He also knows a lot about intelligence matters. In other words, everyone here has their own channels for intelligence, but they are better at one aspect.

According to his intelligence, the World Government seems to have some ideas about shipping, and it is mainly caused by the revolutionary army.

How the revolutionary army transports goods has anything to do with him. Shipping King is nothing compared to those people in Nanhai.

There are many shipping companies on this sea, he is just more comprehensive. This is an unforeseen disaster.

Now I come to the bigmom tea party to find a supporter for myself.

As for this dark king alliance.

The grouping of weak people may be of some use.

I'm joining.

So the five kings of darkness temporarily formed an alliance. I don't know if it will be useful.

Anyway, the atmosphere is up.

This old man said that he was going to Happy Street to invite all the brothers to spend some money. There wasn’t much else, but there was a lot of money.

The old girl said that she couldn't let her brothers spend money on Happy Street. This was a slap in her face. She had everything covered.

My eldest brother also said that it would be comfortable and luxurious to take our boat.

The last big brother really didn’t know what to say, so he just told me who you have a feud with, and I’ll sort it out for you in minutes.

This atmosphere is full of upright and upright men. We should not gather in this dark corner.

The weird atmosphere didn't end the next day. It's really hard for these gang leaders to smile when they greet each other.

Except for the fantasy linkage in the dark world.

The North Sea Overlord is not to be outdone. Of course, he looks down on these dark kings, they are all little trash.

Vinsmoke Gage paid a secret visit to bigmom.

With the desserts of Beihai specialties, I finally got a chance to meet alone.

mamamamamma. Tell me what you have to say.

The aunt watched with interest what the guy in front of her was going to say.

They can't be discussing alliances like those dark kings.

As a traditional pirate, Big Mom's cunning is also concealed by her violent temper and strength.

In fact, when she was young, she was extremely ambitious and action-oriented.

Maybe with the decline in appearance, there is a lot of lack of resourcefulness.

However, I have accumulated a lot of experience in my career as a pirate for so many years.

Having met so many different kinds of people, I could tell at a glance what kind of person this Beihai overlord was.

He looks like a hero, but he is actually cold-blooded and has no courage or dreams.

Even the ambition is so weak, it's almost ridiculous.

Her subsequent remarks also confirmed her vision.

Actually want to establish an equal cooperative relationship.

He proposed to use his children for marriage just to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

Charlotte Lingling has no objection to the matter of marriage, but she thinks too much about the relationship of equals.

What this tea party requires is a submissive relationship. This is Auntie’s understanding of the guild.

Besides, what can all nations gain by marrying?

Creations of android technology, clone soldiers.

As long as there are enough resources, we can continuously cultivate soldiers who are not shot to death and have strong combat effectiveness.

not enough.

The largest number of soldiers on the sea and the most powerful armed force is the navy.

And it’s not like I haven’t seen the Battle of the South China Sea. The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army used high-tech weapons and various large-scale technological creations to block the naval attack.

Although it only serves as a delay, it can be seen that this method is much better than the so-called clone soldiers.

Moreover, the final victory still relies on high-end combat power and strategy.

Before the revolutionary army's red meteor became popular, the war pattern of the sea had only changed slightly.

Everyone knows this.

Gaji gritted his teeth. Sure enough, this bargaining chip was no longer enough.

It's all the fault of the revolutionary army, which directly opened up a new way of war. As a result, the value of clone soldiers is greatly reduced.

There is also sharing of genetically modified human technology!


My three sons have all been genetically modified and can match the combat power of our lieutenant general. This can be produced through careful training. How about this bargaining chip.


Gaji breathed a sigh of relief and left after a brief chat. Facing this kind of monster alone was a bit stressful.

The marriage has been achieved, and the alliance will be announced during the tea party.

Auntie didn't want to agree so quickly, but she was afraid of missing this big fish.

The Vinsmoke family is definitely in big trouble, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious to find a backer.

In order to successfully annex the Germa Kingdom in the North Sea, she still pretended to agree.

There will be plenty of opportunities to deal with this group of people in the future. As long as you control their souls, you will have everything.

She wants them all, clone soldiers and genetic warriors.

Watching the other party walk out, the aunt smiled gloomily and gave the other party a very simple evaluation.



This is Gaji's inner thoughts about gigmom.

In his opinion, the other party is just a brainless monster, and there is no comparison with a great scientist like him.

If he didn't need to rely on the other party's reputation to get through this difficult period, he wouldn't form an alliance.

Human cloning technology was okay, but in the revolutionary army's new war direction, its value dropped sharply, so just give it away.

Genetic modification technology is Germa's core technology. It was shamelessly plucked from Vegapunk's hands.

How could you just hand it over like this?

This is also an expedient measure. He is confident that no one in the world can understand this technology, so he can pass by just fooling around.

The reason why he came over in such a hurry to form an alliance is the fatal problem.

During this time, the revolutionary army actually appeared near Germa, which was really scary for him.

Don't look at how powerful artificial humans are that he keeps bragging about, but he actually knows it in his heart.

The overlord of the North Sea could only make a desperate struggle when encountering the revolutionary army in the South China Sea.

The ideas propagated by the revolutionary army have been seen by every leader of the major forces.

After reading it, he knew that if the revolutionary army gained momentum, Germa would definitely be mercilessly destroyed.

In every sense, there are no good people in this country. Not even human.

There is no room for maneuver.

Is there any other country on the sea that is so completely bad, yet not very strong, and has a profound technological foundation?

Germa is a big gift to the revolutionary army.

Compared with the danger of the revolutionary army, bigmom's operation of seeking skin from a tiger is nothing.

Even if it weren't for his last fear, he would have wanted to go to Vegapunk for help.

I hope he can help him out for the sake of being a member of MADS.

But this idea was hampered by his only self-esteem, which made him decide to deal with the alliance of all nations first, and then consider finding that guy.

The reason why there are so many concerns is that the Navy does not like Germa.

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