Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 492 The Consciousness of the Sand Crocodile

in this era. The Dark Fruit and Nika Fruit all have their own missions.

Only after facing the war, he became the winner. He also recruited several more powerful villains to form his own pirate group as crew members. That's when it really gets tricky.

The teleportation fruit, the Pegasus fruit, the Nine-tailed Fox fruit, these are all very tricky abilities.

Many of them are in large prisons. As long as they are not given this opportunity, these crew members will not be able to get out.

In fact, Noah has made several plans for this time difference. Including reporting letters and the like.

Planning done years in advance revolves around this. When Blackbeard really betrays the Whitebeard Pirates, he will receive a big surprise.

Now it's time to let Bucky's influence continue to expand in the new world.

In the evening, a grand banquet was held in the Flower City.

Although the South China Sea is blocked by world government sanctions. But with the help of the murloc transport troops.

Material supplies to some key partners have not been cut off.

Many of the Revolutionary Army's properties are scattered across the four seas and along the Grand Route. The South China Sea is just a relatively concentrated point.

Noah has always followed the idea of ​​global layout and does the right things in the right places.

There are many materials from revolutionary military factories in circulation on Wano Country, Amazon Lily, Dressrosa, Fishman Island, and even Zou.

As time goes by, the pollution within Wano Country is slowly being purified by nature.

The water flow is eroding the toxic soil over time, and with the purification medicine studied by Bika and Kuleha, the place is returning to normal.

Stronger vegetation has reappeared on the barren land, and the varieties of crops on Taoyuan Farm have also been improved.

It no longer pursues taste and taste, but researches in the direction of large quantities and short cycle times, which has made a great breakthrough.

Nowadays, the civilians of Wano are less and less stressed about food. Of course, the distribution system still exists.

It will take at least another two years before we can get rid of external funding for food.

Since she had a little more money and no Robin to suppress her, Hiyori thought of organizing a feast.

The last time we invited people from the Revolutionary Army, the banquet was still a very simple set meal. Each person only has a small bowl of rice.

But it is a shame to the country of Wano.

This time, I saved a little face, such as a few more concentratedly farmed animals.

With clear drinking water, the meat quality of these animals changed very quickly, and they were no longer poisonous and harmless, so they returned to the dining table.

This may be the only victim after Wano is saved.

During the banquet, the person Hiyori and Noah talked about the most was Robin.

In addition to longing, there is more worship.

She saw Robin showing off his power on TV, and the door to a new world opened instantly. It turned out that their fists could also destroy the world.

Recently, he has started to practice boxing frequently. It must be said that he has inherited Kozuki Oden's physique and talent. Hiyori has also improved very quickly, and now he can even work as a handyman.

It was the Tengu who had been admonishing her to put national affairs first, and leave the killing to Akama and the samurai.

Regarding this, Noah’s attitude is that he can practice more.

In the future of Wano, the general's work will become less and less important.

Decentralization of power is inevitable, so it is better to improve one's own strength, not to kill the enemy, but to protect oneself.

When a war breaks out, everyone is in danger and no one can stay out of it.

At present, in addition to the distribution of generals, the development of the country of Wano is mainly negotiated with students who have returned from studying abroad, as well as Chi Shen, Kang Jia and others.

This is the process of slowly transitioning to a constitutional monarchy. Except for Sukiyaki, who still has some opinions, everyone else has accepted the change in Wano's political system.

With a lot of outside ideas injected into it, this country has many goals that it can refer to for its development.

For example, the South China Sea Federation and the like are also building laboratories, environmentally friendly factories, and popularizing education.

It is estimated that when Momonosuke and others traveled through time and came here, this place was no longer the Wano country in his impression.

The banquet in the Flower City went very happily. After eating and drinking, everyone went to rest.

In the past few days, Noah stayed here to recharge his batteries and receive information about the new world.

A steady stream of information is delivered every day.

Many combat forces under the command of Wan Guo have returned to Cake Island, and the edge of Wan Guo's boundary has been put on high alert.

No matter how you look at this abnormal behavior, it is not an ordinary tea party.

The kings of the underground world also set out one after another.

People like Morgans who like big news have already reached their destination.

Bucky will also be ready at this time.

Before setting off, Crocodile also rushed to the clown troupe's location.

In a high-end game like the tea party, Himura Kenshin alone is not enough. As a member of the Cross Guild, Lao Sha also wanted to do his part to increase his influence.

He felt that he had only worked on the first half before and had not left too many names in the new world. This time the dialogue between the four emperors was just up to par.

The main reason is that the Shichibukai really don't have many cards now, and they are a bit unable to use them.

For a guy who is determined to do things and be a hero, he should give up when he has to.

At the very beginning, the Shichibukai, as a pirate force that competed against the Four Emperors, was very majestic.

But with the establishment of the Pirate Alliance. and the founding of the Cross Union.

Lao Sha discovered that apart from him, Hawkeye and the Empress, there were no powerful figures left in the Shichibukai group.

Being mixed up with some ordinary pirates is simply an insult to one's status.

Now he is more outwardly claiming to be a member of the Cross Guild.

But after arriving excitedly and seeing the red-haired compassionate swordsman, I felt emo.

Bucky is a bastard~~ As promised before, they will help each other, and the two of them will work together to create the glory of the Cross Guild.

Fortunately, he thought that this clown emperor was also quite ambitious and unwilling to be inferior to others.

He has designed several tricks to lay eggs on a borrowed chicken, and plans to teach him the tricks of starting a stove.

Is this the result?

If you don’t want to play, you won’t play. How can you just open it up?

With this guy Noah present, he may not have many opportunities to perform.

In other words, there is a risk of becoming a tool.

Hey. Lao Sha, long time no see.

What can he do in the face of Noah's enthusiasm~~

Hahaha, long time no see.

So what can I do if I'm depressed? I can't defeat you, and I can't even conspire against you.

Crocodile felt that he had the attributes of a tragic hero in dramas.

This time when I go to Ten Thousand Kingdoms, I have to rely on your reputation as a sand crocodile.

Don't worry, anyone who dares to be disrespectful to our Cross Guild will be killed by me.

Lao Sha patted his chest and said words that were against his will.

At the same time, I blamed my aunt in my heart. No matter what conspiracy you are up to, why did you invite this god of plague?

The Emperor Bucky slowly left the port and showed its flag.

All the pirates in the new world know that the strongest emperor group has been dispatched.

Target, Cake Island!

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