Time always slips away unconsciously.

This feeling is particularly obvious after entering the year 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar.

After Noah and Akainu decided to fight.

The navy suddenly increased its penetration into the South China Sea. In particular, the actions of several top players were clearly investigated and tracked.

It is almost obvious to tell the Revolutionary Army that I just want to watch the movements of top masters like you.

This is the method of the Warring States Period.

He understood what the battle between Noah and Akainu represented. From his position, he should have supported Akainu in assisting this outstanding navy to ascend to the position of marshal and then suppress the revolutionary army.

It was not a simple matter of detecting movements, but the result of secretly arranging some means to ensure that Noah was killed.

They even secretly mobilized combat forces to set traps. But in reality, the Warring States Period only did so much.

Because from a more macro perspective, if the revolutionary army can achieve final victory, it will be the best choice for the sea, justice and the ideal country.

Noah's letter worked after all.

Since Sengoku's retirement, the two have always communicated through one channel.

The old man's plans for the South China Sea and the world were obviously out of line with the vision of a person from another world.

While you are still groping forward, some people are offering various future political systems and systems for people to choose from.

No matter what the outcome is, it is much better than this abnormal thing now.

Sengoku is a man who knows how to compromise and balance. Reason is always greater than emotion.

Maybe only old comrades like Garp, Crane or Zefa could make him waver a little, but in the end they couldn't resist the justice in his heart.

So it's a bit far-fetched to say he's a bad guy, but he's definitely not a good guy.

These movements also caused some commotion within the Navy, and it has been a long time since it took some drastic actions against the South China Sea.

Are you preparing to start a war again?

No wonder everyone is nervous. In fact, the last tragic defeat was the biggest failure since the navy was founded.

So why don’t you do more psychological construction this time?

The spies planted by the World Government also began to act, and they were all eliminated one by one by Staff Crane.

He said that exploring the movements of the revolutionary army is a very reasonable thing in itself.

It was just discovered by the South China Sea, and the navy had no intention of launching a war in a short time.

Let everyone not be too distracted. The current focus is on consolidating the stability of the Grand Route and protecting the safety of the Red Earth Continent.

The remaining forces also have to deal with the pirate riots in the New World, and the South China Sea has to wait until the fluctuations in the New World pass.

It's reasonable. How could those people be more sophisticated than Counselor He?

The Revolutionary Army did almost the same thing.

No one who knows Akainu too much believes in Akainu's character.

What if, what if this golden opportunity is seized by the opponent and they give up the credit for promotion and attack the revolutionary army.

It will be tragic when Noah is the one who is tricked.

The revolutionary army does not have the size of the World Government to maintain the power to suppress the world despite repeated defeats.

All it takes is one big failure to lose the current momentum.

So the necessity for this kind of reconnaissance still exists, but the movement is very small.

Because the navy's admiral-level combat capabilities are very obvious, they basically cannot escape anyone's sight.

After all, this is a deterrent force, and it is the navy's courage to show it clearly.

During the investigation, General Akainu wrote an application for leave which shocked everyone.

Who is Akainu? Navy model worker!

Since joining the Navy, he has been working hard and rarely asked for leave. After coming out of the boot camp, he was on the road to destroy pirates every day.

Later, a revolutionary army was added as the enemy, which made them so busy every day that they even forgot when they last took a vacation.

If he wants to take a rest now, Cyborg will be hard pressed not to approve.

Akainu didn't say any specific reason, it was just a simple personal reason.

Even when it is necessary to guard against all aspects, the navy can still take a rest for a general.

After all, the headquarters now has two super powerful trump cards, so when the G1 branch is really in crisis, it can be dispatched at any time to suppress the situation.

After receiving the approval, Akainu briefly explained the future work handover to his subordinates and left.

Just left a letter in his office.

In his opinion, if he comes back alive, everything will go smoothly, and he can take the credit for his great achievements in the previous step.

If he can't come back, use this letter to explain the cause and effect. Anyway, the Warring Council will help him deal with the aftermath.

From now on, whether the navy launches a world government or continues to fight against the revolutionary army, it has nothing to do with him.

As for these determined subordinates...let it be.

Every strong person has his own will, they just recognize their own path.

Can you go down and see yourself in the future?

After leaving the sea, he disappeared without a trace. The World Government did not panic when they learned that Akainu was missing.

No one thinks Sakaski would do anything detrimental to the World Government.

The will of a strong person will not be changed easily, and if it is changed, there is a high probability that it will be wiped out by everyone.

On the coast of Marineland.

Warring States was hesitating whether he wanted to...

West Sea.

A ship is sailing on the sea. If there are pirates coming, they will be wiped out by the ship itself without waiting for the people in the ship to come out to fight.

Various laser weapons, high-explosive missiles, electromagnetic shields and other latest equipment of the revolutionary army are on display.

The ship is called Voyager.

It was also the former car of the great author Adam.

After Bika's final modifications, the ship was basically equivalent to a weaker Vice Admiral.

Robin was reading a book on the boat, and the sunshine on the deck was just right.

Noah was having fun watching the information.

Unlike Akainu's traditional training for strong men, he prefers to do something he likes to relax before a battle.

My favorite thing these days is nothing but watching what the Straw Hats are doing.

After Straw Hat went overseas this year, there was a big difference from the original work.

The protagonist group was torn apart by Noah in advance, but in the end Luffy brought together some very interesting people.

For example, Sanji can't stand the controlling nature of his sister Reiju.

Reiju has always wanted to take Sanji to the South China Sea, but Sanji has always refused.

Maybe he felt the pressure from his sister who was eager to make amends with her family.

At the beginning, he insisted on staying in the sea restaurant Barati to learn his cooking skills. He was the kind of person who would not leave even if the boss Zhepu asked him personally.

Zhepu did come to beg for help. The pretty waitress was so good at beating her that her business was almost gone.

It's not okay to go on like this. It just so happens that Sanji can no longer stay in the weakest sea in the East China Sea. He should go out and spread around to improve.

So it was proposed half-actively and half-passively.

Sanji flatly refused.

Because Reiju said that he should be a revolutionary soldier, how could this be allowed?

How can you continue to make breakthroughs in cooking? If you want to be a pirate!

This incident gave Reiju a big blow.

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