Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 702 Akainu is worthy of being Akainu

Reduces combat time and pacing to a terrifying degree. Use high-intensity combat and attack frequency to limit the gap between shuttles.

Only in this way can we be sure that the opponent will not be able to shuttle easily. The gap between shuttles is Noah's biggest weakness.

This was also studied by the World Government after it was invaded by the revolutionary army for the second time on the Red Earth Continent. Unfortunately, it was never used again.

Now I finally have a chance.

Basically, 10 days of fighting were condensed into one day. On this day, Akainu can release all his physical strength at once.

Life and death will be determined quickly, and the cruel battle will end cruelly.

The second problem is the dimensional space that comes with the Gate Fruit.

This is not the first time this fruit has appeared in the sea. After the World Government learned about Noah's fruit, it sent all the information related to the fruit's ability.

It was originally reserved by Marie Joa, so she naturally knew the details.

So the navy also knows how tricky this fruit's space capabilities are.

He didn't dare to bet on what Noah would put in the space.

There is nothing wrong with fighting one on one to the death, and it is also understandable to carry rare items with you.

But what if there is some mysterious technological creation hidden in space? That will definitely make you suffer a big loss.

On the contrary, he was not too worried about the top experts hiding in space to surround and kill him.

Because Akainu understands the thoughts of people like Noah very well, and even guesses his one-on-one thoughts.

In addition to personal grudges, the other party came to kill him with the idea of ​​paving the way for the revolutionary army.

Without solving the navy's obstruction, the revolutionary army will never be able to truly stand in front of the world government.

So now Noah wants to get rid of him, the most stubborn fortress within the navy, but he also doesn't want to cause hatred to the entire navy.

What a greedy idea.

It's also the right thing to do.

Da DaShang agreed very well with the consequences of losing in this life and death battle.

Akainu and Noah also understand that the information about this battle cannot be completely blocked.

Therefore, the opponent can only fight alone.

Even alone, Noah never looked down on tactics.

That man brought too many surprises. From sea floor stone powder. To the thunder and lightning gathering of unknown origin.

Basically, the attack is a killing move. Never underestimate this devil's method.

So why don't you arrange it in advance? You still have that unreasonable domineering attitude.

Akainu will prepare very seriously for this duel.

He will even find someone to help him confirm some information.

After roughly figuring out how to fight, he sank into the crater.

On day 1, there were no changes.

Starting from the second day, the eruptions of Cleveland Volcano have become less frequent.

Starting from the 3rd day, the magma activity in the volcano decreased significantly.

Every day since then, the frequency of volcanic eruptions has decreased, and the magma has become more and more stagnant.

The magma that has been spreading to the outer sea has also stopped the process of creating land for hundreds of years.

The thick smoke above the crater slowly disappeared.

Eventually the core of the magma gradually cools.

The life of a volcano that has been active for hundreds of years is slowly passing away.

The last bit of magma at the core turned into a human form.

Chi Pian walked out quietly without looking at the dead volcano behind her.

This is just a great gift to prepare, continue to the next volcanic island.

After extinguishing countless volcanoes one after another, Sakaski can now raise the temperature of the surrounding sea area dozens of miles by dozens of degrees just by standing where he is.

After constant polishing, I slowly suppressed the fire. I kept suppressing the magma in my body no matter how much it exploded.

This majestic explosive power from the center of the earth is just waiting for an opportunity to explode.

After returning to the branch, his expression remained as usual.

After explaining to the two directly subordinate lieutenant generals, let them go down.

After turning on the information color and scanning the entire office environment to confirm that there were no bugs.

He took out his phone and dialed a contact that no one had expected.

Marshal of the Warring States Period.

The person on the other side didn't seem to think that the person calling him would be Akainu.

Oh~ Sakaski, what do you want to do with me, a retired old man?

Noah and I are about to have a life-and-death duel, and the world government cannot know about it in advance.

So can you help me confirm the trends of the top combat power of the Revolutionary Army?

The straight-to-the-point questioning caught Seng Guo off guard.

He didn't know if Akainu felt something or if he was simply asking the old marshal for help.

I didn’t know how to reply for a while.

Noah's choice and Akainu's response actually solved a conflict that had been in his heart for many years.

It would be nice to leave it up to them to decide whether they win or lose.

That guy Noah is really cautious when he should be cautious, and direct when he should be direct.

Sakaski is also a very good navy, it’s a battle of roads~~

After much hesitation, I finally managed to squeeze out a good word.

This is guaranteeing his reputation as a marshal.

Only the Warring States Period, who knew everything, was qualified to endorse this temporarily unknown duel.

“Finally, Marshal.

If I win, there will be only one righteous existence in this sea!

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Akainu is indeed a character.

He directly approached the Warring States Period to resolve the future troubles, so that no matter what the revolutionary army thought, they would not be able to do any shady actions.

Otherwise, the unification of the navy will be carried out for a reason that the opponent absolutely does not want to see.

Of course, it is also because of Sengoku Akainu that I can fight with confidence.

The old marshal's faith and feelings for the navy are worthy of trust.

Because he knows how to choose, he is decisive, and he is ruthless.

After all, the navy's system is relatively large and has many structures, and the World Government has many spies placed in it.

In order not to ruin this battle, we can only prepare for the battle secretly.

Only the Warring States Period could mobilize some of its forces to clear the way forward at this time.

After doing all this, Akainu calmly took out the letter.

There was no pretentiousness in writing the word war, just the time and place.

Call the Mole and ask him to deliver a letter to a certain place in the Chambord Islands, and leave the rest alone.

The other party obeyed the order and came back to report after sending the letter.

Akainu sat quietly in the office and waited.

Waiting for the day of decisive battle to arrive.

Noah also received a reply almost at the same time.

Seven days later, West Sea O'Hara.

As expected of Akainu.

The intention in choosing this place is obvious.

The first is to try to anger him. The natural destructive effect in the battle will be a devastating blow to the O'Hara ruins.

Second, you can somewhat avoid laying devastating traps on the islands. If Noah is determined to cause trouble, he can't stop him, but he is a little taboo.

I believe someone has already gone to check there at this moment.

This guy's methods are still so despicable. They will always use such methods regardless of any reputation or prestige.

That's fine, everything started there, and it will end there now.

After burning so many places, we finally returned to the white land.

Is it really fate?

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