Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 709 Magma Hell and the Strongest Single Body

If Noah's overlord color burns people's spiritual will, then Akainu burns and destroys purely materially.

His body suddenly radiated endless light and heat.

He raised his hands into fists and raised the veins on his face. His eyes were burning with hatred and anger that seemed to be irreversible.

It was as if his whole body had turned into an erupting volcano, and then he punched the ground with both fists.


This punch seemed to hit the depths of a person's soul.

The top damage from the material world also caused panic in the hearts of the spectators.

Click, click, click.

This was the sound of the ground being cracked, and irregular cracks hundreds of meters in diameter opened where the island was hit.

This range is not large for top players, but it is very deep.

There were red lines spreading around the cracked area.


White steam first overflowed from the cracks. It is high-temperature steam that disperses into the air with hot water vapor.

Then red light swam in it, and what flowed inside was the hot magma at the core.


Another punch struck, and the lines continued to spread again.

The flow of the Earth's mantle is one of nature's greatest natural disasters. unstoppable. Can't resist.

This is the anger from nature, which has the power to destroy all life.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Akainu's exploding fist punched down one after another.

The entire O'Hara was shaking crazily, and magma continued to gush out from the cracks with his fist.

A smell of sulfur emanated from the center of the earth.

When the fists finally hit, the entire island was spread by cracks, and then there was a bang.

The surface crust is broken open by underground magma. Endless crimson magma rushed out of the ground and into the sky.

O'Hara itself is like the cap of a giant bottle. It was opened by the huge pressure inside.

The magma rushed to a height of thousands of meters and began to fall before cooling completely.

It falls down like rain, endlessly.

When it fell into the sea water, a ball of white water vapor was scalded.

Then another ball fell like raindrops one after another, and the sea water was boiling.

The entire O'Hara Island turned into a crater in an instant. An extremely active volcanic crater.

There are endless magma and huge black volcanic rocks flowing here. If you want to avoid stepping in the magma, you can only step on the hot rocks.

Black, smoke billowing to the top. Poisonous gas filled the air. Red and black intertwined, this is the end of life.

In order to prepare this gift for you, I absorbed the power of magma from three top and most active volcanoes.

On the way here, it also led the veins of submarine volcanoes to come here.

How about it!

Before Noah could express his opinion, the three people watching from a distance were once again amazed.

Sakaski is really awesome.

It turns out that the mystery of the recent volcanic extinction in the New World lies with him.

Turning the entire large island into your main battlefield is so powerful.

If the heat and energy required to do this were achieved by humans themselves, it would be easy to consume most of the physical strength before the war begins.

It is indeed a very good way to fight by borrowing volcanic heat from other places and the veins of submarine volcanoes pulling the West Sea to erupt. This battle can still be fought.

Warring States repeatedly praised.

It seems that Akainu already has a good strategy in mind for this battle.

The natural type's single-target explosion in the later stages is definitely not as good as some superhuman types or physical experts.

And borrowing the natural power of heaven and earth is their greatest auxiliary ability.

There is nothing wrong with using the power of heaven and earth to suppress human power.

And for the natural type, Sengoku figured out Akainu's tactics.

What a truly outstanding navy junior. What a pity.

Robin and Long began to worry about Noah.

At first, I thought that this invincible domineering force could suppress the enemy, but who knew that the opponent directly flipped the table.

The island was completely destroyed. In the magma hell, fighting a rock berry fruit user will cause serious damage if you are not careful, and there are many restrictions.

At this moment, Robin didn't even have time to feel sorry for the fact that his hometown had been disgraced, and he was filled with worry.

I hope Noah has prepared other tactics to overcome this method.

The confrontation between the two completely sealed O'Hara away.

Mentally, there is that domineering and overbearing aura that covers the sky and the sun, shrouding everything in the world. Materially, there is an endless rain of volcanic magma that is erupting, destroying everything.

Now even if there is a third-party force that wants to take advantage of the two of them, they can't get close.

A complete Jedi, the name of natural disaster is too appropriate.

Noah also had some appreciation for Akainu's method of changing the world. You really can never underestimate your enemies.

Now that the battlefield is set up, it’s time for a serious fight!

He raised his right arm, and Dao Yiwen pulled the surrounding red domineering energy like a black hole, and at the same time, he retracted the figures standing on the magma pool onto the sword.

The boundless domineering power is concentrated on this small sword body, making the color of the blade increasingly bright red and translucent, like a lightsaber.

He is fanatical, domineering and sharp, and various extreme attributes are superimposed on the word Hedao, which is extremely lethal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power of a sword is about the same as that of a sand crocodile.

A hit means death, and it is extremely lethal even to generals.

The overlord color here has a spiritual impact and is extremely powerful. This invisible attack of being cut to a point will also impact the opponent's will and mind.

The angry mood of the people is an extreme mental shock.

If he is stunned for just a short moment, a person like Noah can strike thousands of times.

The consequences are the difference between dying and dying miserably.

After absorbing the figure, the red domineering field still enveloped the magma volcano.

This is how Noah has improved over the years.

His domineering power became stronger and stronger, even to the point where his body could no longer bear it.

If you test your own domineering limit, it will cause damage to your body.

Injure yourself first before injuring the enemy. If all of them are wrapped around your body, your body will explode and die first.

Such a limit seemed to tell him that it was difficult for a human body to carry everyone's will.

At the same time, Hedao Yiwen also has his own limits and cannot bear too much domineering power.

If the input is too much, it will tremble in fear. This state is now the limit of the supreme sharp sword.

Therefore, after he and the weapon used their ultimate domineering power, the rest still shrouded the field to suppress the opponent.

As his enemy, Akainu also felt the power of the sword.

Just looking at the opposite side with his eyes, all the cells in his body began to instinctively fear.

The breath of death was almost tugging at his soul.

Warring States and others who were dozens of sea miles away felt the same way.

They don't even understand and even start to question. This might be the strongest single-target attack he's ever seen.

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