Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 477: Learn from Mr. Ke

Killing is really not a good thing and will not help maintain peace on the sea.

Being imprisoned in a place where he was definitely unable to come out, at least in the past few decades, the sea has become much more stable.

As for decades later, if he appears again, he will be arrested again.

Saw it!

In the moonlight, Noah saw several huge shadows on the clouds.

Is that the sphere of influence of the Golden Lion?

Miracle Island is very beautiful under the moonlight, mainly because the sea water surrounding the island is crystal clear in the air, which is quite beautiful.

He observed for a long time, and continued to explore the path with his knowledge and experience. He found a place without camera bugs and landed on one of the small islands.

This golden lion actually has a monitoring room on Miracle Island. This operation is simply outrageous.

And what kind of self-propelled video phone bug is something that ordinary people can get?

Fortunately, there are no traces of these phone bugs outside the wilderness, otherwise it would be annoying to invade.

He casually killed a giant mantis and threw it down.

From what I have seen and heard, this primitive jungle is full of murderous intent, and the habits of animals are completely different from those of the same species above the blue sea.

Many non-nocturnal animals also escaped.

I don’t know what the side effects of this mutation-like evolution are. He does not believe that there can be evolution without paying a price.

Noah let go of his intimidation a little bit, scaring the evolved animals that were slowly becoming violent and away from here, and it became a lot cleaner.

The plant IQ is still of great research value and can guide animals, but what about humans?

It must be very attractive to people like Luo and Kuleha.

In contrast, trees like Kuanglu are also very valuable. They have a natural repellent effect on animals. They are also highly toxic and lethal.

While walking through the dense forest, Noah cut a few wild greens and put them into the space, pulled out a few IQs, and then slowly explored the terrain.

The Golden Lion's plan has been going on for more than ten years now, and its control over these floating islands has reached a peak.

Noah needs to find out the situation on these floating islands without alerting him.

If he just killed the golden lion, Noah wouldn't have to worry so much.

The main reason is that there are many aborigines on the island. If the golden lion dies or is defeated and the island falls from the sky, it will be a group attack version of a meteorite falling from the sky.

On the island and near the landing point, it was a devastating disaster.

Why didn't Garp go up and blast the pretender when the Golden Lion provoked the Navy Headquarters? It was because he was worried about the threat he would pose to Malinfando.

Unless the Golden Lion lost his mind again and challenged them all by himself, it would be really difficult to catch him.

Noah also had a lot of worries and wanted to find a suitable time to start the war.

Spend a night in the jungle.

It's dawn the next day.

Hide yourself and go to the village to see how many villagers there are.

These aborigines have wings and can fly, so even if the island falls, there shouldn't be much problem.

What Noah wants to know is whether there are ordinary human residents on the island besides these people with wings.

After all, this is an island group. If something unexpected happens, you will regret it later.

It took three days to confirm that there were no ordinary human residents, and the islanders who had been dragged to work were also found.

Life is not as miserable as imagined. The cruelty of the golden lion has not yet befallen them.

I have seen a lot of members of the Flying Pirates, and their strength is really impressive.

The Golden Lion has not been out of the world for a long time, and the people he has found are all soldiers and generals, which is not in line with his status as the top pirate of the previous era.

Not to mention the Four Emperors, even the ordinary Shichibukai team can crush Feikong in terms of combat power, such as the Don Quixote family.

No wonder it was not easy to recruit people again later.

To rule the sea, this group of mutated beasts alone cannot do it.

The path of the Golden Lion is a bit off. Maybe it's the influence of the rudder on top of my head.

At present, the floating island is still floating at will and has not moved. The research and development of SIQ has not been successful, and the golden lion is still in a dormant state.

Then take this opportunity to extinguish his illusions.

After opening the door a few times, he returned to the food city and was the chef of the bistro again. When he came to the office, he began to make plans.

When facing this kind of old man, one should not only see his funny side, but also be aware of his cunningness.

That's a rotten person who cheated Straw Hat and then fell out with him.

There are mainly two problems to be solved.

Location, helper.

The location must be chosen to be in a sea area without blue sea inhabitants, or near a desert island.

It would be best to lure the Golden Lion out to surround and kill him. This possibility is very small, but you can try hard.

The bait is simple, Navigator.

This is the eternal pain in the heart of the golden lion.

If it hadn't been for the sudden storm, there might not have been One Piece.

He resented this very deeply. Nami was abducted because she showed her talent in meteorology.

Presumably, a slightly famous wild navigator is definitely worthy of the Sky Pirates turning around.

This navigator happens to appear in a sparsely populated area. This is a big gift package for the golden lion to realize his dream.

To take him away quietly, it is best to use his personal charm to convince this person to use him, then the last shortcoming he thinks will be gone.

He would never have imagined that this was a trap set by someone else.

A pirate legend who has not been in the sea for more than ten years, and there are still people who are deliberately trying to kill him, isn't this simply a disease?

Who knows the lofty ambitions in his Golden Lion heart?

Noah knew that the strong man was the best in the world.

It is said that after fluttering the wings of butterflies so many times, the people who are not affected much are mainly people who are out of touch with the world.

This is how the world government tries to trick people intentionally or unintentionally, and it works just as well this time with the Golden Lion.

As for the reputation of Wild Navigator, with the public opinion fermentation method that the Revolutionary Army is particularly good at, it is not easy to make a person famous.

The candidate for the navigator is Noah himself. He still wants to continue using Emiya's vest, so this time the navigator will change to a vest.

The type that can be used and thrown away without any pain.

Helpers should also be found. He will not bring the performance of the golden lion in the theater version into reality.

He doesn't even have domineering power, and his sword power is only superficial. The plot is too heavy on killing.

Even if there is the influence of the rudder, it should not be so stretched.

It is normal for the overlord's color to decline since he has not participated in the battle for hegemony in the sea in these years. Affected by the rudder, the armed color will also decline.

But this is a life-and-death battle, and the strong one has his ideals.

It would be safer to deal with it as a weaker general.

One Noah is certainly not enough. It's best to find another strong person, the kind who is within the system, the kind who can besiege, and the kind who has some connection with Noah.

So he started writing letters.

I wrote a lot of words boldly and then sealed it.

Learn from Mr. Ke.

The recipient is Sengoku.

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