Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 479 The Miraculous Navigator

There is still a certain ability to circumvent the surveillance of the world government and the ability to mobilize military power.

If you can't even achieve this level, it would be very unfair to be called a wise general.

What Warring States was most worried about was whether the people sent out would be contaminated by Noah's thoughts.

Zefa’s lessons learned from the past cannot be ignored. Such a determined old navy was lured to the South China Sea. I heard that he even became the chief instructor of the revolutionary army. Where is his face?

This incident cast a big shadow on him.

Then Sakaski will not be contaminated?

If he dared to send Akainu, Noah would dare to find people to surround and kill him. At that time, all golden lions will have to step aside.

And Akainu will not listen to his orders. That guy's line has never wavered, and he is absolutely righteous.

Green pheasant can't do it.

His heart is still not firm enough and needs to be tempered.

For Kuzan, if he were regarded as an ordinary navy back, he would naturally be qualified. But from the marshal's point of view, it has great flaws.

It is a pity that it is not decisive enough and cannot carry out the justice of the navy.

If he had been trained more while he was still in office, he would still have a chance to inherit the position of marshal. Now, he is in danger.

This time I was doing things with Noah again, and I was worried about letting the sheep slip into the tiger's mouth. Originally, Qing Pheasant had some unclear connections with the revolutionary army.

The navy could not afford greater losses. If another general were to leave, the faith of many people would collapse.

After much thought, Kizaru turned out to be the most suitable.

Although this guy is very lazy, as long as the Navy does not delay his salary and provides him with a certain amount of humanistic care, he will not change jobs easily.

Sometimes it would be more reassuring to stay home a little. Belongs to a different kind of impeccable quality.

Warring States chose the candidate in his mind.

So, the daily routine of going out for a walk began.

When a Warring States boss goes out, it would be a shame if he didn't have a few CP0s behind him.

He didn't mind either, he followed them from a distance, just to show his attitude.

As long as Malinfando didn't come out, they wouldn't even dare to show up in front of him.

I walked for a walk with my little goat, chatted with some old friends on the way, and laughed about happy things. Finally, I went to the navy canteen to have a meal and communicate with young people in the navy. It was very pleasant.

Go back to your home and sit back on the chair. What you need to do has been done. It just depends on the time for the follow-up procedures.

When no one had any ideas, General Kizaru had already started writing a request for leave.

This was his reserved project. During the Warring States Period, the generals often wrote about these things, but they never approved them.

The adjutant also thought it was useless work, but since his parents were happy, it was just a hobby, so he didn't bother.

At present, within the Navy, if you want to take leave, you can take leave, and the only one who is often absent from duty is the hero Garp.

Others really don't have that status, and it's not easy to take a vacation at public funds.

Who would have thought that the approval this time was very smooth, and it was handed over to the staff headquarters without any delays. Lieutenant General He signed it naturally and handed it over to the marshal's office.

Cyborg Kong had some doubts. Now that the navy was short of personnel, he could postpone his vacation.

The admiral must not move lightly. Marigio suffered this loss last time.

But Lieutenant General He said that the Navy is short of personnel at all times, so it is necessary to take turns when it is time to take rest, and things can never be done. Consider the emotions of the soldiers.

According to the regulations of the Navy, it is time for Admiral Kizaru to take annual leave. There is no problem with this application.

Even the generals can't take a break, so how dare the middle and lower-level soldiers take a vacation.

He was suppressed by the words, and he only had a general-level combat power to rest.

Cyborg Kong had no choice but to agree. After all, he couldn't do it by not letting the general rest for no reason. Tie Xue is not a fool.

After arranging the waiting list, it took a month before the holidays were actually scheduled.

Kizaru, who was rarely happy about getting a holiday, just felt that there was endless malice surrounding him.

Go to the food island, meet someone, and do a task together?

The information given by Sengoku was too crude.

He didn't like this kind of leave. But the old marshal still had to give him some face, after all, he was not treated lightly.

I had to set out reluctantly.

Putting on casual beach-style clothes and the same brown sunglasses that last forever, it has a bit of a sleazy style, but surprisingly it goes well with her.

After leaving Marinevando's headquarters, I picked up the small suitcase and left, first going to the Chambord Islands to board the ship.

The plan for this trip is to go to the food island first, then the entertainment island, and some health islands. In short, it is a one-stop package of eating, drinking, having fun and relaxing.

A travel itinerary that fits the personality very well.

Borusalino, who got on the luxury liner, started to read the newspaper to pass the time out of boredom.


Legendary Navigator of the Grand Line. 》

The content in World Economic News is getting better and better at attracting readers.

There are also photos.

A middle-aged man with dark skin, slightly curly black and white mottled hair, a mustache, and a very intelligent look in his eyes, he looks like he has something.

Reading further, if the article is true, this person does deserve the name of a legend.

This ocean has always been dominated by the strong, but those who reach the top in a field will also gain everyone's respect.

‘Christopher Columbus, a native of the Republic of Genoa on the Western Sea, a famous navigator and adventurer.

Depart on a boat in the Bahamas at a place called San Salvador. began his legendary life.

It once rescued a fully loaded passenger ship, the Mayflower, from a huge storm surge similar to the huge upwelling current on Gaya Island.

According to the passengers on the boat, they were in complete despair at that time. This kind of sea current without warning was irresistible. It was a disaster sent by God.

But at the moment of crisis, a man stood up and called on everyone to take action to find that glimmer of hope.

All were inspired by his words. So began an epic self-rescue.

Under the command of Columbus, he used miraculous operations to cut into different ocean currents, constantly adjust the direction of the ship's bow, and the sails could be adjusted freely.

After 3 hours of surfing. Successfully led everyone to escape from danger and arrived at their destination.

The passenger excitedly said that this was the greatest adventure of his life and that he would propose to his childhood sweetheart in his hometown as soon as he returned home.

Wish them happiness.

The second thing is also a miracle operation.

Columbus protected the entire population of La La Land in Bensiskim, which was as famous as Akula Ragna of the Seven Waters.

This case sounds like a legendary story.

According to local records, a tsunami has not occurred in Bensiskim for decades, and many local young people regard this as a fairy tale.

It was on this day that Columbus landed on the island.

And he discovered the tide before it even took shape through his knowledge of navigation and his unparalleled talent.

Immediately notify the entire city to evacuate. As an outsider, he experienced countless misunderstandings and abuse.

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