Two weeks later.

An unknown cargo ship appeared at the port of Cigu Island and parked at the official dock under the cover of night.

Luo escorted the medicinal materials in a low-key manner straight to the castle on the top of the snow mountain.


An old castle on a snowy night, figures under the moonlight, and a deep voice.



Where's the goods?

In the back, one hundred and twenty copies in total.

Where are the people?

He was tied up and stuffed in a bag.

In the night, Noah's conversation was like a gang transaction scene, which scared Chopper who came to help him so much that the fur on his body stood up.

It seems like she understands a little bit how Kuleha likes to tease Chopper, it’s so fun.

Carrying several large boxes of goods and a sack, Noah walked towards the castle under the moonlight.

Fortunately, we were walking in. Going out really seemed like we were going to bury this sack in the soil.

After casually sending Chopper to sleep, Noah took Law to find Kureha.

Go into the mysterious underground room and put the medicinal ingredients away.

Then everyone came to the medical room, Noah untied the sack, and a sleeping figure fell out.

Black top hat, aquiline nose, long white hair, okay, it's Hiruluk.

Noah asked Kuleha in confusion.

Why did you let Luo quietly put him down and tie him up here for treatment? It's not like he was doing anything bad.

This guy is also a very twisted person, he is not willing to accept favors from others, he looks like he was born a pirate.

Besides, he gave his all so that Chopper could stay here to study.

Got it, a veteran pirate. The kind who don't care about death, they are just afraid of kindness.

Then Luo and Kuleha began to examine Siruluk's body.

A very hardcore examination.

For example, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are taken out separately for observation and testing.

Not only do you put a hand on it, measure it with a caliper, but you also weigh it.

The murder scene looks like a slaughterhouse, full of impact.

This will make Chopper see Absolute and transform directly into Joe Beard, lose his mind and make a big fuss, creating a new legend of Snow Mountain.

Alas, these doctors are so cruel.

Kuleha is very satisfied with the ability of the surgical results. It is first-rate in practicality and is a well-deserved king in medical treatment.

Luo is also considered her student. He has made rapid progress in the outside world in recent years, and his understanding of the human body is no longer as good as hers.

War really exercises people.

After that, the two began to discuss the condition using various professional terms.

Finally, a treatment plan was formulated, and various incredible treatment plans based on surgical fruits and life potions were released.

It's a pity that the fruits of the operation are in place, but the medicine has not been made yet.

In order to save people as soon as possible, we have to refine the medicine first.

They stripped Siruluk naked and threw him into the nutrient solution. They did it regardless of whether the ruthless doctor would die in society.

According to Noah's estimation, this person will not wake up until the treatment is completed.

This time, the witch who made the potion did not go behind Luo's back, but invited Luo to complete it together.

She said she was too old to handle so much, but actually she still wanted to teach more. This old witch also found every excuse to maintain her personality.

Noah found it boring and had already left.

In the next few days, only Noah and Chopper could be seen coming in and out of this castle, and the two doctors were nowhere to be seen.

Out of boredom, I had no choice but to take the little reindeer to practice together, flattening a few hills, allowing the little guy to experience the power of the revolutionary lights several times, and gained a little fanboy.

There are also bedtime stories, this Noah is good at it, he can tell countless paragraphs casually.

In just two days, Chopper had truly made Noah his best friend.

A few more days passed.

Until the door of the medical room opened, three people came out this time. Siruluk walked out in high spirits, wearing clothes.

Holding the stunned Chopper in his arms, he gave Noah a big gift, saying that he would definitely repay him in the future.

It seems to be cured. This spirit is really good.

However, Siruluk's reward is really useless. His strength is average and his medical skills are third-rate. It is better to learn medical skills in Winter Island.

Wait until he realizes that studying medicine cannot save Dahai, then he will look for the revolutionary army.

After that comes the classic plot of the TV series that everyone loves to watch.

The little reindeer felt sad and scared after knowing everything. Under various emotions, he had trouble with Siruluk.

The ruthless doctor used his strong appeal to make the deepest apology. Gained forgiveness from the kind-hearted Chopper.

In the final happy ending, one person and one deer hugged each other and cried, bloody and innocent.

After watching the eight o'clock show, it's time to get down to business.

Noah now became concerned about his medicine.

A transparent test tube filled with colorful potions flew over.

Looking at such a dazzling potion, I couldn't believe it for a moment. Is this the longevity potion? There are still bubbles inside.

The aura of the Millennium Dragon is correct, the vitality is correct, it’s just the shape of this medicine

The improved version has added some colorable materials, making it softer in taste. It also comes in several flavors, including apple, honey, and barbecue.

I wanted to do this when I was young, but unfortunately I didn't have enough materials. Now the dream has finally come true.

Looking at the regretful expression on the witch's face, if plum wine could be added to it, she wouldn't miss it.

So is this a flavoring or a functional drink?


Try it!

Siruluk can be cured with medication, but what about Noah?

You must know that in 1509, in order to be effective when injecting Mariejoia, he used an injection of Ivankov's hormone, which overdrawn a huge amount of vitality.

Even if he broke through to the general level, he still couldn't make up for it. I don’t know how effective this potion is.

Leaving aside Chopper and Hiluluk who were tired of crying, the three of them arrived in the laboratory.

Facing the light.

Gudong, Gudong.

Take a bite, it tastes like apple, slightly sweet and a little sour. The taste is cottony and smooth. If you can add some carbon dioxide to it, it will be a hot-selling drink.

As for the effect, it doesn't seem to work that quickly.

It's strange, Siruluk is effective immediately. Does it vary from person to person, or is it because of the difference in strength?

The samples are too few. When I return to Nanhai, I will do a comparison experiment with more samples.


Well, senior experimental subject Noah silently accepted his position.

Wait, I'm getting excited.

A warm feeling began to spread from my stomach to my whole body.

He leaned back on the chair unconsciously, and his body relaxed naturally.

Noah's special abilities help him see and hear and perceive visions differently than others.

At this moment, his spiritual perception was very strange, as if he had been brought into the perspective of another life.

The weak vitality in the darkness has been waiting for something, until a ray of light appears, a new force is born from the ocean, and life is born.

Spread your wings and fly to the sky, soaring among the blue sky and white clouds. Life at this time is as dazzling and bright as the sun.

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