruel, even the Buddha's Warring States Period is no match for him.

Of course, if he tried his best, he would be certain that he and Noah would die together.

After all, the trump card he holds is something that no one in the world understands.

In terms of absolute victory, only an unreasonable and pure physical warrior like Garp could win.

When a naval hero uses Haki at full status, it will be an extremely terrifying strength.

That kind of powerful posture can only be understood by those who have truly experienced that era. Even as time goes by, no one knows what level Garp's strength is.

Attack, defense, speed, physical strength, knowledge color, weapon color, combat skills. And an extremely strong will.

This allows him to fight against any strong player of any style on the sea and win the final victory.

Garp told Rocks after the battle that Sengoku thought that if he had been in the Valley of Gods back then, he would not have been able to withstand it.

The wise general who kept collecting information became more and more serious as he thought about it.

It would be too cheating to pair such an enemy with a door fruit. If the fruit ability can be eliminated, then there will be more to fight.

Even if you pile up human lives, you can still die, but there are no ifs in this world.

Zhan Guo, who frowned, thought of 10,000 ways to kill Noah.

Robin and Dragon continued to cheer for Noah.

It can be seen that Wei Wei should have the upper hand after changing tactics.

They were not sure who the winner was until the last moment, but they were not as worried as they were at the beginning.

As for O'Hara's destruction, Robin no longer cares about this nameless island.

The O'Hara in my heart was destroyed 20 years ago, and the body left behind is meaningless.

Except for the last memorial service in 1505, he never came back.

People and knowledge are the most precious. When these two are lost, the island is nothing more than an ecosystem composed of rocky soil and plants.

While three people were watching the battle nervously.

On Mariejoia, thousands of miles away.

The owner of the Void Throne among the Flowers opened his eyes again.

Sensing the transmission of information, he moved his gaze to the west.

Noah is ridiculous.

There seemed to be a world map floating in front of me in the void.

There are violent energy fluctuations at O'Hara's original site.

A boring mortal fight.

That's magma and space. Human desires are always so uncontrolled, and they are still inferior creatures.

hold on.

Im closed her eyes again.

This time, the fleeting breath was sensed by Wulaoxing who was guarding outside.

Just now, Master Yimu came again.

Yes, it seems that the lamp was not crushed to death last time, which made the adults very angry.

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