Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 473 Making up for the lost life

After spending a long time, the constant migration has almost exhausted its own strength. It understands that the Millennium Dragon will return to the sea.

Then it began to slowly become silent, and finally returned to the cemetery under the sea, and finally moved towards darkness, as if it was a reincarnation.

It may have been a short moment in the outside world, but Noah felt like he had experienced the life of a thousand-year dragon.

In addition to the mental transformation, physical changes are also taking place simultaneously.

It's not a very strong feeling of life force spreading, but a faint feeling, as if there is a distant power filling the cells.

Some old injuries and hidden injuries also slowly returned to their original healthy and natural state under the wash of such power.

Click, boom, click.

A tooth-aching sound came from within his body. This is an adjustment of the muscles and bones.

Thump, thump, thump.

A strong heartbeat resonated in the laboratory.


The feeling of the Yangtze River rushing, this is the feeling of blood flowing at high speed in the blood vessels under the squeeze of the heart.

how so?

Luo was puzzled. This phenomenon was too unscientific.

The reason why the general level is the pinnacle of the sea is because in the eyes of ordinary people, they can no longer be regarded as human beings.

You still don't understand the physical fitness of masters of this class, so you have questions. You will get used to it after seeing more of them.

Kuleha calmly imparted experience to Luo.

Between questions and answers, Noah, who was lying on the chair, had begun his final transformation.

The sword energy lingers around the body, instinctively wiping away the discarded dead skin, blood, and bone residue on the body.

Since his debut, Noah's fighting frequency has not been very high, but his fighting intensity has indeed reached the upper limit every time.

Basically, the targets of attack are all the top powerhouses in the sea, and there are particularly many life and death battles.

When his own strength was insufficient in the early stage, every battle was a narrow escape, and the injuries he suffered were buried deep in his body.

It may break out when the body can no longer hold it, or when you get old.

Take Whitebeard for example. When he was young, he was all kinds of awesome. He became the strongest in the world by punching him with punches, and then combined with the shocking fruit that hurt others and himself.

When I grow old, I am really suffering from injuries and illnesses, and I rely on the Phoenix Fruit and medical technology to survive.

Noah is different now. After drinking this magical medicine, his body is rejuvenated and his illness is gone.

The body becomes harmonious again and the strength becomes more concentrated.

The upper limit of combat power has not been increased much, but the lower limit of combat power has been raised.

This is to make up for your own shortcomings.

I didn’t expect that a bottle of potion would give me such a big gain, but I still made a profit.

Thinking about it, Long Ye also needs a drink. Under Noah's instigation, he played a lot of high-end games. He also played a lot of low-end games before. In terms of combat experience, he has much more combat experience than Noah.

All famous masters have injuries that need to be repaired.

Most of the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army have also fought countless fierce battles. This time the materials are so abundant, so we should give everyone more benefits.

It's best to scare those bastards to death when they go to war with the World Government in the future.

As for life span, it actually hasn’t increased much. After replenishing the previously over-consumed vitality, all the rest dissipated into the air.

It seems that after reaching the general level, human physical fitness has truly entered an extraordinary state. The upper limit of life span is like a lock, tightly limiting the length of years.

There are only a few ways to break it, and the bones of the Millennium Dragon are obviously not good enough. When they were alive, their life levels were not much higher than those of the top experts.

Noah is not greedy either. The current harvest is enough to make him happy. This kind of vitality is enough for him to spend a few times.

And based on the vitality supplement, he came up with several very cool tactics. You can use it when fighting against the World Government in the future.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Luo and Kuleha using various means to detect his peripheral data. Many of the devices looked like those produced by Bika.

The life force just overflowed, was it detected?

It's detected, teacher. And there is a faint mental pressure that is increasing as time goes by.

It's normal. As Noah's physical fitness improves, his momentum is a little out of control.

I see.

The two people sang and commented on Noah, looking like complete experts.

This is what you are.

Teacher Noah, how are you feeling now?

Luo was obviously very excited.

Compared with ordinary people like Siruluk, experimental subjects like Noah are more challenging.

It's the spirit first. Then the body finally feels it.

Luo, who had written down several pieces of paper, put down the pen in his hand. He felt that the teacher was indeed a general-level expert who could describe his physical changes in such detail.

Kuleha was more direct and took out a large syringe.

Have a go!

Come on, what else can I say.

If anyone dared to ask Noah for his blood, he would definitely draw out Hedao Yimon and strike him with several swords.

But the witch can still be trusted.

A tube of blood was taken out on his own initiative.

Standing up, Noah felt relaxed all over, as if his body was much lighter and he became very coordinated in all aspects.

After reaching the rank of general, there is rarely this feeling of making further progress.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the black armed color immediately covered his palm, turning it rich purple.

The speed and intensity of mobilization have improved, and it is somewhat close to the physique of Gang Gu Kong.

At the same time, there was a sword energy swimming in the palm of his hand like a small fish.

I also benefited greatly mentally, as if I had been baptized by the years.

He has become more and more able to control his sword energy at will. Next time he faces Hawkeye, he can try his sword.

Further experiments will be too noisy and are not suitable to be conducted in the castle.

He couldn't wait to raise his hand to open the space door, and stepped between the snow-capped mountains and the sky in one step.

The opening of the space door also became faster. I didn't expect that this potion would be such a great spiritual blessing.

Then keep opening the door. All the way to the uninhabited land above the sea.

In the air without anyone, Noah released his power to his heart's content.

In the end, it was concluded that the upper limit was not increased much, but the battery life and the stability of the moves were improved to a higher level.

At this level, it is already an incredible improvement.

It was late at night after I finished experimenting with the moves.

Open the door and return to the witch's castle, falling into a deep sleep.

The next day, Noah began to deal with the follow-up matters, in addition to receiving the continuous output of potions.

One more thing is to relearn the basics of practice. Match your current combat power as soon as possible.

After Kuleha prepared all the potions, Noah and Luo were ready to leave together.

When it came, it was just ordinary auxiliary medicinal materials, which was enough for Luo alone.

When he went back, he brought a longevity potion. In order to avoid some bloody drama, Noah decided to take Luo back with him.

It's safe and saves time.

Luo was extremely busy in Nanhai. He was able to leave his post for such a long time because this potion was indeed very important and was specially approved.

After saying goodbye to Kuleha and Chopper, the two of them returned to the South China Sea without any sight of the naval blockade.

In terms of large-scale movement, there is currently no ability to block Noah's fruit ability.

This fruit is really worth eating.

In fact, I never thought about replenishing Noah’s life force.

But when I read through readers' discussions a few days ago, everyone seemed to be concerned about it, so they made arrangements.

It can be regarded as improving the high-level combat power of the revolutionary army.

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