Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 489 The Cards of the Cross Guild

Moreover, having seen the confrontation between Bucky and the Five Old Stars, Charlotte Lingling's ambition was completely detonated.

This is something that neither Roger nor Locks did.

She also wanted to try that kind of scenery.

This tea party was the first step for her to use her strength to subdue many forces and form the Guild of All Nations.

Inviting Bucky here is to use Bucky's example to tell everyone that only by joining the Guild of All Nations can one have a competitive position.

It can be regarded as one of the few strategies, using external forces to force them to take sides.

It is also a provocation to the Cross Guild. From now on, there will be two guilds in the sea.

Of course, if Bucky dares to go to the meeting alone, she will dare to do something terrible again. It's just a winner or a loser.

If you can get rid of this one, hehehe.

The plan was simple and rough, but she didn't think about failure.

Or what if it fails. Everyone is not a good person, and no one has any plot or tricks.

There are still people who dare to target her.

Currently, except for Bucky, no one on the invitation list is her opponent.

Although Ka Er also envied the Cross Guild, he instinctively felt that Captain Bucky did not rely on strength to conquer the guild.

But rely on personal charm?

But I can't refute my mother's decision, and I even support the Big Mom Pirates to go further.

The sea is becoming more and more dangerous now. If the strength of one's own forces is greatly increased, then one can better protect his younger brothers and sisters.

There were just some criticisms about the methods, which were not very aboveboard and inconsistent with his intentions.

It would be nice to know the details of the formation of the Cross Guild.

But it was impossible for him to ask Bucky how to form a guild. He could only use this very pirate method to gather strength.

He sent brothers and sisters to send invitations to Man Dahai, and specifically told them not to be too arrogant.

Now is a critical period for my mother to form a guild. If the other party does not come, there will be no next chance.

This immoral thing is a one-time deal, and no fool would be fooled a second time.

For the sake of solemnity, Ka Er went to Bucky’s place in person.

Arriving outside Wano, after the briefing, I was summoned by Bucky.

Arriving aboard the Emperor, Ka Er looked around.

The core royal group of the Cross Guild is still so arrogant and has no respect for him, the fourth emperor's ship's mate.

Bucky sat on the main seat, his aura was still relatively weak, and he did not show any domineering aura.

Instead, he was shocked. He had already become recognized as the strongest emperor.

This emperor is still calm and has a deep breath. His intelligence and forbearance are truly terrifying.

Thinking about the arrangements made after the formation of the Pirate Alliance last time and the invasion of the Red Earth Continent, Captain Bucky might be thinking of some shocking conspiracy at this moment.

And he still didn't see Himura Kenshin who severely injured him, which further supported some conspiracy theories.

Little did he know that Bucky was also very uneasy inside. He was idly preparing to hunt for treasures at the station.

This second card came just as expected, without any preparation.

Even though he seems wild, he can't help it. It's funny to say that among the strongest emperors in the sea in Wano, no one can beat Katakuri in front of him.

Without strength, there is no confidence, and the soles of your feet are sweating.

If the other party tries hard, he won't be able to handle it.

Fortunately, the other party is more sensible. Hand over the invitation respectfully.

Tea Party of All Nations?

Bucky opened the invitation card seemingly casually. He had heard of this tea party, and it seemed that the tea party was held every few years.

According to Teacher Noah, it is an annual development meeting. Eating, drinking, flirting, and getting married or something like that is an unprofessional activity.

“Yes, my mother specifically told me to invite President Bucky to come.

After all, everyone in the new world knows your reputation, and your arrival can make this tea party more brilliant.

Auntie would definitely not say this. There should be no nominal disadvantage among the emperors.

It was Ka Er who made it up for the smoothness of the mission.

Bucky was deep in thought at this time. Although the other party's compliment made him very happy,...

If he really had the strength of an emperor, he wouldn't mind going there, but right now, he is the only one in the guild, and the main combat forces have all gone back.

He was not sure to call anyone out except Lao Sha. Others are very disrespectful.

So do you want to refuse? What reason should be used to refuse without damaging one's emperor's face?

Besides our Cross Guild, who else did BigMom invite to participate?

Bucky's sudden question made Ka Er a little nervous. He was indeed the most scheming man, could he have seen something?

It’s not easy to hide it. These movements on the sea cannot be hidden. I had to give a rough list.

This almost scared Bucky to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat. There are so many strong men and power lords, who among them is not a human spirit.

He was the husky in the pack, and there was a chance that his background would be revealed at any minute.

I don’t dare to think about what will happen when I fall down.

However, will Charlotte Lingling’s abnormal gathering of manpower affect Teacher Noah’s layout?

Ahem, are these the only people?

Make a proud gesture first to express your disdain for other people and to have a conceited personality.

If you don't go, it's because the visitors are relatively low-end, so you don't go, just to pave the way.

Ka Er was helpless when he heard this. These people may not be as powerful as the Emperor in terms of combat power, but their influence on the sea together is greater than that of the Emperor.

It is worthy of being a Cross Guild and has sufficient confidence.

Katakuri, you go down and rest first, and I will talk to you after I think about it for a while.


Ka Er felt like he had been seen through, so he went down to calm down.

After the other party left the cabin, Bucky immediately went to his secret communication room and dialed a person's contact information.

That's why Noah knew about Big Mom's tea party.

Okay, I understand, I will go with you this time, feel free to agree.

You are currently the most powerful emperor in the New World, Bucky. You need to stand up.

Hearing that Noah would go with him, Bucky was completely relieved and really excited.

This revolutionary light is currently at the forefront of the sea in terms of military force, but what is most commendable is his intelligence.

Together with the Warring States Period, they are known as the two wise men of the sea. Never do anything you're not sure about.

Even the World Government's encirclement and suppression of the South China Sea was managed by him, so what else could stop him?

With Noah taking action, this time, it’s safe!

Taking heroic steps, he summoned Ka Er again.

Hahahahaha. I have heard about the tea party of all nations for a long time. Now that the invitations have been sent to me, I will naturally come as promised.

Although I don’t know why Bucky’s emotions were so different before and after, I just agree.

Ka Er put down a big stone in his heart. With the emperor's nod, his mother's plan was at least one-third successful.

Only when faced with the oppression of a behemoth can other people understand the principle of holding together for warmth.

Although I hate to admit it, the current Big Mom Pirate Group's intimidating power is really not as good as the Cross Guild.

It was a terrifying team that spanned the entire Grand Line, almost comparable to legends like Rocks or the Roger Pirates.

Katakuri, who returned to Cake Island, besides returning to his life, began to mobilize his troops to prepare for this tea party.

A huge storm is about to sweep over the new world.

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