The Island of Resurrection.

The island, where most of the splitting work has been completed, has become somewhat deserted.

There are no more bustling recruit training camps, no brightly lit staff offices, no intelligence officers coming and going, and no more stern-faced pickets.

Only one West End cemetery remains, along with a few fringe sections.

The risks of staying here are much greater than elsewhere, and it is now known that world governments have alternative means of ultra-long-range threats.

Naturally, some important departments must be evacuated immediately.

Of course, we are not giving up here. Some departments are still holding on here, including some veterans.

This is the center of the South China Sea and the place of faith for many revolutionary soldiers.

For example, the dragon still didn't leave in the end.

The initial leader's brows were already furrowed into several lines.

Da Qiu Shen's face, which was already a bit bitter, was even more covered with a layer of deep depression.

It's not about splitting up the Resurrection Island. With his ambition, he would only make sure that the whole world is the territory of the revolutionary army.

The reason for worrying was the plan Noah gave him a month ago.

For this plan, he didn't even catch up with his son's debut in the East China Sea. Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to create the image of a cool old father.

After returning to the South China Sea, he firmly opposed the crazy idea put forward by Noah.

Why did you end up risking your life?

The risk involved in doing this with Noah's identity and status is too great. It is no longer his matter but the matter of the entire revolutionary army.

But he couldn't dissuade him face to face. This guy could only communicate through a communicator now.

It's really watertight. I'm afraid that I will use violent methods to stop it.

He didn't object to fighting Akainu, but Ryuu had a problem with it being one on one.

Since his debut, Noah has not been a person who likes one-on-one.

Basically, you have to set up some traps every time to gain an advantage in advance.

Or just find a few more people to bully the few, which is his usual style.

If this monotonous method is used, the dragon will naturally not stop it. It is a great good thing to be able to cut off one of the largest and most dangerous arms of the navy.

When the pirates end, it is the beginning of the battle with the navy.

But Noah was determined to challenge Akainu to a duel this time, making the dragon wonder if this guy had lost his mind.

Hatred or something? Is O'Hara just letting his emotions get the best of him?

But over the years, Noah has done so many bad things in the name of the Omniscient Island, and made up countless messages from the sea.

He also tampered with the historical text. He is not a very pure guy no matter how you look at it. This...

What should the Revolutionary Army do if something unexpected happens?

In the increasingly complex sea situation, Noah's importance has become increasingly prominent.

He always used his extraordinary vision to direct the revolutionary army through one difficulty after another.

Eventually, the territory of the current South China Sea and several other sea areas was secured.

New world, four seas, paradise. These places are full of his backhand and plans.

It's really a bit irresponsible to risk your life with others now.

But through the quarrel with Noah, Long also understood the other person's thoughts.

The enemies of the revolutionary army are the world government and all those who exploit the people.

So what is the Navy?

The navy is purely an armed force. The tool in the enemy's hand is a knife.

And before we fight against those rulers, we have to fight with the sharpest knife. In the end, how much strength do we have left to deal with the real enemies?

And in these years, although the navy was doing things to maintain governance, it also contributed a lot to the attack and suppression of pirates.

After decades of reforms during the Warring States Period, the idea of ​​justice has taken root internally.

Although some of them don't look very good, they have become evil accomplices.

But most of them are ordinary soldiers who have a righteous heart.

The navy's prestige among the people is not low, and its reputation in many areas is greater than that of the revolutionary army.

At this time, we use the attitude of facing the enemy to target the navy, but we only add an opponent that is difficult to defeat.

So the navy cannot and must not be our enemy.

It is difficult to improve relations with the Navy.

Marie Joa, Magic Valley Town, Pioneer Island.

There is also a lot of hatred left by the long-term confrontation, and the previous sacrifices must not be forgotten.

When it’s time to clear things up, when it’s time to get closer, we need to grasp it with both hands.

So this matter is far more difficult and painful than fighting.

The enemy is not just swords and guns, but also one's own heart.

But this is the path that the revolutionary army must take, uniting most of the intelligent races to build a new era.

Hatred is just the first mountain.

In comparison, the Revolutionary Army had a better time adjusting.

Thoughts within the South China Sea have always been controlled within a reasonable range, and there are no extreme examples.

In the face of the tone set by Noah long ago, everyone understands their own definition and the definition of the Navy.

Understand the sense of responsibility of one's own historical mission at critical moments.

But the tough hawks within the Navy are the most difficult to deal with. They have been brainwashed into a group of people who are loyal to the World Government.

To separate this group of people, it is impossible to rely on the Navy itself.

Even when the Warring States Period was in power, he would not cut off his own flesh because it would make no sense.

The righteous mind of King Lintian can tolerate this group of people.

The navy wants to be bigger and stronger, and even if there are internal disputes, it can be suppressed by itself.

Unfortunately, under Noah's crazy temptation to seek death, Warring States couldn't help but go into the sea.

This interrupted the original process and even lost his position as marshal, let alone continue to lead the navy on his own path.

From now on, the navy's new marshal will only be able to choose from three generals.

Even if any of these three people ascends to the position of marshal, they will not easily have more anxiety with the revolutionary army.

Although Aoki Pheasant is passionate and compassionate, he is indecisive.

He was very tolerant of Noah and would have the same attitude towards the navy officers inside.

The foolish and loyal navy who have different political views will not give up until the end.

Such a person will drag the navy and the revolutionary army into the quagmire, so he cannot be counted on.

He is indeed inferior to Akainu in this regard.

That bastard also did a lot of things to contradict the World Government after he became the marshal in the original work.

Most of the time, the interests of the navy are put first, which can be regarded as some achievements. There will even be some checks and balances between the new generals.

No wonder the Warring States Period and the World Government appreciate Akainu's actions more.

It can only be said that after changing positions, Sakaski lived up to his will.

Kizaru, on the other hand, didn't care, his appearance and prestige were inherently inferior.

He never showed any means or fought for anything.

If this kind of xinxing is superior, that's not bad.

The World Government is assured, the Navy approves, and the Revolutionary Army doesn't mind.

Not everyone can be a key figure who can balance the situation in the sea.

Just like Bucky, he was the only one who could maintain the balance of the pirates, so he was pushed forward.

Follow the conventions of the sea and have an upright revenge duel.

This is the only way I can think of to solve the problem. Any other way to kill an admiral is an insult to the navy as a whole.

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