Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 482 Come and share the glory with me

Noah somewhat understood why Golden Lion took in these little brothers.

Very good at blowing.

Maybe the Golden Lion is still immersed in his prestige more than ten years ago.

Then, I should also show the arrogance of a top talent in the industry to avoid being looked down upon.

Don't go, you are hiding your head and showing your tail.

The leader had long been impatient. With a glance, he swarmed up and planned to kidnap them directly.

He actually swarmed him, which was not the style of a big pirate at all.

Logically speaking, the leader should be the one-eyed one-on-one, but let's go through this process again.

He is really just a little gangster.

If the Golden Lion knew that his little brother acted like this, I don't know how embarrassing it would be.

Duang, duang, duang!

Just move around and beat them all down.

I saw Magellan stepping on One-Eyed's head arrogantly.

Why do you think that I have been sailing all over the world for so long and I don't even have the strength to defeat a few novices?

Twist again.

“If you want to see me, ask the person behind you to come in person, at any time and place.

I don't believe that a guy who doesn't even dare to show his face is a big shot.

In this sea, there are many people who want to recruit me. If you don't have the strength, don't show off. It's very embarrassing.

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving behind a group of wailing brothers.

The leader's one-eyed man was looking at the navigator with red eyes, and he swore in his heart that he would kill this bastard if he had the chance.

Then they supported each other's companions, slowly moved back to the boat, and sailed away from the food island.

Thousands of meters in the air.


Did he really say that?

Absolutely, Captain. The man who Columbus said didn't even dare to show his face was worthy of recruiting him. Then he said a lot of insulting words. I didn't dare to listen.

One Eye sadly reported to the Golden Lion that his mission had failed.

Of course, he never mentioned that he wanted to find someone to block Columbus, but repeatedly emphasized how domineering and arrogant the other party was.

The words were so ugly that he even planned to formulate a few sentences to stimulate his boss.

‘Haha, you look down on me, now it’s up to you whether you die or not! ’

One-Eye fully expects the boss to take revenge on him.


he died.

The whole person was split into two pieces by the sword energy.

The golden lion had a gloomy face. If he had followed his temper more than ten years ago, he would definitely raise the food island at this time and then throw it down.

Otherwise it would not be enough to calm his anger. As for this little brother's fanning the flames, you can still see it.

But this Columbus refused without hesitation and really slapped him in the face.

Still hiding his head and showing his tail! What a courage!

Navigator, navigator. Are all capable people so temperamental?

Out of respect for talents and the purpose of continuing to hide his identity.

He decided to give Columbus another face.


He pointed to a younger brother who was missing a tooth.

Go tell that Columbus and give him the courage to come to Cobb Island within a week.

Ah, yes!

Seeing that the team leader he had followed was casually killed, Qian Ya was panicked to death.

Take the task decisively at this time.

Get ready to set off again with your little brothers.

At this time, Noah in the blue ocean was not worried at all that the golden lion would not send someone to invite again. This was a push-pull process.

But we can't let him get his Bai Yueguang so easily.

Nami was so disrespectful that Golden Lion let her go over and over again, which shows the depth of his obsession.

Of course, this is possible even if the Golden Lion becomes angry and stops looking for him as a legendary navigator.

Then he would wait for Feikong Island to reach the deserted sea, and fly up with Kizaru to kill them. It would just take a little more effort.

Although the Golden Lion can also fly, it is still not enough to watch in front of the two speedsters who are the top two in the sea.

Two days after the first invitation, the gang came again.

He still looks like a low-level pirate.

Appeared furtively in the alley.

Sir, don't do anything yet.

Qian Ya knelt down directly. He didn't care about the reputation of the Flying Pirates. He only knew that if he couldn't complete the mission and return, he would be gone.

Lord Columbus, my captain invites you to come to Cobb Island for an interview in four days.

And the person who offended you last time has been executed by our captain. I hope you can understand.

This desire for survival is enough.

Okay, let's leave it at that. I'm also curious about what forces are so persistent.

It makes it mysterious and gives people a desire to find out.

Chitooth also breathed a sigh of relief. My life was saved.

Haha, that one-eyed idiot doesn't know how to use his brain to do things.

I went back to announce the good news with a happy mood.

Noah had already left the alley after agreeing on a time and place.

Back in the office, looking at the chart.

Cobu Island has only one pier and one village on the entire island, with less than a hundred people.

The surrounding areas are all deserted islands and waters, and there are not many fishing boats. It's not on the ocean current route either, so it's a good place to fight.

Golden Lions are very good at choosing places.

Xiao Feng, Bonnie. I'll give you two days to evacuate the residents of Cobb Island.


Then arrange manpower. After the golden lion leaves, remind the indigenous people on the island to escape from the floating island, and you will do a good job of receiving them.


In any case, Noah was an accomplice in the destruction of their homeland, although he was also an outsider who helped them escape from captivity.

It’s hard to do things perfectly, so it’s not wrong to do more.

If you can fly, you can fly, and things will always go wrong when you are in a panic.

Finished arranging the revolutionary army. The next step is to contact the man who is said to be enjoying himself at the hot spring island.

Brumuru, burubru.


The current expression of the phone bug is very distinctive.

There is a kind of relaxation in the wretchedness.

Polusalino, in four days, near Cobb Island, you are ready to wait.

Once the war starts, come and kill people.


Okay, everything is ready, all I need is the golden lion.

Time flies by.

On the fourth day, Noah got on a small boat and wandered to the island.

Although it is remote, the scenery is pleasant. It's a good place to stay healthy, but it's a pity. This place is about to be destroyed.

When the silver moon hung high again, a small black dot fell from the sky.

A huge pirate ship fell from the sky, and the bottom of the ship was still wrapped in thick rocks.


Before anyone arrives, the sound falls first.

There are too many people in the pirate circle who like to do this.

There are also some in the navy, but not many, such as the giant Lieutenant General Sauro.

It was hard for Noah to imagine Akainu running away with a smile like this, or Aochi doing this, which would hurt his heart.

His long golden hair and beard were flying in the wind like a lion's mane.

A rudder was inserted on the top of the head, and the feet were replaced by two famous swords.

This is the first real meeting between Noah and the Golden Lion.


I am Shiji the Golden Lion, the admiral of the Sky Pirates,

Come join us, I will lead you to become the greatest navigator in the world, and then come and share my glory!

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