Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 493 Gathering at Cake Island

Cake Island.

Morgans was standing guard at the dock with his camera in hand.

Everyone here may be the source of big news and must grasp the latest developments first-hand.

Then send it back to the agency and immediately send it to the sea.

The boss who was forced by underground publications to personally go out to press the news is quite novel.

Let me take a look.

Oh, Stussy is the first one to arrive. Haha, this woman’s background is not simple. It’s not as simple as a flesh and blood business. It’s better not to provoke her.

Happy Street, haha. The smell of CP0 is a bit like that of a certain employee at the newspaper.

The second one is Felder, a fool. Idiots who think they can control everything if they have money have a very superficial understanding of the sea.

This kind of person has nothing to pay attention to, and not many people are even willing to take a look at his news.

The third one is Guiberson and Piecro. Have the two formed an alliance? A meaningless combination, but still somewhat clever.

I know that this tea party will not be simple, but unfortunately, forces that do not have emperor-level combat power are just cannon fodder, or high-level cannon fodder.

The fourth is Umit. Seeing this arrival, Morgans felt interesting.

When the South China Sea was blocked for such a long time, goods and supplies were still flowing in and out. I don’t know what role this shipping king played in it.

As far as he knew, the World Government was already planning to take action against this man, whether it was the revolutionary army he helped or not.

A company with shipping routes and ships all over the sea is already a huge piece of fat.

Especially since Dahai is about to usher in a time of change, I wish him good luck.

The so-called dark kings before were nothing more than a few small fishes in this rampant era.

The real monster is the world government, the revolutionary army.

Revolutionary Army.

When thinking of the revolutionary army, this old bird had a very strange feeling.

He almost personally witnessed Noah's growth and rise. Whenever he recalled the day he met Adam in the Capital of Seven Waters, he felt as if he had participated in the greatest history.

The transcript of that interview, as well as the banned books, are precious memories.

He hid them all in a secret warehouse. If the revolutionary army failed and the traces of history were wiped out, then he would have left something here.

I don’t know why I did this, I just thought it was a pity that such a guy who kept causing storms on the sea was gone.

Of course, there was a one in a million chance that Noah would win.

That guy has endless cards, is brave and resourceful, and can be said to be the most powerful human being he has seen in these years.

No one has yet understood the layout of the New World and the Grand Line.

Moreover, it seems that no matter what big events happen in the ocean, his shadow seems to be behind them.

Although there was no evidence for the recent meteor incident on Cobb Island, he still suspected that Noah was responsible.

That Columbus. He didn't delve into it.

Otherwise, according to the past habits of the World Economic News, whether it is true or not, we will arrange it first.

However, when it comes to Noah, you still have to be cautious.

If the other party becomes angry out of humiliation and takes good care of the newspaper office, there will be no solution.

Many of this guy's methods are well hidden, and no evidence can be found on the surface.

Their newspaper is not a world government and cannot afford such trouble.

What a terrible man to think about.

He is also an interesting man. Without him, the world might still be the same.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw another ship with high technology coming to the port.

It turned out to be Germa 66’s family.

For Morgans, whose main job is to collect information and intelligence, he doesn't know much about Germa. He only knows that their technology is very powerful and they are inhumane.

After being the king of Beihai for so many years, it seems that there is not much interaction with the new world.

Why did they respond to bigmom's tea party?

One can really look forward to what kind of conspiracy a North Sea Overlord and the Four Emperors of the New World will have in private.

But no matter what, we will find out when the tea party starts in a few days.

Satisfied, Morgans was ready to go back and write a manuscript for publication.

The strange thing is that no one on Cake Island can stop this behavior, as long as he himself does not leave the island.

The direction of development of this matter is really not very good.

Auntie is very likely to do some random things.

While Morgans was busy writing, several gangsters who had already arrived were gathering together to communicate in private.

This does not include Morgans. Everyone knows that this guy will not form an alliance.

He just feeds on news and information and will not join any forces. Moreover, he is deeply involved with the World Government, and everyone is more afraid of this.

The remaining five giants were in a room doing some strange exchanges.

The general idea is that Big Mom may not have much goodwill this time. Everyone was intimidated by the force of her four emperors, so we dark giants should stick together.

It was Kiberson who made this suggestion. The leader of the commodity trading community spoke first and made a call.

The killer Piecro was the first to agree. He had been convinced by Guiberson on the road. I also feel that the Four Emperors should not interfere in the affairs of dark kings like them.

After the two expressed their stance, they looked at the remaining Big Three.

Felder was slightly disdainful. He has always controlled the currency circulation in the dark world and has always been very proud.

In his opinion, in this world, as long as you have money, you can have everything.

Among the people sitting here, except for Umit who gave him a high look, the rest of them were nothing and had the nerve to be on an equal footing with him.

Okay, I agree.

But he understands better that a single loan shark king is just a thing in front of the real power.

Stus took a puff of cigarette, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

She is CP0's intelligence specialist, and it doesn't matter whether she joins or not. What she values ​​more is the ultimate goal of this tea party.

I wonder if it will offend the authority of the world government again.

Last time, I didn't notice in advance that the Pirate Alliance was attacking the Red Earth Continent, but I was severely punished afterwards.

Thinking of that punishment, her heart trembled.

The methods of the dark side are really scary.

Never make the same mistake a second time!


She feels that by joining, she can obtain more information, and this alliance has some value.

Now everyone looked at Umit.

Umit, what do you think?

Umit is feeling a little irritable now. Ocean shipping has always been a very hot business.

His original intention was not to be so high-profile. Such a title as shipping king was gained when he was young.

In this current situation, he regrets his reputation every day.

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