Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 495 Ka Er’s loss of control

If the World Government wasn't a good person, he wouldn't dare to join him.

The second one is that Vegapunk is just too smart.

As both scientists, compared with him, I feel like a student in the Nanhai Literacy Class. The gap is too big.

In short, first mix among the forces of the nations and look for opportunities to rise.

A tea party led to many undercurrents. It's complicated, some people have read it.

And what about the much-anticipated Cross Guild?

On the open sea, Noah frowned as he took the information sent by the revolutionary army.

Why is it so chaotic? This world is crazy.

The territory outside was ignored, and the military strength was almost completely reduced.

All the children and cadres also returned to Cake Island.

It looks like it's a tea party, it's almost like a war.

On the ship, he issued several instructions in succession, and then continued to set off after completing the follow-up work.

Being cautious is the reason why he can survive until now. No emperor should be underestimated.

To be able to fight out among thousands of big pirates, apart from strength, there is no one who is really brainless.

Finally, on the day of the tea party, the Emperor Bucky entered the waters of all nations.

This news made the aunt's face very gloomy. Sitting on the main seat, he was constantly exuding violent murderous aura.

The new world respects strength. The strong can make any rules they want.

Even if the Cross Guild arrives in the afternoon, it will only arrive in the afternoon.

No one dares to say anything, no one dares to offend this third force of the sea.

That's right, the Cross Guild is now third in the sea.

It was originally a pirate alliance formed by the Four Emperors, but everyone knew that it was impossible for the Four Emperors to form a real alliance.

Then, the Cross Guild with four emperor-level combat powers will stand at the top of the new world.

Bucky, Himura Kenshin, Rayleigh, Hawkeye. Such combat power is terrifying.

Some people even say that the Cross Guild has become like a pirate king, which has made several other emperors remember it in their hearts.

If this guild hadn't called out its core members, it would have surpassed all pirate groups in terms of number and size.

It was also this decision not to call in manpower that gave other careerists hope.

Auntie, in particular, is very worried about the composition of the Cross Guild's combat power.

Her little brother Kaido was killed by Rayleigh, and there was quite a lot of hatred there. Maybe this guild has some conspiracy behind it.

That Bucky is a sinister guy who is good at scheming. This kind of person also has a domineering look, which is really hard to figure out.

The purpose of inviting them to Cake Island this time is to use external pressure to force others to take sides.

Anyway, they can't join the Cross Guild, and there are people from all over the world looking at them, so it goes without saying how to choose.

Auntie didn't even communicate with the other six dark kings. The king's willfulness was the reality.

Ka Er saw that his mother was extremely angry, and he had to worry about the four emperors' courage.

He hurriedly took his brothers out to greet him, and also grabbed Dafu and Kelijia by the way.

It's not the time for Mom to be willful before her big things are accomplished.

Brother, this Cross Guild is so arrogant. It dares to come so late. Is it going to start a war?

Dafu was furious at this moment. Even if the opponent was the strongest emperor, he couldn't ignore the majesty of an emperor like this.

Cracker even took out his weapons.

Ka Er also had a sullen face, it was really rare for him to be so disrespectful.

But ever since the red-haired man blocked the door, he knew that at some point, the emperor was really not that honorable.

Especially since he followed the Pirate Alliance to the Red Earth Continent, he has a better understanding of what is arrogance and what is great power.

Facing the Five Old Stars, Bucky, the clown king, dared to show off his face and clamored to take action. Being a little late this time was nothing.

Arriving at the dock, Kaer's pupils shrank.

It's you, Fei! village! sword! Heart!

Thinking of the experience of almost dying, the guy with the shadow of death appeared in front of him again.


Katakuri's overbearing color erupted directly. The crew of all nations on the dock were unprepared for a moment, and many people lost consciousness.

Dafu and Kelijia looked at Kaer in surprise. On the way, you said you should be patient and create space for your mother to conquer those people.

As a result, you started to drive as soon as you arrived at the dock. You are truly a tough guy among tough guys.

However, isn't this a bit excessive?

They still dare to provoke simple provocations or single-handedly, but forget about all-out war.

If a fight really breaks out, if someone shakes someone off, we, Wanguo, may not be able to withstand it, brother.

We are all adults, so be careful.

Now it's Daifuku and Cracker to appease Katakuri.

I'm fine, just a little excited.

Are you excited? You can't even restrain your murderous intent.

What should we do? The two Charlotte brothers are so melancholy.

Katakuri, we meet again.

Himura Kenshin looked at Kaji with a gentle expression and said hello, without any sign of his previous experience of almost sending someone away.

meet again.

When saying this, Ka Er almost said it through gritted teeth.

Cracker and Daifuku were not on board that day and didn't know that Kenshin Himura had seriously injured everyone on board, including his other brothers and sisters, in front of him.

But he could only watch helplessly because he had been beaten down first.

The most terrifying thing was that he saw murderous intent in the eyes of the Sword of Mercy.

If my mother hadn't arrived in time that day, I and my brothers and sisters might have died there.

That feeling of powerlessness tortured him for a long time. Every time he closed his eyes, he could hear the wailing of his family.

Now that he saw this guy again, how could he calm down? This was already his inner demon.

He took out the steel fork and pointed it at Himura Kenshin.

There is a chance to have a fight, the kind of life and death kind.


Still a mild response.

Of course Noah doesn't mind cutting cards again. If it weren't for the fact that his identity wasn't suitable for killing people and that he had personal restrictions, he would have wanted to kill this guy directly.

Because Katakuri is the seed most likely to break through to the top master class among all nations.

Erase early to avoid variables.

In the eyes of the revolutionary army, the pirate heroes are not heroes. It would not be a pity to kill him.

Hahahahahaha, is this how Wan Guo entertains us?

That's right. Could it be that Big Mom held the tea party this time to declare war on our Cross Guild?

Bucky and Lao Sha were very unhappy because they couldn't see these two living people.

Can’t you see Bucky the Clown, the titular captain of the Clown Group, the initiator of the Pirate Alliance, the ruthless man who goes head-to-head with the Five Old Stars, and the most honorable man on the sea? Bucky the Clown?

Lao Sha is even more unhappy. You can't see him, a dignified Shichibukai, a member of the Cross Guild, and a conspirator who is determined to subvert the sea?

The two ignored big shots began to compete for the spotlight.

I'm sorry, Lord Bucky, Lord Crocodile, and Lord Himura Kenshin. Brother, he was just a little excited to see his old friend. Everyone, please come here. Mom has been waiting for a long time.

Dafu decisively rescued the siege, and the previous idea of ​​giving the Cross Guild a good look was completely gone.

It's better to leave quickly, otherwise a full-scale war will begin if you stay any longer.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to grab Katakuri. It was really an evil act.

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