Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 496 Let’s start when we meet

Under the guidance of Dafu, Bucky and his party walked all the way deeper.

Noah looked at the island and marveled.

The more suitable vest in the territory of Wan Guo is Alu.

There are so many delicious cakes and desserts, and the air is full of sweetness.

How much energy can be replenished?

The aunt with a girlish heart is really crazy about desserts.

It is said that sweets make people age faster, so does the reason why Charlotte Lingling’s appearance declines so quickly has something to do with her hobby of sweets?

After all, she was a really good-looking girl when she was young.

Ask Robin to eat less sweets in the future, that would be terrible.

In addition to observing the wonderful scenery, you are also sensing the historical text.

Roger stole Big Mom's literature by listening to the sounds of all things.

But Noah didn't sense anything.

There are only a large number of high-energy reactions in every corner of the island.

The result of frequent observations was that Katakuri was now marking him one-on-one, with an eager expression on his face.

Brother, you got the wrong script. You should be a mature and stable good brother, so you can be so impulsive.

Annoyed by being stared at by Ka Er, Noah also withdrew his gaze and decided to act according to circumstances.

Lao Sha who was following behind might not be dangerous enough, so not many people looked at him.

It's just a Shichibukai, but it can turn the world upside down.

While feeling dissatisfied, I also quietly watched the defense of Cake Island all the way, secretly planning something in my heart.

He thought that it would not be that simple for Noah to come in person.

If not, there will be a shocking battle. With his combat power, he has not yet been able to participate in an emperor-level battle.

Even though his physical skills and dominance have improved a lot, he is still a little short of that boundary.

As for how long this line will be, who knows.

You may break through in a few days, or you may not be able to break through in your lifetime.

In view of the lack of combat power. There is nothing wrong with finding a way out,

When things get really big, be sure to stay with Bucky at the critical moment.

According to his analysis, this red nose is far less silly than it looks on the outside.

Noah wouldn't just watch something happen to Bucky.

As long as he ensures his own safety, it's up to him to develop his reputation.

I believe that after so many years of acting in Alabasta, I just lacked an opportunity.

Hum hum hum~~~

Enter the main banquet hall of Cake Island.

biogmom is impatient to wait.

After seeing Baki and Himura Kenshin walking in, I finally didn't want to be depressed anymore.

That Bucky dominated the Red Continent last time, overpowering all the heroes and taking all the say, which was a great success.

He jumped up and climbed on top of the other three emperors. She cares about this very much.

Another red-haired Himura Kenshin injured her son and daughter, and even had a confrontation with her, causing the emperor to lose face.

They are all enemies.

I was about to show off my anger in a domineering tone, but I felt it was pointless.

There were only five people from the Cross Guild who came to the banquet hall this time, and two of them had the same combat power as her.

Her overbearing look is of no use at all and can only frighten the people of all nations and other followers of the Dark King.

So the strategy changed. Test it in other ways and embarrass them.

The first time I saw Bucky, I burst into laughter.

A harsh magical sound came from her mouth.

The sound is so loud that it can burst eardrums and affect a person's ability to move. And can cause substantial damage to objects.

This indiscriminate attack covered the entire hall. There are some cracks on the surface of the building.

Several kings couldn't help but frown and seriously resisted this attack.

At this time, you can see how good everyone is.

Bucky, Noah, and Laosha really didn't respond. Yamato and Denjiro frowned slightly, feeling a bit unprepared.

The Vinsmoke family basically showed no reaction, whether it was Jiazhi or his three sons and one daughter.

It's not that it's powerful, but that after being transformed, its ability to resist such attacks is more targeted.

This North Sea overlord is indeed worthy of his title.

Stussy frowned and looked in pain, looking like the most miserable of the kings.

Completely different from the other big brothers who are holding on.

This is pure acting. Weak people are more likely to let down their guard.

Morgans no longer cares about Big Mom's magic voice. He has been a little stiff since the clown group came in.

His eyes always accidentally looked at the member of the clown troupe, Himura Kenshin, who came in, and he felt inexplicably familiar.

The posture of birds can give him more vision and senses different from those in human form.

Some birds are even very sensitive to magnetic fields and temperature.

Therefore, the red-haired swordsman might be an acquaintance.

At this moment, the newspaper president felt extremely complicated. This was really a surprise.

Perhaps the appraising gaze was discovered.

Kenshin turned to smile warmly at him, and Morgans returned a kind smile.

Even if you are a bird, you should keep a low profile. He knows nothing.

Big Mom first used the magic sound to penetrate her ears, but unfortunately the Cross Guild's response was too weak, making her provocation in vain.

No one would think that Bucky and the others did not dare to resist, and this attitude of disregard made them even more angry.

Well, well, well, well, little Bucky~~ we meet again.


As soon as Auntie finished speaking, she felt a sword energy coming from the opposite side.

That extremely dangerous aura can definitely cut through her steel balloon body.

Everyone present also felt that their hairs stood on end, what a sharp aura!

Charlotte Lingling took out Napoleon with her backhand and responded.


Two forces collide. The airflow in the hall flew up and the banquet was blown away.

Everyone instinctively retreated. This kind of confrontation has exceeded the limit that 99% of the people here can bear.

Then everyone saw that Napoleon was lifted up after being beaten!

The sword energy on the opposite side was also taken away from its original orbit, broke through the roof, and flew into the sky.

This is the parry of the Four Emperors. Who can break this stance?

Click, the sound of the sword being sheathed.

Oh, it's Battosai, that's okay.

He had a 50-50 relationship with his aunt before.

Dry! The Cross Guild is too powerful! Bucky shocked the entire audience without even making a move.

The understatement showed off the faces of everyone present.

Then Kenshin calmly said to the aunt.

Please also ask the Queen of all countries to respect our captain and call him Captain Bucky. Not some brat.

This is Noah's response to all nations, knocking on mountains to frighten tigers and striking grass to frighten snakes.

bigmom stood up. Her figure of more than eight meters tall and fat body formed a huge shadow that was projected into the hall.

The red light flashed in his eyes, and the killing intent couldn't help but emerge. No one can be so bold on Cake Island.

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