Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 707 What time has brought to him

Mainly because I don’t know what to say, so I do something to kill some time.

Then he looked up just in time to see Akainu walking over with the overwhelming scorching momentum behind him.

The two looked at each other.

There was no domineering hedging. Just the pressure brought by the gaze had caused a hedging in the middle, and the dust on the island was divided into two sides.

At this time, not even a breath of wind could squeeze in, only the rising hot air currents were circulating in the sky.

Sakaski looked at the enemy in front of him with a solemn expression, murderous intent deep in his heart.

Ever since the two O'Hara imps escaped in 1502, the world has become abnormal.

With the size of the Navy's demon-slaying order, it was impossible for them to leave O'Hara.

Even though they were being hunted down, there were no clues, and they seemed to have just disappeared into the world.

Akainu didn't even care about the lives of these two people at that time, he was more concerned about the imperfection and incompleteness of his actions.

Even two of these criminals who studied history were allowed to escape.

For Akainu, who has always maintained the image of completing tasks perfectly, imperfection appeared for the first time in his life history.

This imperfection lasted for a long time.

Put aside this mission and continue his life until 1509.

The guy in front of him actually led his people to the Red Earth Continent, and unexpectedly invaded the holy land of Mariejoia.

He slapped everyone hard, and it turned out that the sin did not disappear but was accumulating strength.

And the first time he faced an enemy that he had never even seen in his own eyes, he was defeated.

That one blow to Akainu was huge.

It was thought that he, who was about to ascend to the position of general, would forcefully suppress these criminals in the name of naval monsters. But he was chopped down by this guy using very despicable means.

Hailou Stone Powder. The memory is still fresh!

He was severely humiliated in front of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

That was the first time he experienced what unacceptable failure was.

Strictly speaking, it was Akainu who won the final victory at the end of the battle. But considering the strength gap between the two sides at the time, a fight to that extent would be a complete failure.

The World Economic News reported extensively that the looks behind the back of his naval colleagues were a huge torment for an arrogant young man.

Afterwards, my heart fell into silence. After crazy training, I got out of the trough again.

Just when I thought nothing could defeat him, I met this guy for the second time.

Still so despicable.

The ability to hide his fruit caught him off guard.

Even if he has the fruit ability, he even called a group of experts to participate in the siege.

They even prepared mysterious fruit creations to severely injure him. If backup hadn't arrived immediately, that might have been the last battle.

the second time! Defeated for the second time on the red clay continent.

For his ambition to reach the top of the navy, he was once again cut in half.

The injury he suffered that time was more serious than the first time, and he almost died completely.

In addition to practicing his own justice, Akainu, who struggled to crawl back from the hell of death, also had another thing to do, which was to find Noah for revenge.

The two scars on the face are a reminder that people cannot fail one after another.

The third head-to-head confrontation was on Pioneer Island in the South China Sea in 1516.

I accidentally created this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but I wasn't even qualified to fight him.

Everything seems to be controlled by the other party.

Although the battlefield was tragic, it did not belong to him.

In the end, the navy was defeated. This time the people and forces were defeated together, so Akainu could no longer show his pride when facing Noah.

Now fate gave him one last chance.

When he was about to determine the position of navy marshal this year, he encountered Noah's obstruction again.

This is a crisis and an opportunity.

If you can get through it, you can break your nightmare. If you can't get through, it means you can't do anything more than that.

So for the first time in his many years of naval career, he went against the overall considerations of the world government and chose to fight alone.

With his thoughts at this point, he spoke his first words.

“Hope you don’t disappoint me, Noah.

No matter what, you can't escape your fate of ultimate destruction.

Noah stood there and heard Akainu's tactful conversation as soon as he opened his mouth.

I didn't expect that the tone of a middle-aged middle school student would be quite suitable for this serious-faced guy.

He didn't even expect that just walking from the edge of the island to the middle would make General Akainu go through such a long mental journey.

He also took the opportunity to review his life experiences and changes over the past few decades.

Noah doesn't miss Akainu that much, he's just a simple enemy.

And to be honest, he had the upper hand in several duels with Akainu.

He had already finished his taunting words in the previous two battles, and now he couldn't find the kind of middle-level speech that could be used to talk to him.

This is not possible, the duel has already begun.

Verbal confrontation can be considered a serious battle.

Don’t you see, Luffy must talk every time he fights?

The louder you talk, the more your combat power increases.

Especially after suffering a defeat, the rhetoric will definitely be the clarion call for counterattack, which will turn the tide during the battle.

Today's battle involves both mortal hatred and great righteousness, and the high and low should also be expressed in two sentences.

“In terms of personal vendetta, I’m not from O’Hara.

There are only two people on this island that I have a good relationship with. One was taken away by me, Dr. Clover, who died a martyr.

I'm more of a swordsman for the souls of innocent people who died tragically.

Private vendettas are more about a conflict of feelings. If I don’t kill you, I will be dissatisfied.

As he spoke, Noah was also reflecting on his own thoughts.

Then he continued with determination.

“In terms of justice, you are blocking our way.

The merger of the Revolutionary Army and the Navy is imperative, and the opportunity to overthrow the World Government lies in this critical battle.

Once you die, the biggest obstacle between us and the navy will disappear.

The two sides can join together to form the real top force in this sea that can compete with the world government.

Wait for us to overthrow the world government and re-change the world structure to formulate new world rules.

Both justice and morality can be truly implemented thoroughly.

Not the kind of justice that lies beneath falsehood

I know I can't convince you. So we are divided into life and death as well as superiority and inferiority.

Noah’s words were lofty and majestic.

But for the onlookers and Akainu, the words that he was not O'Hara were not as shocking.

Maybe the World Government has investigated it, but Akainu really doesn't know.

I originally thought that the other party had a personal grudge against me, but now it seems that he is just an innocent guy.

For the sea? ridiculous!

As for the merger of the two parties, if I were alive, I would be 100% opposed to it.

In the future that has not been seen, this is a false thing.

How can such an uncertain thing replace the world government?

As expected, if there is no speculation, then let’s distinguish life and death as well as superiority and inferiority.

The two of them had made up their mind, and their momentum suddenly increased.

When the three people on the Voyager saw this situation, they retreated again and again.

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