Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 701 Strategies to restrain space

Can't say the last thing.

So what about the last Akainu? He is the biggest hawk leader.

If you see anything that doesn't meet your standards, you want to shovel it away.

For such a person to become a marshal is the worst outcome for the revolutionary army.

The life and death battle between the navy and the South China Sea will never end.

Even if countless people are killed in battle, they cannot stop the so-called absolute justice.

To a certain extent, the Warring States Period also opened a magic box within the navy.

So Noah finally decided to find a way to completely reverse the situation.

Let the biggest internal obstacle between the navy and the revolutionary army be eliminated.

Now is an unparalleled opportunity.

Just killing Akainu is equivalent to getting rid of the core leader of the hawks, and the voice of the remaining lieutenant generals and others will be cut off by more than half.

The navy marshal will be chosen between Qingzhi and Kizaru.

If either of them reaches the top, the relationship with the Revolutionary Army will improve.

At least it won't get worse and there won't be any proactive and targeted actions.

So how to kill Akainu is a very troublesome problem.

A general level is just a matter of price for the revolutionary army.

Design a trap and surround the admiral as usual, causing the enemy's downfall?

This will only make the navy unite with the same hatred and completely regard the revolutionary army as their enemy.

Because based solely on the internal reputation of the Navy, Akainu is a controversial general.

Except for disagreements with others about justice and morality, there is no problem in other aspects.

He has made a lot of contributions over the years, and he still represents the face of the navy.

Such people cannot die under conspiracy and tricks.

Only dying in an upright battle will reduce some of the hatred.

Noah's persistence is here, and no one is more suitable than him.

In addition to career obstacles and development, this also includes his personal hatred.

This kind of battle is very consistent with the ideas of fair duel and blood revenge on the sea.

When it comes to character, Noah is also a very good person in the hearts of ordinary people. Under the hatred of the country and the family, there will not be much color behind this showdown.

The point is that Sengoku, Garp, Aoki, Kizaru and others are also more acceptable.

Even after the new marshal takes office, he will not easily fall out with the revolutionary army.

This detailed analysis is very good and almost blocks all options.

Noah was left to fight to the death.

But it is still difficult for Long to accept such a thing emotionally.

Akainu is not a general-level trash like Green Bull.

He is truly a veteran top powerhouse who has been active on the sea for decades.

Top-notch physical fitness and top-notch fruit ability, and top-notch mental quality, very tough. There are almost no shortcomings.

To be defeated by Noah twice and still rise and reach the top is such a terrifying mentality.

The murderous intention towards Noah should be the most serious in the whole sea.

And if they want to kill one on one, Noah can't use the door fruit to escape from the battlefield.

Once it is used, it is tantamount to admitting defeat, and this plan will fall short.

Although Long hopes that Noah will have the idea of ​​​​escape in desperate situations, will he really do it?

Moreover, the battlefield is changing rapidly. If Akainu is willing to fight decisively, he will definitely have a backup plan.


So it's really dangerous. He thought about it again and again but did not agree to it.

Only the top few at the top of the Revolutionary Army knew about such a secret plan.

Long temporarily objected. Starting from reality, I think there will definitely be a better way to unify the sea in the future.

Jinbei and Fujitora expressed their appreciation.

The two of them have more heroic spirit, and they approve of this upright act of revenge.

There are righteousness and grievances.

Speaking with swords is the romance of men on the sea.

Zefa did not comment.

He agreed with Noah's judgment and efforts on this pattern of coexistence with the navy.

This kind of handling is something he is very happy to see.

As a man with a background in the navy, Zefa believes that the navy's behavior on the sea over the years is generally just.

It has indeed protected many civilians, but of course it was still a big mistake to suppress the uprising and exploit the people for the world government.

But in order to maintain the peace of the sea, everyone in the ordinary navy is fighting with all their strength.

This cannot be denied. The number of navies who have sacrificed their lives on the sea for such a long time is uncountable.

If the line of the Revolutionary Army had not been brighter and more correct, he would not have jumped ship.

Akainu is also one of his students, and it is a pity that this student has taken this path.

So Zefa couldn't give his own position.

In the end, everyone was convinced by Noah after another argument.

From principles to grudges, to tactics and strategies.

Let everyone know that the revolutionary army seems to be in bloom, but in fact it has no choice.

Im woke up. It is impossible to overthrow the world government without taking risks.

We have taken ninety-nine steps, and every step is not full of thorns.

So trust me.

Everyone had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

I believe that Noah will not make fun of his own life, and there must be other things or means to achieve victory.

There are also family members and comrades waiting for him to return home.

Not only Noah is struggling with these issues, but another party is also making preparations.

New World.Cleveland Volcano.

An island flowing with lava, with only one mountain on the island, is the largest and most active volcanic crater in the New World.

You can see bubbling magma everywhere at any time, as well as toxic smoke full of various chemicals. and volcanic rocks that flow into seawater and cool down.

The island is always expanding. From a small hill to a small island to a medium-sized island.

The scorching temperatures and billowing poisonous smoke created a desperate situation of life.

Akainu is currently soaking in the magma, training and adjusting his condition.

Only when you stay here can you feel at ease, at least you don't have to worry about sneak attacks coming from anywhere.

He was thinking about a question.

If you only rely on yourself, can you block the spatial displacement ability of the Gate Fruit?

Noah said it was a fight to the death, but he wouldn't completely believe this guy.

There are many records of people escaping under the guise of revolutionary lights.

They are not at all like those traditional heroes on the sea who have the spirit of fighting to the death.

Even if you don't run away, just dodging is a helpless way to fight.

Magma is a very powerful physical attack.

In the setting of the world of One Piece, it turns out to be the highest-ranking fruit of the Yoshiaki Fruit.

Although it is unscientific, it makes sense in a world like One Piece, which itself is not very scientific.

Both the elemental system and the material system are combined by rock berry fruits, as well as special characteristics such as poisonous smoke.

It is obviously a powerful fruit that can seal off the entire area, but it lacks certain field control capabilities in the space system.

The door shuttle is still very fast, but the process of opening and closing the door quickly is indispensable.

So you can make some plans in this regard.

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