Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 710 The cruelest battle rhythm

Unexpectedly, the Menmen Fruit was not Noah’s trump card at all. This is an unreasonable attack.

Extreme attack, extreme speed, what else does he lack?

Almost all the fighting postures were completed, and it turned out that Noah had reached the top of the sea unknowingly.

He was pushed unreasonably to a position very close to the strongest in the world by his own domineering power.

On the battlefield, Noah pointed his sword at Akainu.

Be prepared, this sword is very strong!

After saying that, he disappeared in front of everyone, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Akainu.

The sudden increase in the pressure of the overlord's color field slowed down Akainu for a moment, and it was at this moment that he suffered the fatal blow.


The red sword energy flooded him like a tide.

The sword energy is filled with black and purple thunder. This is an attack that is extremely domineering.

There was no resistance, one sword struck in two parts, and it was so smooth that it was not beautiful.

Half of the body was not cut off but melted.

The overloaded force destroys all material foundations in the path. It starts to destroy the smallest cells and then penetrates the human body and flies forward.

The red sword energy flew farther and farther, breaking through the realm of magma volcanoes and the range of domineering energy, and flew to the outer sea.

It cut straight into the sea, and the water began to boil violently.

This kind of sword energy is indestructible, even the deep sea cannot block its path forward, and finally cuts into the bottom of the sea.

A huge rift was carved out in the deepest part.

Unmeasured amounts of seawater were sucked in by the cracks, forming a tidal whirlpool on the distant sea surface.

The Neptune type struggled and roared, but to no avail. Still being sucked into the bottomless canyon.

The effect of this sword made onlookers feel frightened. Basically, nothing happened.

died? !

The idea came to Robin et al.'s mind but was quickly deleted.

Even such a terrifying attack would not be enough for a general to kill him immediately upon meeting him.

The gold content of the three generals of the navy is real.

Sure enough, in the distance, a ball of magma reappeared as Akainu's figure.

He still had the same cold expression, as if the slash just now had no impact on him.

In fact, Akainu's back was soaked in cold sweat and dried by lava.

The moment Noah's sword reached his body, the terrifying confirmation of domineering shocked him for a moment.

But the power was too powerful and difficult to control. Noah also made this mistake and was still a little slow.

The strong man's instinct quickly disappeared into elements, leaving behind a magma substitute.

The moment before leaving, he vaguely felt the power of the sword energy. A will that can unfold anything is unheard of.

He was still scratched, and there was a wound on his right arm that was bleeding continuously, and it would be difficult to heal no matter how much he spent his life.

The domineering energy attached to the sword energy was too powerful. If he was given some time to wear it off, he would be able to recover easily, but Noah on the other side probably wouldn't give it a chance.

It's really a difficult battle, but it's more interesting this way, isn't it?

Akainu, who had just passed between life and death, had a smile on his lips.

Fighting is not about comparing who can do more damage, Noah!


Noah nodded, indeed his control was a little worse.

I couldn't control the situation in the ultimate battle, and I still couldn't use Flying Slash after that.

The sword just now had too much energy, so I had to cut out the sword energy.

And the movement speed of his own body alone is not fast enough.

His biggest shortcoming right now is his physical fitness.

There are no bloodline bonuses from those special races. Therefore, in terms of physical condition, he is inferior to Akainu and others.

In terms of physical fitness in the sea, the strong ones can be distinguished by their height.

For example, the tallest aunt is nearly 7 meters tall. Whitebeard is over 6 meters tall and Kaido is also over 6 meters tall.

This is the physique of the Four Emperors with astonishing physique.

The second echelon in terms of physique are the three generals who are about three meters tall.

They balance fruit power with terrifying physical fitness and domineering ability, so they can fight against strong men without relying on their domineering looks. They can be called the most comprehensive fighting machine.

The name of monster is well deserved, and Zefa has repeatedly emphasized that these three disciples can be called perfect to a certain extent.

In terms of physical fitness, the third tier is dominated by Noah and Shanks.

Both of them dominate with their domineering attitude.

After all, this kind of thing mainly depends on the mind and talent, and the physical restrictions are not that big.

And masters of this average height basically follow the same path, focusing on domineering.

There should be no existence in history like Noah whose body cannot bear the domineering force.

Of course, there is always no shortage of miracles on the sea.

There is one exception here, and that is Garp.

So he became a naval hero, a peerless murderer who could destroy the Rocks Pirates together with Roger.

Since the body speed is not enough and Akainu has high defense, then reduce the distance.

As he rushed forward, the silver halo flashed, this was the Gate Fruit!

Another sword stabbed out, this sword was not as magnificent as the first sword.

It looks darker but is actually more powerful. All the destructive power is concentrated on the blade.

But it failed again, and Akainu came out from another angle.


With a sword swing to disperse the oncoming giant fist, Noah opened the door and returned to the distance.

This is

Users with natural devil fruit abilities can appear anywhere within their own domain through elementalization.

And magma, there is magma everywhere.

Therefore, the speed advantage of the Gate Fruit has been wiped out by this short-distance elementalization.

After all, the difference between elementalization and door fruit within this range is not very big.

This is the genius of Akainu, Lanoa enters this rhythm of death.

Only in this way can we avoid some destructive means of the other party.

Sakaski admitted that he was more worried about the other party's strange tactics.

Another advantage of this tactic is that it prevents the opponent from easily entering the space with you.

There is a freezing time when entering, as long as that moment is enough.

The lava rain all over the sky can drive him to deliver a fatal blow at any time, as long as Noah dares to reveal such a flaw.

After that, it’s just a dance between life and death.

There are limitations to controlling such domineering power with Noah's physique.

The further back you drag, the harder it becomes to control, and your physical energy will drain away quickly.

Akainu's physical fitness is stronger than Noah's, but maintaining the physical volcanic island also consumes a lot of physical energy.

It will eventually turn into a battle that becomes more and more brutal as it goes on.

The fighting pace of both sides cannot be slow at all. Whoever is slow will die.

You can't relax mentally, and no one can make mistakes, otherwise you will die if you make mistakes.

Physical energy also needs to be distributed accurately. Whoever runs out of physical energy first will die.

This is gambling on life!

Noah, who understood the rules of battle, maintained a certain amount of dominance. It was still not advisable to expect to kill the enemy with a knife, so he put down his mentality and started fighting.

Two people began to appear on the island, constantly dodging and swiping their swords, dodging and dodging.

Akainu, on the other hand, was constantly being cut off by the magma incarnation and punching continuously.

Such a high-intensity battle may end in the blink of an eye, or it may end in a day.

This is what the Warring States Period said. Even with their physical strength, they could not sustain a long battle.

In the end, it's more of a competition of wills.

There is a reader in the book club group who is having sex, and he is urging me to update. So I arranged an update day for him.

I stayed up late to write after watching the game last night. I was so tired.

Everyone, please pay attention to your health.

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