Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 708 Incredible Domination

Such duels were very rare on the sea, and it was only at the end of the era that general-level battles frequently occurred.

Following the imperial battle in the new world, there is the general battle.

Unexpectedly, so many strong men would die this year, and Sengoku was even more worried about Akainu's fate.


Noah pulled out the supreme sharp sword, the red sword, and the word Hedao, which made everyone on the sea fearful.

There was a crisp cry all his life, and the sword edge flew in the air with a breathtaking cold light.

Even the weapon itself understands how glorious this battle will be.

Buzz~~~Boom! ! ! ! !

A terrifying sense of oppression arose in Noah's heart.

Facing Akainu, the defender of the World Government who must be eradicated, there is no one else to influence him on the desert island.

I can finally unleash my full power!

Noah showed all the anger and will in his heart, and the carrier was that appalling overlord-colored domineering energy.

The earth is shaking, the foundation of the island is cracking, the sea water is retreating, the sky is shrouded in dark clouds, and endless black lightning is swimming in the clouds.

The air is as solid as an iron plate, and the power of will to interfere with matter is clearly demonstrated.

It simply goes beyond the rules that should not exist in this world.

All creatures with a little bit of intelligence began to move away from here crazily.

The ultimate terror emerges from the instincts of their creatures, including the deepest Neptune species.

That is something that should not belong to this world. A foreign will is implemented in this world.

A red wave emerged from Noah's body.

The dam in the void was washed away by the sea currents, and endless red spread over the deserted island and sea.

The huge field was instantly displayed in front of the world.

The phantoms of the crowd slowly emerged from the red world that looked like a solid substance.

There are ordinary people, there are fish people, there are fur people, and there are ordinary people of various races.

Women, children, the elderly, workers, farmers, students.

There are staunch revolutionary soldiers and even a navy with a righteous heart.

It seems that all the heroic spirits who died in the memory are resurrected and returned to this world.

The phantoms of Ivankov and Bear also appeared in this world. There is no difference between a living being and a living person.

The crowd was roaring at Akainu now.

This is a voice of resistance against the injustice of the world, the oppression of powerful people, the exploitation of Tianlong people, and the trampling of dignity and will.

Just like that, Noah was surrounded by many figures.

It is as if a flag is inspiring rebels all over the world, and it is also as if a wick is lighting up this decadent world.

Fanaticism and courage inspired every figure, and they were no longer timid or afraid.

Even if the opponent is the top monster in the sea.

This is the top overlord color on the sea. Noah’s domineering color.

Heavy pressure was placed on Akainu's side. Within the area enveloped by the red domineering energy, even the sea water was compacted, like a mirror that could not raise even a single wave.

The will of humanity is so strong and overbearing.

Seng Guo and others who were watching the battle from a distance also looked horrified. Isn't this kind of thing less and less like a king?

It was clearly agreed that it was a one-on-one fight, so why did you recruit so many people to cheer?

If Iskandar from another world saw this, he would not like it. Anti-army Noble Phantasm: The Military Power of the Revolutionary Army.

This was also the first time for Long and Robin to see Noah's domineering reach such a level. After all, there seemed to be no chance to show this level of domineering.

It seems like this situation is stable?

Such terrifying mental oppression can be felt even at such a distance from O'Hara.

Warring States felt that his breathing was a little dull, and his consciousness was suppressed to the point of depression.

It's terrifying that his top general-level strength would be weakened so much.

But why were Robin and others only shocked at first, but had no other negative effects later on?

Is this domineering enough to attract others? The strategic effect is immeasurable.

If Noah had such domineering power in 1516, the Battle of Pioneer Island would probably have ended early, and the navy's large forces would not be able to cross such a peak.

He was like this, so what kind of pressure was Akainu on the opposite side facing?

And how will Akainu break the situation in the face of such pressure?

Warring States unconsciously brought himself into the enemy's camp to find a way to solve this problem. This is instinct for a strategist.

To know that this level of domineering and destructive power of a domineering figure is terrifying without even thinking about it.

A single blow would definitely be a serious injury that is difficult to treat. Even if Kaido is reincarnated, he won't be able to bear it for a few times.

Domineering is the most original strength of the strong.

Sengoku now understands that he originally thought that Noah would rely on the Gate Fruit to carry out quick tactics.

Only by maximizing the effect of spatial displacement can you fight against Akainu.

It can only be said that the effect of this tactic is not obvious in single combat. No matter how fast the results are, there is still a process.

Just like Kizaru's move is still slow no matter how fast he strikes.

As long as the top masters can react, their body's instinct and experience will be enough to deal with it.

In addition, everyone has studied Noah’s information very thoroughly.

Therefore, the Warring States Period is not optimistic about the use of speed tactics by Menmenguo.

Moreover, rock berries have extremely strong frontal combat capabilities and basically have no weaknesses.

Now it seems the opposite is true. In terms of absolute lethality, Noah actually surpassed Akainu.

And Akainu doesn't have the advantage in terms of speed, so wouldn't this match be at a disadvantage right from the start?

When everyone thought Akainu would lose, Akainu was the only one who remained unwavering.

Although he is not overbearing and domineering, he can still stick to his heart.

It’s just that there is no domination, and not all top masters have domineering looks, but the strong ones still reach the top of the world.

In a life-and-death showdown, he will certainly be amazed by his opponent's terrifying domineering power, but he will not lose his courage.

This kind of growth-type domineering has never appeared once in the records of the world government.

With no upper limit in sight, Akainu couldn't find a way to restrain his opponent for a while.

Currently in this world, Haki is extremely restrained in fruit abilities.

So Akainu also began to think about the tactics he would use if his single attack power was not as good as his opponent's.

He usually behaves impulsively because his opponents are not worthy of his brain, but as a brave and resourceful strategist, many of his tactical ideas are very advanced.

He also contributed a lot to the negative damage caused to Whitebeard in the original battle.

So this time it’s the same. You don't have to be destructive to be called a strong person.

Only those who survive can be called strong after experiencing countless adversities and tragic wars.

And the experience he gained from decades of bloody fighting cannot be compared to a revolutionary light that has been hiding in the dark all year round.

I saw Akainu showing his teeth that were glowing with cold light, and clenching his hands into fists, turning them into the hardest volcanic rock.

Lava flowed from his arms.

Noah. Let's start this war with destruction.

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