Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 486 Blood fades, death

After the continuous bombardment, especially the ravages of Kizaru and the lions of Gosho Jimaki, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing that the car that had been with him for decades was blown to pieces, the golden lion suddenly felt an unexplainable emotion in his heart.

In the new era, there is no ship that can carry him. I had this feeling inexplicably.

Looking at young Noah and the admiral over there who was still paddling to contain him.

He had to admit that he was old and no longer as domineering as he was when he was young.

The sea may really belong to their world.

However, he looked at the position of the floating island in the sky. All his years of planning and forbearance had just disappeared on the sea so quietly?

This doesn't fit who he is. As a legendary pirate, even if it ends with a bang!

At the cost of a sword in his body, he once again distanced himself, raised his hands high, and shouted loudly.

Noah, and Kizaru kid!

Have you ever seen the end of the world?

What does this mean?

At this moment, Noah seemed to think of something and suddenly looked up to the sky.

A comet has landed!

On the horizon, a huge shadow fell to the ground at a terrifying speed. That's Miracle Island!

The friction between the island and the air produced a large number of sparks, and the IQ, wild green, and mutated animals on the island were melted by this high temperature.

Turned into a Death Star.

Trailing long tail flames, a beautiful and deadly murderous intention is about to come here.

The size of Miracle Island is much larger than ordinary small islands, at least as big as five Cobb Islands.

Such a huge thing fell down, it turned out to be a crazy golden lion.

Do you want to use so many islands to create a funeral for yourself that will shock the world?

Even before it arrived, I felt that my life was under a strong threat.

It was really unexpected. Noah thought that such a scene would only happen after Shiji's defeat, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to start it in advance.

However, such an attack cannot hit Noah and Kizaru. If they want to leave, they can leave the battlefield in an instant.

It was as if he saw the plan of these two shameless guys.

If you leave, I will take the opportunity to escape and spread the information that the navy and the revolutionary army are joining forces.

With my status as Feitian Admiral, some people will still believe it, especially the World Government!

So keep fighting, Noah!


The golden lion at this moment shows the cunning and madness of the top pirate!

Noah confirmed through his eyes that this guy really thought so, so there was nothing he could do, so just go crazy with him.

He really couldn't bear the consequences of this news spreading, which would be bad for the whole world.

Porusalino, give me a battlefield!


Understanding that the critical moment has come, Kizaru no longer hides his clumsiness and agrees straightforwardly.

A flash of light shot up into the sky and came to the side of Miracle Island.

Looking at the huge island and the terrifying high temperature, Kizaru had a headache. This is to force him to use all his strength.

Take a deep breath, spread your arms, and start accumulating strength to the maximum extent.

So in addition to the red comet tail flame, a golden sun briefly appeared in the dark night.

For a brief moment, it represented the destruction of equality indeed.

Ba Chi Qiong. Liberation!

Kizaru, who transformed into a light source, stared indifferently ahead. Endless light bombarded the island, and the continuous explosions echoed in the night sky like the wrath of heaven.

Click, click, click.

Finally, after a few seconds, the huge island was torn apart. It successfully disintegrated in the air and broke into several large pieces, which continued to burn and fall downwards.

But it changed from a comet to a meteor shower.

That should be fine.

Kizaru stayed in mid-air to calm down the physical strength he had just consumed. The release of the Shining Fruit instantly released a huge amount of energy, and the consumption of physical strength was also huge.

And it also has a certain impact on the state of mind, which is why he doesn't like the Liberation Fruit.

Shi Ji underneath was also ready to adjust his mentality for the final battle.

He handed the dead wood to his left hand, then reached his right hand above his head and grabbed the rudder.

At that moment, fear flashed in his eyes, as well as nostalgia for life, which eventually turned into a desire for victory.



The rudder that had been embedded above the head for nearly twenty years was pulled out.

A large amount of blood came out from the top of his head and soon covered his hair, beard, and face.

What comes at any time is a sharp increase in the sense of danger.

This is a blood lion fully liberated!

I am the Sky Pirates, Pirate Admiral, Golden Lion, Shiki!

As Shi Ji roared, the overlord color entangled in blood once again returned to the level when he dominated the sea.

The ferocious spirit rose into the sky. Shiki's life is burning until time is running out, so hurry up!

He held two swords and killed Noah. At that moment, meteors and fire rain fell, and the two of them slashed at each other desperately in the crazy battlefield.

The complete golden lion showed combat prowess worthy of his legendary status.

The sword energy combined with the fruit's ability turned the sea within a hundred miles around, and a large amount of sea water was swept up into the sky, turning into sea lions one after another, roaring and killing Kizaru.

Kizaru can explode one head, and two more will come out of the sea, endlessly.

This is the swansong of a strong man who has completely liberated his fruits and no longer thinks about his options.

Underneath is the double sword domination that is activated. Close combat again. In that era, there were no top pirates with domineering looks who were not capable of being domineering.

At this moment, the Golden Lion's swordsmanship was arrogant and unreasonable, just like him.

There are endless swordsmanships of exchanging lives for lives. With his past experience and swordsmanship, he managed to draw a tie with Noah, and his momentum became higher and higher.

Such a battle made the Golden Lion feel that his heart had returned to that chaotic and crazy era.

At the same time, he also realized that when he was engaged in IQ's Revenge on Miracle Island, the legendary pirate was already dead.

Now I just pick up the sunset.

What a pity, I really want to fight Roger again, if there hadn't been that storm.

The battle slowly comes to an end.

Everyone knew that when the rudder was pulled out, Shi Ji's life entered a countdown. As long as he waited for a while, he could bleed to death.

But even so, Noah and Kizaru did not leave, but accompanied him to fight until the last moment.

It can be regarded as a farewell to a sea hero.

The battle continued to escalate, and the scene became bigger and bigger.

The roaring lion of the sea water shines with the light of the battlefield, and the crimson sea-splitting sword energy resounds with the roar of the sea.

The final time has arrived.

The two swords merged into one, Ying Ju and Ku Mu were mourning. Shiji even turned into a bloody lion with his sword and killed him.

And Noah also went all out. The red sword of Wadou Ichimonji carried his belief and slashed mercilessly.

They are also red, one is a fierce and surly red, and the other is a vast and masculine red.

Finally, the blood color fades, and the golden lion dies!

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