Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 704 The New Pirate King

She knew very well how Nanhai treated pirates. If they were hit by someone from the revolutionary army, they would really die.

The subsequent story is somewhat similar to the original work.

Luffy was still reckless and caused trouble in Barati, knocking over several tables.

This time there is no East China Sea Admiral Klik coming to cause trouble. Reijiu has already gained a great reputation in the East China Sea.

Everyone knows that there is a female bodyguard waiter in Haihai Restaurant who is extremely powerful. Many adult masters cannot escape with three punches and two kicks.

Luffy, as a reckless man, causing trouble in Barati also made many people in the East China Sea watch for a while.

He was beaten, badly.

The reason is that Luffy just fell in love with Sanji's cooking skills, so he stalked the curly-browed guy to join his team.

A fight with the furious Reiju, or rather a one-sided beating.

But even though he was beaten badly, he still didn't give up and let Sanji join the Straw Hats.

This determination to pursue freedom without fear or wavering deeply moved Sanji.

So the curly eyebrow boy resolutely joined this hastily created pirate group regardless of Reiju's obstruction.

He also boarded the Golden Merli, which countless people longed for.

Reiju, unable to do anything, had no choice but to board the ship as a non-staff member.

Nowadays, the sea is full of turbulence and mystery, and all kinds of hidden masters and ruthless people emerge in endlessly.

With her escorting them, they could at least be protected in the first half of the park.

In one fell swoop, the strength limit of the Straw Hats was raised by several levels. If Reiju is now wearing a battle suit, she is still worth 800 million Baileys.

Even if he is placed in the imperial group, he can become a relatively important cadre.

Although Sanji didn't want to, he couldn't drive people away.

After Luffy agreed, a very crude pirate group version 1.0 was formed.

Two people got on the boat before Sanji got on the boat.

One is Kirby and the other is Usopp.

Kirby, who would have been captured by the pirates and used as a handyman, was lucky enough to be taken aboard directly by Luffy this time.

The pirates in the East China Sea were plowed several times by the revolutionary army and navy, which also changed this guy's fate.

No need to live another year of such hardship.

Some corrupt naval bases were also sanctioned by the revolutionary army.

Because the revolutionary army overturned the corrupt naval base and released a lot of internal information.

Letting the public know about the dirty secrets of this base had a huge impact on the young people's hearts.

My admiration for the navy suddenly decreased a lot.

This time, he happened to be picked up by Luffy. For some reason, the two of them got along well and joined the Straw Hats.

The addition of Lord Usopp is not much different from the original work.

Xiluobu Village itself is a peaceful and peaceful small village, and has not been affected by the navy and revolutionary army.

So Baiji Keluo lurked step by step.

Of course, the initial reason was that I really couldn't survive in the outside world.

He had seen how the revolutionary army strangled pirates outside, and he managed to escape with his life, but his courage was completely lost.

It was terrifying to see such a big pirate ship cut into two pieces.

Blood Moon Swordsman Kuina's attack is a dimensionality-reducing blow to ordinary pirates, especially in the East China Sea.

The so-called spoon trick may not even be considered a mosquito in the eyes of the opponent.

After turning around and disbanding the pirate group, he planned to make a fortune and run to Rogge Town, the safest island in the East China Sea, to become a rich man.

Compared with the threat of the navy, the revolutionary army is obviously more dangerous. Fortunately, it didn't work out, otherwise I don't know if I would have been scared to death when I saw Dasqi who looked exactly like Guina.

In the end, after many choices, he still focused on the sickly girl.

This time it’s the same plot.

But Luffy's strength is different. Under Garp's serious torture, his combat power increased several times.

Even though the painting style is still funny, the rubber fruit on Hot Blood is really powerful and easily defeated Crowe's conspiracy.

Gained the allegiance of the sniper master Usopp.

Unexpectedly, both the original and the future were mixed together, and Luffy still gathered a lot of talents.

Sanji needs no further introduction. The combat prowess displayed by Kobe after two years at the top is also extremely amazing.

It only took a short time to gather these potential new stars. I'm afraid Luffy's path will not be much different from the past.

But the most reliable Sauron and their navigators are gone.

I don’t know if I can go to the East China Sea. Depending on the arrangement of fate, there should be opportunities to complete it in the future.

Noah did not deliberately control the actions of the Straw Hats, and was unwilling to control other people's lives.

Even Reijiu didn't worry about getting on the ship. This was her own choice.

It is estimated that Reiju on the ship will be very tired, and the endless enemies that will appear in the future will make her very anxious.

That kind of strength is still not enough to protect Luffy who has destiny.

Noah now only uses the Straw Hats to recall his lost youth.

He doesn’t know how much emotion he will have left after those classic scenes disappear.

I don’t even know if Luffy and his party in Rogge Town, which has not yet started, will be imprisoned on the execution platform.

How would the Straw Hat survive the disaster if he was locked up without his father to protect him?

Since his debut, Luffy has fought pirates that he has never heard of before.

Except for the Ax King Mengka who is still there, everyone else has changed.

Even though it is very difficult, it is also very passionate. But he couldn't understand it from this report, and he could no longer find the feeling he had when he watched One Piece.

This unknown plot is equivalent to the second manga called One Piece. A novel feeling hit Noah's heart.

There should be no one in this world who understands this feeling. Watch One Piece in One Piece.

The real world and the virtual world are once again connected.

Just after seeing the information, I arrived at Xihai.

I also met a dragon 'by chance'.

You guy. This is a fair fight.

I just came to Xihai to provide guidance on the mission and it has nothing to do with your duel.

Long said with a disgusted expression.

His son didn't care and still came to Xihai to guide the work. This is really dedicated.

Noah rolled his eyes.

You'd better not get close to the location of the decisive battle, otherwise there will be variables.

I have a hunch that someone from the navy will be watching this battle.

An insider might be worried about his own character, so when the dragon comes, he will come.

I know.

Long replied simply and neatly. I don't know if he really won't go.

Noah and Robin slowed down after arriving at Xihai.

In fact, Xihai is the place where he left many traces.

Taking young Robin with him was considered a stay there for a while. I was in constant panic all day, fearing that I would be caught by the navy.

At that time, Noah was very weak and basically had no ability to protect himself.

Noah, who was in a frightened state at the time, was always unconsciously afraid of the search capabilities of a behemoth like the Navy.

But in order to appease Robin's emotions, he always pretended to be confident.

The two people slowly walked back along the route they had taken before.

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