Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 480 The sea is not about fighting and killing

Use rich knowledge and literature to prove your predictions.

He also touched people who had misunderstood him before with his sincerity.

Under the leadership of the mayor, everyone moved to the next island together.

At the end of the migration, everyone saw a huge wave hundreds of meters high that completely submerged La La Land. Wherever he passed, there was no life.

Many witnesses were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground. Even when they thought about it afterwards, they were trembling and breaking into cold sweats.

The residents of La La Land are beyond words in their gratitude to Columbus;

Finally, the work Life and Love was created to commemorate him.

And the song is played on this day every year.

These are the two most remarkable things in his legendary life,

Because he is very low-key and never talks about what he does, World Economic News is actively digging out the story behind him.

For more content, please pay attention to the next issue of the newspaper.

How should I put it, after reading it, even people like Porusalino felt their blood boil.

He didn't expect that the outside world would be so exciting. He would actually be dealing with official duties during this year at the Navy Headquarters. He didn't know any news about a character like this in a novel. It was so inappropriate.

Based on his prediction as a senior naval officer, the Navy will issue an invitation to Columbus in a while.

The navy also needs navigators, who are such legendary figures.

One that can improve the image of the Navy and save the face of the previous defeat in the South China Sea. Can assist in the recruitment process.

The second is that we really need guidance from navigators.

Fortunately, the Grand Line is good, and naval ships can still sail freely in most sea areas.

The weather in the New World is very difficult to deal with. Golden Lions will lose to it, and the Navy will be no exception.

After joining, this person can effectively reduce the losses of the fleet and expand the patrol scope of the navy.

Just reading the newspaper leisurely, the food island arrived.

After getting off the boat, I found that it was extremely lively here.

Pulled over a passerby and asked what was going on.

It turns out that Columbus, who has been super popular recently, came here to participate in the street food festival.

It brings a lot of traffic, which is why it is so lively.

Oops, have we encountered this? What luck.

It's just right to pull people into your fleet in advance, so that sailing will be easier in the future.

Kizaru, a humble person like him, suddenly became motivated. In order to be lazy, he was willing to take the initiative to cheer up.

As for the marshal's task, it's not too late to put it aside for a day.

For the sake of a better life in the future, strike first.

With his knowledge, he could naturally see where the most people gathered.

Sure enough, I felt the rush of people in a specialty food street.

With so many people, it was very difficult to talk to Columbus.

But no matter, he has special communication skills.

Stand quietly on the edge, waiting for the moment Columbus appears.

He appeared next to the other party, put his hand on his shoulder, and disappeared directly.

Even without the Shining Fruit, he is still the fastest in the Navy.

Hey, where is Mr. Columbus?

Oh my god, the person is missing!

Leaving a group of people at a loss, the general is so willful.

In a small alley, Kizaru let go of Columbus.

Mr. Columbus, I'm really sorry, there was a bad guy hiding in the crowd just now.

They planned to hurt you, so I was forced to take action.

Ah, by the way. Don't be nervous, I am Admiral Kizaru.

As he spoke, he made a very confident gesture.

Noah was speechless, of course he knew it was Kizaru.

I didn't sense any hostility from this old friend, so I let him take him away without resistance.

Speaking of which, Kizaru's bottom line is really flexible. He even said that someone was preparing to attack.

Would he not know if someone was attacking him? How could there be bad people among a bunch of professional fans?

And he showed off his identity as a naval admiral afterwards, he was really good at it.

He didn't say anything, just watched Kizaru perform.

Our Navy has long admired Mr. Columbus.

In fact, the identity of the navigator has only been hyped for more than a month. Have you admired the famous name for a long time?

Just keep listening.

Finally, I sincerely invite you to come to my fleet. Our work arrangements here are from nine to six in the morning when there are no sea missions, and we have weekends off. If you work overtime, you can apply for overtime pay.


Kizaru, that's awesome. Here is this set, does Cyborg know?

At this time, Kizaru also noticed something was wrong.

Why hasn't this guy spoken? Is he scared out of his wits?

It shouldn’t be, isn’t he a legend? I have seen a lot of storms. And there was no panic in his eyes.

Hey, this look. Am I wrong in the look that looks like I’m looking at a fool?

There is always a faint feeling of familiarity.

familiar? familiar!

Confirmed very quietly.


Yeah. It's me.

I go!

Kizaru's eyes widened, and he clasped his hands together, ready to draw a big sword and slash the person.

Question, what should I do if I run into my opponent’s boss while pretending to be on vacation but actually performing a secret mission of the marshal?

Of course, chop him!

This is the beacon of revolution, and Lao Yin Coin, who claims to have all his plans, may have already laid a dragnet around it, and the tourists just now are all actors of the revolutionary army.

It was not Porusalino's style to sit back and wait for death.

Eat my sword!

Marshal Warring States indeed sent you here.

These words almost hit Kizaru's waist, and his big sword was half drawn out.

In the end, he heard something. No, he's not old yet, so why did he have auditory hallucinations?

Didn't the Warring States Marshal always want to arrest Noah? This is the revolutionary army.

At this time, his heart was shocked like never before.

The rise of the revolutionary army, the deaths of Green Bull and CP Chief, Teacher Zefa's rebellion, and this operation.

Is it possible that the Marshal of the Warring States Period was...

Don't make up your mind. Marshal of the Warring States Period is a serious naval marshal, okay?

When Noah saw Kizaru's expression as if a dye vat had been opened, he knew that this guy must be thinking too much.

How could a navy marshal surrender to the enemy? If that were the case, he would have gone to Marineland to ask people to cut down the golden lion. What kind of circle is this? He is hyping up the navigator and secretly borrowing troops.

But Kizaru really doesn't believe it now. Faced with Noah and Sengoku, two figures known for their wisdom, who can believe their true faces in private.

Teacher Zefa used to be a serious naval instructor.

This faint sentence almost broke Noah's defense, and he really couldn't explain it.

Kizaru was just temporarily demented, and when he calmed down, he felt that he was thinking too much.

It was all misled by the bastard in front of me.

The same is true for the marshal, who conveys instructions so simply but cannot write them clearly.

What's the food island, tasks, cooperation to solve the enemy. ’.

Wouldn't it be better to write a few more words? As long as he writes in detail, he will not take vacation even if I beat him to death.

This surprise is too big, Marshal, you are old and confused~~

How can we collude with the revolutionary army!

Porusalino, I know a better barbecue restaurant, would you like to try it?

Okay, let's go.

The two of them strolled away, talking about what they had to say while eating.

The sea is not about fighting and killing.

Early October is really unlucky.

I got sick twice during the holidays.

After the holiday, in addition to work, I was also involved in a civil dispute. Anyway, it was a very strange fortune.


Try to cheer up and update more in the second half of the month.

I hope you all will continue to support me.

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