Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 487 It was Fujitora who did it!

The battlefield fell into complete silence. There were no explosions or shock waves, and even the waves became much tamer.

Miracle Island and the island group sank into the deep sea, which is considered a different kind of return, but it is a pity that there are so many evolved beasts on the island.

This can be regarded as an artificially controlled ecosystem and experimental base.

Cobb Island was completely wiped out from the sea, as if it had never existed.

Sometimes Noah wonders whether the world's strange ocean geography was caused by ancient wars.

Not 800 years ago, but much older in antiquity.

A central continent that was gathered together was broken into countless small pieces.

The core continental shelf is the Red Continent, the larger fragments are superpowers like Alabasta, and the smaller ones are villages and towns like Cobb Island.

The chaos in the magnetic field is explained, and this is how the miracle of the Grand Line came about.

It's a pity that after so many years, the ancient traces have been almost destroyed by time.

I hope that in the final chapter, the truth can be found from Marie Joa.

The battle between the top powerhouses has caused too much damage to the outside world, and this is already the best result.

Kizaru and Noah stood on the wreckage of a ship, watching the golden lion's body slowly sinking into the deep sea.

Noah broke the silence first.

I thought you would take Shiki's body back to the Navy Headquarters to ask for credit.

Now, isn't Cyborg Kong selecting a naval marshal? It's a pity that such a good opportunity exists.

Impossible. This time I am on annual leave. No one wants me to go back. Also, don't try to dig holes like you. A general who can maintain the current lifestyle is my pursuit.

Kizaru replied categorically that he would never work hard. Just this time to release the fruit ability tonight, he would have to rest for at least a year.

Noah still wanted to persuade him again. There were not many people who had such a tacit understanding.

Isn't it a pleasure to work with you? It would be nice if the Admiral was one of our own.

Who and you are our own people.

Kizaru rolled his eyes under his sunglasses, this grandson was not a good person.

Noah’s little calculation almost hit him in the face.

If he also joins the battle for marshal, what kind of chaos will there be inside. The result of the three-party melee was that no one could become the marshal.

Many times when the leader decides to fight, the factions below have already started fighting, and they don't even stop when they want to.

The revolutionary army will then laugh to death.

He had no problem with whether it was Aokiji or Akainu, the navy marshal at that time. Of course, Aokiji would be slightly better. He has a relatively high tolerance for his fishing behavior.

As a neutral person, he won't support anyone, and no matter who comes to power, he won't treat him badly, so that's fine.

As long as I am good enough, no one can do anything to me.

This is the right thing to say about Kizaru, because this salted fish is a salted fish monster that can destroy a giant island in an instant.

Let's go back to Food Island first. There's too much movement here. Leave the rest to our people.

After saying that, Noah opened a door and left with Kizaru.

It's impossible to leave. There was too much movement in the sky just now.

The movement on the sea surface of Cobb Island is not bad. The location here is relatively remote. Even if it is a hundred-meter-tall lion, a few hundred-meter sword energy, or a mountain that divides the sea, no one will see it.

But the Miracle Island that fell from the sky was trailing thousands of meters of red tail flames. Even if it eventually exploded into countless small pieces, it would still be a beautiful meteor shower streaking across the sky, an astronomical spectacle.

And the liberation of Kizaru's fruit, that flash of light that illuminated the darkness, made everyone know that something big had happened here.

It is impossible for the revolutionary army to blatantly blockade the ports of other islands. It cannot be stopped now.

After returning to the tavern, Noah and the two continued chatting for a while and then left.

Kizaru continued his vacation, and Noah returned to his room, planning his next opponent. The Golden Lion was just the beginning.

The next day, a new sea legend began to spread in this sea area.

On the night of the full moon, there is a popular fall. Cobb Island was destroyed by a meteor. There was evil on this island, so it was punished by the gods.

Also, Cobu Island is actually a golden island with countless treasures buried on it. This time, the Four Emperors sent people to rob it, and after robbing it, the island was sunk.

The most outrageous thing is that some say it was done by the revolutionary army and the navy. In order to kill a big pirate, they did not hesitate to destroy the island.

These were all measures taken by the revolutionary army to muddy the waters after seeing that the heat could not be suppressed.

This group of people knew the true story of Noah and knew how to use public opinion to cover up the facts. They even did not hesitate to expose the truth to the public, which in turn eliminated suspicion.

Then this sea area became lively.

Some explorers would like to see what kind of natural punishment has such an effect that it can sink an island.

If a salvage team comes to make money, there might be some precious metal meteorites or scattered gold waiting to be discovered.

The Navy and the World Government also sent people to investigate.

In their opinion, this was definitely a trace left behind by strong men fighting against each other.

This kind of movement cannot be kept until the rank of general.

Of course, they would not believe that the revolutionary army and the navy admiral teamed up to kill the pirates. With the two parties currently in the same situation, how could such a thing happen?

A group of people started investigating by various means around the original site of Cobb Island.

The conclusion drawn is that there are indeed people fighting here, and obvious sword marks can be seen on the island fragments on the seabed.

The World Government began to investigate several nearby islands to see if any powerful people were passing by.

It was only found that General Kizaru passed by a week ago. But he has been at Hot Spring Island for three days, and there is no evidence that one of the opponents is him.

I also asked on the phone, but the reply was that I don't know. I'm on vacation now, so I won't contact you unless necessary, and I refuse to work overtime.

What else can I do? I can only give up.

In fact, they also understand what kind of person General Kizaru is. If there is no order, he will never meddle in other people's business.

And someone who can command a general would not issue such an order and hide it from the World Government. This is a refutation.

I had no choice but to abandon this line and continue to fight in this sea area.

After careful investigation and thinking, we came to a conclusion that everyone recognized.

This meteorite is not a natural phenomenon, it is man-made.

So the identity of one of the warring parties has been confirmed, it is Fujitora of the Revolutionary Army!

That’s right, it’s him! Meteorite falling from the sky, this trick has been demonstrated in front of people all over the world.

It is unclear why he came to the Grand Line and who he was fighting against.

Intelligence showed that he was stationed on Pioneer Island, which was obviously wrong news. Now plans could be made to test Pioneer Island.

The people from the World Government rushed back to Mariejoia to formulate a strategy to see if Fujitora's position was still in the South China Sea.

It's best not to go back now. You can plan a wave of encirclement and killing on the way to cut off the revolutionary army!

This idea was something Noah and the others had not thought of.

The investigators of the World Government have made their own logic self-consistent.

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