Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 475 The awareness to clean up the sea in advance

At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, send the children to class. Let's break up.

After giving the order, everyone went home, still unwilling to make more money.

There are still few towns like this, and most of them are very interested in going to school, so sometimes we have to use some extraordinary means.

Robin explained to Noah, not wanting these people's behavior to hurt his heart.

It's okay, that's understandable, but you've popularized it so quickly, do you have enough teachers?

This is what Noah is worried about. There must be no shortage of teaching materials, but there are too few manpower.

“Basic education only requires literacy and basic arithmetic.

It has been popularized several times in the South China Sea Federation before, and anyone can be recruited to teach it, so there is no shortage of teachers in such enlightenment schools.

Really advanced knowledge requires real teachers. There will be a school in each area. The pressure is there and it will gradually get better as time goes by.

very good!

Robin's thinking is very clear, starting with literacy. Then upgrade to elementary subjects, and finally advance to the talent training stage.

This set of things makes sense.

Well, can you do one thing for me besides promoting education?

Then Noah told her about the longevity potion.

and the seriousness of this matter.

You said you let Otohime and I do this?

Robin's face darkened, she was very busy. The fruit's ability to have thousands of hands and eyes does not mean that she can illuminate the universe.

During this period of time, she has been tossing around in the South China Sea, and she has become a little darker. She has to do more tasks. She really doesn't treat her as a human being.

You, Noah, ask ordinary people and companies to abide by labor laws every day. As a result, the entire revolutionary army is terribly involved, but you have not played a leading role.

There were one hundred and eighty complaints in my heart.

Yes, currently in Nanhai, the only one who can help her is you.

In terms of work, Robin is very capable and thoughtful, and he has been following Noah for a long time. He is very good at all kinds of insidious little operations and has a very good moral bottom line.

Moreover, she and Otohime have a tacit understanding of working together to fight against the enemy. This is a perfect match.

Only by leaving such a critical task to Robin can he truly feel at ease.

When the third recruit training camp graduates, except for Luo, you can choose anyone else to be your deputy.

Let’s just talk about this little girl baby-5. She is really good at work. She never complains about being tired. She is also very strong. With my help, you can definitely snatch her away.

And Guina, I will also ask her to help you for a while, you can see if it works.

In fact, she couldn't refuse Noah's request, just like Noah wouldn't refuse her request. There was such unconditional trust between family members.

Finally, Noah thought of something that could make Robin happy.

By the way, Doctor Dolly has accepted a disciple and will join the Revolutionary Army in a few years. Then you can get to know each other and see if it's the style you like.

The style I like?

Robin was confused when he said this. Doctors also use style to describe?

A fluffy little reindeer that ate the Renren fruit. It has brown hair, a blue nose, and two small horns on its head. The fleshy flesh feels very good. It's a bit introverted, and it's absolutely adorable.

Just hearing Noah describe it like this has aroused Robin's strong interest.

Let me go next time you go to Ciggu Island to refine potions.

no problem.

happily handed over the task to Robin, and Noah returned to the Island of Resurrection to interact with the dragon.

Leave it to Robin, it's really appropriate.

The dragon was very satisfied with Noah's arrangement.

Okay, I have to leave. I heard that there are traces of empty islands in the paradise stage of the Grand Line. We must hurry up and get there.

that thing

Is your plan to clean up the sea waiting until our forces are integrated before we take action together?

This plan was proposed by Noah last year to truly clean up the hidden armed forces in the sea, especially the careerists and big forces, before going to war with the World Government.

A long list was drawn up with the help of the intelligence services of the Revolutionary Army.

They are all guys from the chaotic evil camp, and there is no misunderstanding in killing anyone.

All such shocking plans are based on the ultimate goal of the revolutionary army.

Noah's goal is to overthrow the world government and create a new world.

The biggest cancer must be those people on the Red Earth Continent, but other lesions must also be removed.

In the future, when the revolutionary army and the world government really start an all-out war.

There is a high probability that the navy will shrink as a whole and no longer maintain the order of the sea. It will fight against the revolutionary army as a weapon of the world government.

At this time, this group of people will definitely make trouble. Their bottom line is so thin that it is basically invisible. No matter what their purpose is, it will not be a good thing.

It would be an absolute disaster for civilians around the world.

This is contrary to the purpose of the revolutionary army. If the harm to civilians can be minimized, that is naturally the best.

So this plan to clean up the sea in advance emerged.

Regardless of whether you will jump out in the future, but you are not a good person now, there is nothing wrong with you.

At present, the revolutionary army's combat power is contained by the South China Sea, and it will not be able to spare its manpower in the next few years.

Only Noah can go to sea to do this task, and Long is really worried.

The opponent we want to kill this time is not very easy, what if something happens.

Regarding Long's worries, Noah also gave his own considerations.

“The Battle of Pioneer Island happened at a time that none of us expected, it was so sudden.

The emergence of many things does not depend on our will, but on the stronger side.

Now the world government is more powerful than us, so they can attack whenever they want.

We cannot afford to wait in terms of time.

If all these cancers can be eliminated before the final battle that we don’t know when will happen, it will definitely be a good thing for the world and us.

Besides, if nothing else happens, I can recruit very powerful helpers, no problem. It won't be a one-man battle.

Noah was really educated by the sudden start of the Battle of Pioneer Island. He had a narrow escape from death.

The lesson learned is that everything must be done in advance to avoid regrets.

Long also understood this truth and stopped trying to persuade him.

Later, he will distribute potions to several generals. If there is any problem on Noah's side, he will immediately mobilize with all his strength, even if it is forced, he will beat the ambitious man to death.

After feeling that he had nothing to do in the South China Sea, Noah set off for the outer sea.

But it was not easy to capture the traces of the sky.

This time the Emiya Giant's goal is the mysterious Sky Island.

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