Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 705 The restless Robin and the unexpected arrival

One of the islands was filled with emotion. There was also a branch base of the Navy in the West Sea on this island.

At that time, they hid here for half a year and escaped the first round of raids by the navy.

Continuing walking, every stopover island will talk about the past.

Until we came to the last island.

This is where Qing Pheasant dropped them off, an ordinary small fishing village.

It was also the place where I felt reborn for the first time.

Noah still remembered that he had borrowed some money from Qing Pheasant here and said that he would pay it back to him in the future.

It's only now that I think about it. I don't know how long I've owed this money, but it's almost turning into a debt of gratitude.

“I don’t know how many times that guy regretted not killing both of us here.

If I could survive this battle I would definitely write a book.

It would be considered a novel to record everyone.

From Pirates.

Robin was silent as he listened to Noah's ramble. Something was wrong with this situation.

Is this guy hiding something from himself?

There was an uneasy feeling in his heart. He was so confident in every life and death battle before.

I didn’t say it the first time I went to Mariejoia, I didn’t say it the second time, and I didn’t even say this to Pioneer Island.

Just why would a mere Akainu feel like he was telling his last words? He's not the kind of person who won't run away.

The closer I got, the stronger the uneasy feeling became.

We don't want to go!

Robin pulled Noah's sleeve and looked a little solemn. She believed her hunch.

Noah once said that if you have a premonition in our realm, something will happen 80% of the time. This is the intuition of the strong.

She considers herself to be a strong person, and a strong person with full knowledge, knowledge and color, so she believes in herself.

I always feel that one battle can resolve most of the barriers between the navy and the revolutionary army is a bit far-fetched. Although Noah said it well, it is not that simple.

In such a special year, the Navy has no time to turn the wheel.

This is a detail that no one has noticed. This battle was too hasty.

It seems that in addition to the position of Navy Marshal, another opportunity has appeared, but we have not discovered it.

Only this guy found out and didn't tell her.

As for revenge, it can be done at any time.

O'Hara's soul needs Akainu's life to pay tribute, but the family around him is more important.

Don't worry, it's just a battle.

In the end, Robin, who had no evidence, could not resist Noah's words, but was still led to the end.

After all, I have prepared so much for this battle, I hope everything goes well.

Finally, the two came to the original island O'Hara.

Noah has forgotten the name of the island in the East China Sea where he was originally.

That was just a tragic starting point, dispelling the romantic illusion of the sea.

The most profound memory left behind is still this island in the Western Sea.

This is the first time I have an intersection with a plot character. It was the first time to see the top combat power on the sea. Seeing the destruction of the island for the first time.

The first roar against the injustice of fate. For the first time, the will to survive defeated the decadent heart. The first born overlord color.

Here he left the most exciting day in his more than 20 years.

Now he's back here again.

There is still a white land here, and the demon-slaying order that year destroyed O'Hara very completely.

But there are already some green shoots growing out of the corners.

Bird droppings always bring some plant seeds that are constantly spread in the sea.

This is how life continues.

Although O'Hara's soil was completely destroyed, new life was born again due to the self-purification function of the sea and the land.

Surrounded by a huge amount of sea water, this living planet is destined to have no shortage of life.

Who can believe that such a desolate island was the most famous omniscient island in the sea before 1502?

There is a huge omniscient tree on the island that is hundreds or thousands of meters high.

It contains most of the books and knowledge in the world.

And the text of history and all the best historians.

Of course there is also a legendary librarian here.

With such a mood, the two of them wandered around the island. Akainu would not come before the decisive battle.

Robin told Noah where this place was and what was there.

The pseudo-O'Hara nodded and said, I know, I'll use it to fool people next time.

Finally, the day of decisive battle arrived.

Robin drove the Voyager and left O'Hara early, and the battle scene after that would probably be huge.

The wind and waves on the sea are very small, and O'Hara is a small black dot in the distance.

The Voyager circled the island and placed many floats offshore.

Several cameras produced by Bika are bundled on it, which can broadcast real-time broadcasts on the ship.

Coupled with the synchronized capture of Shiwen Se Haki, you can fully understand the battle situation.

I'm here to inspect the work.

The dragon that followed the wind explained seriously.

After all, he was worried about this battle, and nothing could happen to Noah.

The significance of the existence of revolutionary lights is far greater than everyone imagines. As a leader, he understands this very well.

If Windmill Village hadn't been destroyed by Akainu, they would have killed each other for Noah.

Robin didn't care about this lame excuse, she was not Noah.

I was very happy about the arrival of the dragon. It could at least alleviate some of the panic during the period before the war started.

There won't be any surprises with two general-level combat capabilities.


Robin and Long looked behind them almost at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces.

There was even cold sweat breaking out on both of their heads.

how come! How could he be here!

I don't mind if I come to see you too.

An old man with a kind face came to the boat grabbing a bag of senbei.

Frog glasses, long beard on chin tied into a twist. The seagull was gone, leaving only a fluffy afro.

There is no iconic justice coat, no suit stretched to the point of exploding.

Wearing a casual floral shirt and slippers, he looks like an ordinary old man on the beach.

His temperament is harmless enough that you can kick him twice without fear of retaliation.

Former marshal of the navy - Warring States Period!

According to information

Intelligence is just information. Some people pretend to be new identities so they can be cool outside of the intelligence, right? Hahahahahahaha.

Sengoku would not say that he had spent almost all his means and energy in order to leave Marinefando.

This way you don't lose any face in front of the juniors.

Long, you little brat! I taught you how to use your hands back then, why don't you even give me a chair now?

Marshal, are you here?

The dragon had to ask, and if it was a trap, he would rush to O'Hara and take Noah out.

I'm just here to see the outcome of the duel, and I won't interfere. This is a battle where young people risk their lives for the future of the sea.

An old guy like me from the previous era is no longer qualified to point out their paths.

Warring States, who was a little melancholy for a moment, also told the truth, and this time it was really a testimony.

At this moment, Garp looked at Crane in the navy headquarters with a dark face.

So I have to block everyone's temptations here.


Why doesn't this old bastard Sengoku take me with him when he can go out to play? Damn it!

Seeing Garp lose his temper on the spot, Staff Officer He drank tea mercilessly.

A child's temper.

I don’t know what’s going on in the West Sea now.

There is really no need to come to the book review section to divert attention to other books. Anyway, I don’t care much about this chapter.

This is not a very popular book.

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