Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 488 Auntie’s Tea Party

So this report was filed. As for what happened to Pioneer Island, it all depended on luck.

Fujitora would probably be confused as to why the naval base across the way was so crazy that he had to mess with him.

This cannot be blamed on the World Government's failure to live up to expectations. It is really because the Revolutionary Army did its finishing work too professionally.

First of all, when arranging the evacuation from Miracle Island and robbing the laboratory, all the high-tech equipment was carried away.

Even Bika flew here, just to be able to safely transport all the information, and destroy everything that could not be transported.

The remaining signs were all burned away by the flames generated by the friction of the atmosphere. Before Kizaru took action, Miracle Island was already a bare meteorite block.

The most egregious thing is.

After Noah left, the murloc troops of the Revolutionary Army came and searched the sea with their vehicles. All traces that would reveal their identities were cleaned up overnight.

The body of the golden lion was also taken away to another place for burial, which was absolutely watertight.

With this kind of operation, there is nothing the World Government can do to find clues about Noah and Kizaru.

The investigation has not yet stopped, and news about the mysterious disappearance of Cobb Island has been published in the newspapers.

The World Economic News was non-stop. After the limelight of Columbus passed, they began to hype the Cobb Island meteor incident again.

Originally, the newspaper office was quite active, but it was not so involved and was not forced by the revolutionary army's underground press.

Underground newspapers and periodicals competed for part of the market because they dared to write, publish, and were extremely interesting.

World Economic News is restricted by the world government and can only use its own channels and timeliness to maintain market share.

This kind of new news still occupies the vast majority of advantages in current affairs.

After Noah's enlightenment, One Piece's entertainment industry is now developing very rapidly.

In addition to newspapers asking gunmen to sketch what kind of meteors are on Cobb Island, there are also plays in the entertainment city, etc. Under the involution of Noah's guidance, everyone's spiritual life is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy the previous lifestyle.

People are eager for change. They no longer passively receive information, but actively seek external changes.

This is a shift that world governments have yet to notice. Only Noah is operating this matter and no one knows about it.

Thoughts and desires are sometimes like Pandora's box. Once opened, it is difficult to close.

The world has been changed.

Noah, who had left the Food Island long ago, was originally going to go for a walk in the North Sea, where Target 2 was located.

Unfortunately, an accident interrupted his plan to clean up the sea.

Bucky, the strongest emperor, gave him a call.

The tea party of the Queen of All Nations in the New World is about to begin. This time the tea party has invited many owners of the top forces in the sea to participate.

They are all important figures in the sea, and even the backgrounds behind them are very complicated.

Even Noah was a little surprised after hearing the list. Is that crazy woman going to do something big again?

The king of Germa 66 in the North Sea, Vinsmoke Gaji, is a master of technology testing and is good at artificial human technology.

I used to hang out with Vegapunk. Sanji's father is also one of Noah's targets.

This person has a terrible reputation in Beihai, and even the navy is very concerned about him.

There is also a comic book published, which is the armor style that fights against the evil Germa. Of course, he was later squeezed out by Noah’s JOJO.

The reason for choosing him is simple, he is a bad guy. Except for Sanji who ran away from home, and his sister Reiju, the whole family are all bad guys, so there is nothing wrong with messing with them.

Moreover, the Vinsmoke family's reign of terror in Beihai has seriously affected the secret development of the revolutionary army.

Northern Army Commander Morrie strongly invited Noah to go to Beihai to take charge of the work, which was actually to kill people.

There was no traffic jam this time. I wonder if I would have a chance in the New World.

In Noah's little notebook, Vinsmoke Gage's profile picture has been circled in red.

Auntie also invited her old friend Wang Zhi, the Lord of Honeycomb Island and a former member of the Rocks Pirates.

In the New World chapter, it ended directly after being defeated by Kirby and Blackbeard in Rocky Port.

Although there is not much writing, the Rocks Pirates have many monsters, and they can survive after the incident in the Valley of Gods. This person should not be underestimated.

There are also six dark kings in the underworld.

Stussy, Queen of Happy Street, is an intelligence agent of CP0.

Her strength is not bad, at least the combat power of a lieutenant general in the headquarters, and she is ruthless. If she is involved, the world government will know about it.

King of Usury Feld, whose main business is loan sharking, is the controller of currency circulation in the dark world.

But what about currency? In the credit system of the world government, the role of this king is not that big. At this moment, the South China Sea is already preparing a settlement system other than Bailey.

When the credibility of the revolutionary army can be endorsed, it will be launched immediately.

Maybe the world government doesn't understand what currency war is, but the revolutionary army has to be on guard against it.

Sea Transport King Umit is also the person Noah will visit in the future, hoping to reach a peaceful consensus.

If he can't, the revolutionary army will have to work hard to make him do it.

The Intelligence King, Morgans. This old bird is an old friend. He had doubts about Noah's vest from the beginning. This is not the first time that the two parties have cooperated.

I don’t know if I can see another vest of Noah this time, I’m looking forward to it.

Well, probably based on Morgans' caution, he might even recognize it but not recognize it.

The rest, such as warehousing boss Guiberson and big-handed undertaker Piecro, are not interested. If they are convenient, it is not impossible to kill them.

With so many targets gathered, and big moms from the Yonko being involved, logically, Noah shouldn't go.

But who said that this time Wan Guo also invited the president of the Cross Guild, the Clown Emperor Bucky~~~

As the most popular captain in the new world, how could he shirk it?

So Noah had to help Bucky hold up the scene and observe the target person's movements.

And see what the aunt wants to do.

It is impossible for a simple tea party to become so grand.

Not only Noah and the invited people had this question, Ka Er was also confused.

Mom. This tea party

Well, well, well, well. Bucky's Cross Guild is a good thing.

The aunt happily gave the reason.

Just covet the Cross Union. She plans to trick everyone on the list and form her own Guild of All Nations.

Last year's trip to the Red Earth Continent was a move that even the emperor was frightened by.

In the process, her status as the queen of all nations was reduced to a high-end background.

The most outstanding one is the Fourth Emperor, the current president of the Cross Guild.

Why did Bucky get the right to speak that time? It wasn't because the guild they formed had more people and more power.

It doesn't mean territory and little brothers, but high-end combat power.

Rayleigh, Hawkeye, Crocodile, Boa Hancock, and Kenshin Himura who didn't appear.

Such a rise in strength has clearly won the status of the strongest emperor. Almost all pirates in the New World think so.

This makes her, a veteran pirate, put her face.

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