Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 474 The World Government’s Spy War

Back in Nanhai, Luo immediately went to class, but he still didn't graduate. Now I have to study and work at the same time, which is a hardship for my children.

Noah found Long and planned to hand over the batch of potions directly and put them in the warehouse of the Revolutionary Army.

As a result, Long stopped him with words.

I will drink a bottle of this medicine first. Then you can find someone to distribute it to those who have merit, or who are trustworthy and really need it.

It's best to ask Otohime to help with this matter. Keep it secret. Potions that can extend life are not ordinary magical items in the sea.

Needy, greedy, and fearful. If word spreads, countless eyes will focus on it, which is not in line with our current way of doing things.

It's rare to talk so much, so something happened?

Every time this guy Long behaves abnormally, it's because of some internal things. When facing powerful external enemies, no matter how powerful he is, he can maintain his aloof persona.

After asking around, it turned out that it was because Otohime caught a large number of spies and traitors in the year after the Battle of Pioneer Island.

A few of them even infiltrated into the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army and were considered to be small-level high-level officials.

This was also expected by Noah.

They have also done this within the World Government, so it is normal for the other party to push back.

Before it was exposed, there were many corrupted officials in the South China Sea Federation alone.

This is just the action of capitalists, and the methods are relatively conventional and not so targeted.

What you seek is not that sensitive. That is, opportunities for cooperation, shares in sea trains, and intervention in route directions, etc.

Now that the South China Sea Revolutionary Army is such a big target, the main opponent is the World Government.

When it comes to means, they are naturally far superior to ordinary merchants by countless times.

Money, beauty, power, even using threats and other bottomless actions are the areas where the CP department is best at.

The private confrontation between the two parties is undercurrent, with intrigues and frequent tricks.

Think about CP9, who has been undercover in the Capital of Seven Waters for several years. With an order from his superiors, people who are obviously strong men on the sea, have transformed into shipwrights, bartenders, and secretaries, just for the sake of something that may exist.

The intelligence department of the World Government has many brilliant achievements.

If it were an ordinary world, there would definitely be all kinds of secret battles and scripts like rumors, but it's a pity that this is One Piece.

With all the tactics and strategies in place, there is still ability.

Devil fruits or money abilities are abilities.

The ability to experience the inner world and reverse resonance is so unbelievable that it is impossible to guard against it.

At present, only General Kizaru is known to the outside world about Otohime's ability, but for some reason, this general did not publicize it after he returned.

I watched the CP department jump up and down, sending people to die one after another.

Later, it was discovered that direct infiltration was not possible, and the ability to change the body, face, and existence could not be concealed, so the focus of the work was on corroding the former members of the Revolutionary Army.

It is true that there were many people who were corrupted in the beginning, including those from the headquarters, the South China Sea Federation, and other regions.

In addition to providing intelligence to the world government, these people will also receive some instructions to undermine the revolutionary army's area policies and make the reputation bad.

This kind of operation really hit the weakness of the revolutionary army.

After the full takeover of Nanhai, administrative staff from some areas had just joined.

For these newly joined grassroots, supervision is not in place, leading to some adverse consequences.

Fortunately, Long and others responded promptly and opened a reporting communication channel. Directly to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

Every town has a public communicator of the Revolutionary Army. Under the guidance of the broadcast, everyone knows how to report officials in their own town.

Under the supervision of the people, managers were constantly exposed, and all of them were taken down and dealt with severely after interrogation.

Some evil tendencies were curbed in time and did not expand.

The results of this batch of processing were also announced in Quannanhai, so that those who were struggling online also sobered up.

If they can hide it from the revolutionary army, can they hide it from the eyes of the people in the South China Sea?

Because many spies and insiders were captured at one time, it was not appropriate to place them on Resurrection Island, so they were directly taken to Battila Island for detention.

Otohime also took her direct troops to work there.

This tough-minded woman now works 20 hours a day and can't even be persuaded. There seemed to be endless energy in that small body.

Through a large number of practical cases, Otohime has reached the pinnacle of her knowledge and practice, and can be said to be one of the most hated people by the world government.

It's rare for a spy to be able to resist for a long time. Once she breaks through her psychological defense, she will be exposed to all prying eyes. It is said that her eyes now have light.

The idealist who died early in the original work played a key role in his burst of energy after finding the right path.

Since the situation is so serious, we need to assign more guards to Otohime.

Now is a critical period for integrating the South China Sea, and her role is even more important in this special era.

This confrontation will last for several more years.

The dragon nodded.

It's ready. The enemy couldn't get in before on the Resurrection Island. Now I've gone to the South China Sea Federation and replenished the manpower immediately.

Jinbei personally selected several fish-men guards, as well as several second-generation graduates. They all have special fruit abilities.

Ordinary assassins would definitely not be able to get in.

After talking about it now, Noah suddenly felt that it was too difficult to entrust Otohime with the longevity potion.

But I don’t feel safe entrusting this matter to others.

It's really a sin. Think of someone who can help her share the burden now.

Oh, I thought of it!

Noah turned around and left, and found Robin who was promoting universal education in a small country.

When she found Robin, she had just used Thousand Hands Technique to blow up a hilltop.

Watching the rocks rolling down, smoke and dust flying, and the terrified town residents looking on their faces.

Is this to promote education and popularization?

“Ahem, the parents here and the old people in the town are a little resistant to their children going to school, and want them to work early and earn money.

An interesting suggestion was also made, that is, let us spend money to hire children to study. Am I not trying to reason with them?

Employment study?

This is something Noah did not expect. Education is free of charge.

This town is not far from the sea train station, so it shouldn't be a poor area.

It's been a really good few days.

It's okay, those few punches just now were very beautiful.

Noah's words dumbfounded the residents who thought someone could support them.

Are you blind? Such a big hill is so cruel.

At this time Robin looked at them with a kind smile.

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