Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 481 Kizaru said he can’t act

In other words, Columbus was the bait you laid for the Golden Lion. Is this reliable?

Porusalino drank iced tea and ate barbecue without looking out of place.

It should be reliable. A good navigator will always feel pain in his heart.

Don't tell me your navy didn't devise this trap to trap the golden lion.

Noah strongly believes that as long as a human being has a weakness, the Golden Lion must know the World Government's concern for the Sea Navigator.

They must have made a plan, but they didn't launch it until the Golden Lion disappeared.

Just think about Whitebeard, his family is his weakness.

Porusalino continued to eat and drink, pretending not to hear.

With his authority, he naturally knew about the Golden Lion's trapping plan.

Ahem, what do you want me to do?

Let me tell you first, I can't do the shameless things you do.

I really don’t know how to act.

After Porusalino finished speaking, he felt Noah looking at him with a strange look.

It was as if he was lying to him. How could this be true? He was also a top expert with a well-known reputation in the sea. How could he lie?

Kizaru's words about not being able to act really put people off.

Okay, just pretend you don't know how to act.

What do you mean, just do it!

Kizaru was dissatisfied because this questioned his professionalism.

Well, you really can't act.

I don't want to draw too much into this matter, otherwise Kizaru will become angry.

This time General Kizaru doesn't have to do anything in the early stage and continues traveling.

Don't stay at the food island for too long, as it will alert them if you are noticed.

When I close the network here, I will notify you.

With the speed of the Flash Fruit, all they need to do is surround and kill the Golden Lion together in the decisive battle.

Isn't it very relaxing?

Kizaru was very satisfied with this arrangement, it was much more comfortable than he had imagined.

I thought I was going to have to work hard, but I didn’t expect Noah to be quite conscientious.

In fact, it is because Kizaru is a celebrity in the sea, and his body shape and temperament are also different from ordinary people.

Staying here will make the Golden Lion alert, so it is better to leave here first.

The rest of the trapping and location arrangements are most reliable to be left to the revolutionary army.

Noah just needs a reliable thug.

Of course, building a relationship with General Kizaru is also a very important part.

Also, this is an upgraded version of the travel guide and tickets. The VVVIP gold card of Hot Spring Island, an absolute paradise on earth.

The navy's arrangements were a bit ordinary.

He handed over a bunch of gold cards in his hand, and started a material offensive. We must vigorously introduce high-tech talents.

This is the Nanhai Employment Code 2.0. I will correct it when I have time. Your opinions on work and welfare are very insightful.

Moreover, my views on many violation cases of business owners are very pertinent, so I will trouble you this time.

Don’t worry, your help won’t be in vain, there will be a consultation fee.

Another wave of mental offensive.

That said, it's comfortable.

Kizaru had a feeling that this was the goal he wanted to strive for.

Then we woke up again, we can't be fooled by the revolutionary army anymore.

If he surrendered to the South China Sea, the old marshal of the Warring States Period might be so angry that he vomited blood.

Forget it about the consulting fee. I just think about the civilians on the sea and have no connection with the revolutionary army.

I understand. Marshal of the Warring States Period thinks so too. We are all good people who care about the order of the sea. Good people must be rewarded.

You see we are soliciting development strategies in the South China Sea and waiting for feedback on solutions.

When other people raise and solve problems, they charge consulting fees.

It would be unfair if you don't accept it.

Kizaru felt that what he said made sense, but he really couldn't accept the money.

In that case, this money will be secretly donated to a few schools for our education popularization work in Nanhai.

The children of South China Sea will thank you.

This can be done.

Our General Kizaru's ideological consciousness is really not low.

And there is a slight sense of accomplishment.

After talking about the matter, Noah handed Kizaru a phone bug.

When you travel, you definitely don't have a phone bug on you, otherwise you would think you were a general.

After dinner, we chatted and gossiped for a while.

There are all kinds of anecdotes from all over the world, and it’s a pleasure to share them.

From then on, General Kizaru felt that this revolutionary light understood him.

Time passed late at night, and the two parted ways.

Kizaru continued his journey, except for a few more gold cards and a book, nothing else changed.

Noah stayed at Food Island and continued fishing patiently, attending events and accepting interviews from time to time.

On this day, Bonnie informed Noah that the Sky Pirates were here.

About a dozen people were dispatched and had arrived at the port.

A dozen people? The person who came here is not a good person. It is really the style of old pirates. He will snatch the ones he likes.

Haha, this is too much to underestimate him. Just play with those people.

After a while, the group of people appeared next to Columbus.

Sensing the slightly malicious looks from around him, Noah ate slowly in a crowded place without any rush.

Hey, boss, this fish roe is pretty awesome. I think I had something similar on Mars Island.

Mr. Columbus is indeed a traveler. He has eaten all this. Yes, this was caught in the current wave on Mars Island.

So that's it, I learned it again.

After eating the fish roe, Columbus was like a street wanderer, eating and looking around. He was definitely the kind of overly energetic tourist.

The flying pirates who were following them were all annoyed. They were always in some busy places and it was difficult to attack them.

Finally, at night, the navigator walked into a deserted alley, and a group of people filed in.

After waiting for a day, they were already impatient.


More than a dozen people blocked the entrance to the alley.

All of them have tattoos on their arms and one eye. They are not good people no matter how you look at them.

Mr. Columbus, come with us.

In fact, the Golden Lion asked them to be more polite when they came to invite people.

But the people below are of relatively low quality, coupled with their previous professional habits. So I rushed to speak.

Besides, they don't think much of non-combat professions like navigators.

I thought it was just like recruiting an ordinary boy.

Oh, who are you?

The leader was unhappy that there was no look of horror on Columbus's face.

Why did he come out to hang out? He just wanted others to be afraid of him. This guy in front of him was somewhat ignorant.

We come from a very powerful force. We would like to invite you to be our guest.

Very powerful? How powerful? Compared with the navy? Compared with the revolutionary army? Compared with the four emperors?

Columbus asked slowly.

Hmph! The navy is nothing more than that, the revolutionary army is just a rising generation. As for the four emperors, if we are still in the blue sea, what do we have to do with them! There will only be one emperor on this sea!

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