Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 476 Golden Lion? Golden lion!

Grand Line, Food City.

This is a tourist destination in the paradise stage. No matter whether there is chaos on the sea or not, food activities here are always held.

In addition to good food, you can also buy the best quality and most complete range of ingredients here.

The price is also very favorable, and many major forces will order material supplies here.

The fleet of shipping king Umit is on standby here all year round.

There is this guy everywhere, so I need to take some time to chat with him.

Today, a little old lady led a young man through the lively crowd and walked to the back kitchen of a tavern.

Brother Emiya, this is where you will work from now on.

6 a.m. 6 a.m. 12 a.m., 6 days a week, with one day off left, food and accommodation included, monthly salary 12,000 beli, do you have any opinions?

Be a human being

No comment.

Come to the office with me now to sign the employment agreement.

The hoarse voice of the old lady made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Pushing open a small door, the two of them walked in.


A hand knife cut hard on the little old lady's head.

Did you just say human language?

Teacher Noah, I'm sorry. This, this is just to maintain my character as a vicious old lady.

A young female voice came out of the old lady's mouth.

Then he straightened up and returned to his original appearance.

Qiao Ellie Bonny, the person in charge of the Grand Line stage.

She would never admit that those few words of Emiya's little brother made her feel so happy.

Where's Xiao Feng?

I've gone to follow him. I'll be back soon.

It has been almost a year since they were transferred to the Grand Line, and they seem to be very adaptable to this new position. During the paradise stage, they were crazy about building vests and laying out various islands.

This time I also accidentally discovered the target when laying out the food city.

The other party was very cautious, but too cautious. When you come to the island to order food, you are very sneaky, and you need a lot of it.

In Bonnie's opinion. Because sometimes the revolutionary army is so cautious, just like when they meet their peers.

I followed it instinctively and found that the other party's ship finally docked on an uninhabited island.

When I went back a few days later, the boat was gone.

After several times in a row, no other islands with pointers appeared.

Bonnie confirmed that the other party had not sailed in any other direction, and that it was either in the sky or in the sea.

No one can hide from the Revolutionary Army while walking through the sea. They have a professional fishman tracking team.

So he decisively informed Noah that this was one of the targets of the mark.


A secret door was pushed open, and a pirate with rosacea and triangular eyes walked in.

Seeing Noah, he was a little confused for a moment. Then he smiled naively and changed his face.

Uh, hello, Teacher Noah.

Xiao Feng, the person who imitates the fruit ability.

This is information about Feikong Island. Our people can't get there. We just gave a rough range based on the location of the deserted island where the ship docked.

But what is certain is that the main target should be behind the opponent.

It turned out that after Xiao Feng changed his identity, he went to drink with the other crew member who came to purchase.

After drinking, the other party expressed his disdain for the Navy Headquarters in a very arrogant tone.

He also looked down upon rising stars like the Revolutionary Army.

Such a style, a view of information that is out of touch with the sea, and stupid arrogance. Basically it can be locked.

Flying Pirates, Golden Lion, Shiji.

Very good, I will confirm the rest personally. If it is indeed true, you will be prepared to abandon the stronghold nearby, understand?


The two of them must know the specific reasons, just in case.

Has the person who came to do the shopping gone?

Just left.

Well, I'll go then, contact me if you have anything.

After speaking, Noah went to the port and found the ship marked by the revolutionary army.

He hid his figure and waited slowly.

Sitting on a small wooden board, hanging far behind the ship like a ghost.

After the other party docked, Noah moved further away and took out the telescope developed by the revolutionary army to observe.

Just observe the ships, never the people.

Strong people have a certain sensitivity to the eyes that are looking at them, even through optical components.

Noah, who has caution engraved in his bones, will not forget this small detail.

The next night, a small black dot fell from the sky, and then the entire fleet floated up, slowly rising, as if flying into the sky.

You can’t go wrong with the golden lion.

This Shi Ji is really a man who does great things. He has both strength and strategy. He is cruel and ambitious. He is also scientific. He is the top talent among pirates.

Before the escape from Imperial Prison caused by Straw Hat, he was the only one to successfully escape from this underwater prison, which shows his character.

The most outstanding thing about his later period was that he felt that success was in sight and went to Malinfando to show off his power.

The announcement that the pirate admiral had returned gave the Navy Headquarters a hard slap in the face.

Immediately afterwards, they began to use this deterrent incident to organize righteousness, pull the mountain, and strive to restore the scale of the Flying Pirates 20 years ago as quickly as possible, and establish a proper elite boss template.

He also plans to use the fruit's power to destroy the East China Sea and serve as a deterrent to the world government. Every step you take can't be wrong.

Of course, he can't be blamed for misestimating the power of the World Government. There are some secret messages that ordinary pirates really cannot know.

The Golden Lion's route as a pirate was relatively successful, but he made mistakes at two key points, or was defeated by God's will.

Naturally, he had great success in the first half of his life, and he was able to overpower Roger, which shows how powerful he was.

It was during the Battle of Etvol that he became the stepping stone for the Pirate King, and was defeated by the storm. It was a crime other than war.

The second point is to choose the East China Sea as the target of destruction. I don’t know why the Golden Lion always thinks that this is the weakest sea. It shouldn’t be based on his vision.

The East China Sea is definitely the most low-key and powerful sea, with so many characters hanging on the wall.

Even without Straw Hat, there are other strong men who can stop him.

Later, because of his obsession with the weather, he kidnapped Nami and attracted the Straw Hats.

This step completely exhausted the little luck he had left. Died in the hands of the child of destiny.

There is no domineering Luffy. I won’t mention this. Really frustrating.

This time the opponent was very difficult, so Noah decided to do some reconnaissance first.

Continuously breaking through the air, quietly leaping high into the sky.

It is indeed an island group, and the strategic use of this fluttering fruit is indeed huge.

If the revolutionary army can possess this fruit ability, Noah can formulate a very terrifying tactic of mutual destruction.

It's a pity that Devil Fruit appears randomly. If it appears in the hands of more troublesome forces or people, it will not be a good thing.

I was really lucky to be able to get the Tuntun fruit before.

It is understandable for the navy to imprison the powerful men on the sixth floor of the underwater prison.

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