Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 483 The navy and the revolutionary army join forces

At this moment, the golden lion's domineering power is exposed, really exposed.

The overlord color swept directly over the island, raising a lot of sand and dust.

The background boys behind him are also looking at their captain enthusiastically. This is the style of a pirate admiral.

Sure enough, his strength is extraordinary. Although the breath is unstable, its intensity is not low. At its peak, it is almost the same as Auntie and the others.

In that chaotic era, which respectable pirate leader didn't know how to be a king?

After the golden lion spoke domineeringly, he waited for Columbus to bow his head.

This was how I recruited my younger brothers before. When they heard that it was the Golden Lion of One Piece, they all rushed to kowtow and join.

This Columbus should be no exception.

The more knowledgeable a person is, the more he should know the weight of the name Golden Lion.

Golden lion?


The one who chased Roger across the ocean?

Uh-huh! The ending sound rose.

The pirate admiral who was defeated by Storm in the Battle of Water El?

Uh-huh! The ending sound dropped,

The legendary pirate who broke into the Navy headquarters alone?

Uh-huh! The ending sound rose.

The golden lion who was arrested and imprisoned in Imperial Prison?

You are *playing* with me!

The golden lion is not a stupid lion. The rudder just makes him a little bit crazy, but it is not that stupid.

This guy is obviously really making fun of him.

Now, regardless of whether he is a legendary navigator or not, if you dare to offend his majesty like this, you can only apologize with death!

The golden lion, filled with rage, raised his leg and struck out with a chop. Let this island and this hateful guy be buried here together.

This giant sword energy has the power to split hundreds of miles of sea.

Moreover, the sword energy is very solid. In the past ten years, the Golden Lion's perseverance to use his legs to replace the sword is touching.

But perseverance is not enough. Strong men emerge in endlessly on the sea, and the old people who are out of touch with the times have not yet adapted to the rhythm of the battlefield.

I saw Columbus pulling out a weapon from the space without unsheathing it. He just wrapped the scabbard in the weapon color and deflected the huge sword energy flying towards him.

Cobb Island suddenly became quiet.

The golden lion was shocked by the opponent's performance.

Not even a legendary navigator could survive his angry blow.

In his memory, the ones who could take over were at least admirals from the Navy Headquarters, and the ones who could do it so easily must be masters of the same level.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Golden Lion began to regain his former state.

The body is tense, the mind is focused, and the breathing becomes calmer.

The sight and color are released, with Cobb Island as the center, and you can't feel the breath of other people at all. Has it moved away?

He knew that he would not be a pirate if he could do this. Even Roger would not do such a thing.

So the Navy? With the navy's ability, it can certainly be done, but the sword master in front of him is not among the three generals.

Although he lives far away on an island in the sky, he still knows a little about the news on the sea.

So, is it possible that it is the revolutionary army?

If it was the revolutionary army, it would be even more puzzling for him. He thought he had no connection with this emerging force and had no grudges, so why would he set up a scheme to lure him out.

Do you want to cooperate?

Until now, the golden lion doesn't think Noah is here to kill him. This is his confidence.

Are you a revolutionary soldier?

Take off your disguise calmly.

Revolutionary Army, Noah.

Why do the revolutionary army want to embarrass me and try so hard to see me?

For this reason, it cannot be said that you will plan to destroy the East China Sea in a few years to scare the Navy Headquarters.

Isn't this just teasing fools?


People from harm!

Well, this reason completely shocked Shi Ji.

What is the reason for the world's largest scourge to be eliminated for the people?

He was obviously furious, but he didn't know whether he should express it or not. Isn't this just pure madness?

Is this how you, the revolutionary army, do things?

Then the world government did the right thing. People like you should be exterminated.

At this moment, the Golden Lion intends to side with the World Government and the Navy.

You alone want to go against me, you are seeking death!

Since the other party doesn't want face, let's beat him before talking about it.

Haha, if you want to kill him, you need at least another general!

Lion Power·Earth Scroll!

In the original work, he used the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit to lift the entire ground, turning it into multiple lion-head-shaped earth waves that crushed the protagonist group.

The conditions of this Cobu Island are not good enough, so the sea water is also rolled up.

The Piao Piao Fruit can control sea water, which is quite disgusting for Devil Fruit users.

After the seawater formed a hundred-meter lion's head, it didn't roar much and didn't show much power.

Eight-foot beautiful magatama!

Several laser beams came from a distance. All the lion heads were shattered in an instant, and the scattered seawater crashed back into the sea.

call out!

A figure next to Noah recovered from the form of light.

It's still a relaxed Hawaiian style, beach shorts, slippers, and brown sunglasses.

One more belated comment.

Yo~ It's so scary.

Admiral Kizaru joins the battle.

Looking at the flip-flops under Kizaru's feet, Noah's thinking was a little divergent, wondering if kicking at the speed of light without leather shoes was soulless.

The golden lion on the opposite side is facing a formidable enemy at this moment.

If this person is correct, he is Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters.

So what does the combination of Revolutionary Light + Admiral mean?


The golden lion felt like he had discovered something.

The relationship between the world government, the navy, and the revolutionary army may not be what the people on the sea think.

Then that stupid bastard Zefa goes to the revolutionary army.

Zihahahahahahaha, what a navy, what justice. It turns out that compared to me, your navy is the one who hides it the most.

At this moment, the golden lion understands that life and death must be decided today.

In order to kill him, such secrets were exposed.

Moreover, he really didn't think that he could escape from the hands of the Flash Fruit users and the Door Fruit users.

He never retreated back then, and he will never retreat now.


Taking the lead in attacking, Overlord Se launched with all his strength.

He has no time to care about his younger brothers behind him. As long as he lives, the Sky Pirates will always exist.

The two people opposite them looked calm and calm, and their overbearing looks were almost meaningless.

Kizaru turned to look at Noah, wondering if he wanted to give the old pirate a big shock.

Noah shook his head and said forget it. It's a bit boring to start two against one with a big hand.

He directly drew out the word Hedao, dominating!

The red overlord color did not spread, but appeared for a moment and then attached to the sword.

But in that moment, the domineering power of the golden lion was directly suppressed.

That vast and boundless domineering force is like a rolling torrent, like substance.

The spiritual thoughts brought an unparalleled impact.

This sudden glimpse made the enemy feel palpitations.

Kizaru felt very relieved. This feeling was very subtle when he was not Noah's enemy, but a comrade.

Kizaru had already seen how Noah used an endless number of trump cards in the battle.

Now I feel a little sympathy for the old pirate opposite.

This was a well-planned conspiracy at home, and someone fished it out.

Even if they are fished out, they will be chopped into pieces, which is really cruel.

In today's ocean, crises always come from undercurrents.

At this moment, the battle is about to break out on Cobb Island.

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